The Champ Effect :May 2013
Thanks for reading!
The Champ Brian Matheny
Holy SHIT...8 years gone.
- Wow, it feels weird to be back writing on this site. I'm not sure if anyone will read this but I'll try to keep up to date with everyone. I figure if anything we can use this as a jump off point to keep in touch with each other as life goes on. Boys we are getting older, Marriage, kids, divorce, more It's happening. And as we find out time being further removed from this crazy thing that was Our Wrestling Federation we only are left to ponder what future generations will be doing for fun. Will it be backyard MMA? Or maybe wrestling will make a comeback and kids will be hitting themselves with chairs again. Either way it was an AWESOME run.
- I'll try to update the site as often as possible. I'll be putting up all the wrestler profiles that I have saved on this site. If you have any pictures of some of the older guys, and those that have past please feel free to email me at
- One last thing before I sign off, The last update I made 8 years ago and a pretty vicious rant aimed at Harley Race and WLW. I just wanted to let everyone know that the rant was written in character as Da Champ but at times I think it got personal. You have to understand that I loved pro wrestling. I use to plan out entire matches with Razor Ramon in my head while I spent hours cutting grass. It was my escape from life growing up without a lot of friends. I had T.V and on it was wrestling. So when WLW started up I was excited as my friends were. But this wasn't our wrestling. This wasn't the attitude/extreme matches that we were use to. WLW presented old school wrestling and have stuck with that model. In fact two former OWF wrestlers now wrestler for Harley Race and WLW and while we are on the subject I am amazingly proud of them. All of these guys were my guys, the OWF was my escape and I could do things my way. WLW didn't let me do things my way and that is the way it should be. Harley Race and WLW and the OWF kinda grew up together. WLW was the jock who was good a football and we were on the sidelines throwing the ball in the air and dreaming of being on the field. Being kids that were just not cut out for the team. But we had passion. We had that fire. OWF was the place that I could be me and stay out of the trouble I saw a lot of people get into. It was a place kids could go to get away from their shitty lives of divorce or drug addicted parents for a few hours and just be a superhero for a while. It was a good feeling and one that I would stick up for, often fight for to a fault. So to Harley Race and WLW I apologize for any ill will or bad blood spread by a kid sticking up for his family. Even when he really didn't even have a valid target.
- Well thanks for reading everyone. Keep checking back!