There are a couple things I remember that Joy did that were funny. One time when Joy and I were playing the circling game she went around and for some reason she decided to go in the barn. I know we were a little close to the barn but I never thought she would have went in the barn.
What was also neat was her trotting a few steps playing the circling game.
Here's another story, actually this is the first thing that happened. Jenny and I came in the barn and Joy wasn't right up at where I could pet her like she normally is. Then she came up and I was able to rub her with the rope and halter. I got ready to put the halter on and Joy put herself at the far back of the stall. My thought was the lesson would probably mean that she was going to give me a challenge.
Jenny helped me get her where I could reach her. After that I was able to get the halter on and I got her out then we went outside to do the rest of the Level 1 tasks.
The neat thing was getting Joy to play the Yo-Yo game in the aisle and having her step up into the barn. We have a tiny step to get into, and she had to step up to get in the barn. It isn't huge but it was very cool she did it straight.
I dont get that emotionial until reality sets with me. It took me awhile before reality had set. Once I realized that Joy and I passed level 1, it was great. The reality set when I was in bed.
I owe Stephanie because if it wasn't for her I don't know if I would have asked Jenny to come out so that I could take a lesson. I owe Barb for coming out and helping with my tasks so that I could pass my level 1. We both thought I would have to have Jenny come out again because we thought Joy and I needed a little more practice.
I realize how lucky I am and also how blessed I am. Without alot of help and alot of encouragement none of this would have happened.
I think it would be neat if someone that is disabled either like me in the wheelchair or on crutches like a friend of mine if they happen to come across Pine Dell's website and saw my webpage and wanted to get into horses and learn Parelli Natural Horsemanship. Its done alot for me because Ive learned a lot and it makes feel good because I can do some things like my friends that are able to ride and horsey things.
If Jenny hadn't of become a PNH instructor, more than likely I would still be a spectator and probably not be able to do as much as I have with Joy. The only thing I would probably do is what I started to do before I tried PNH. I probably would just be leading Joy from the barn to the house and back and that's it.
I am also lucky to be a part of a group (the Pine Dell Crowd) and feel like a "normal" person instead of a person in a wheelchair.
Julie May 2005
Julie Bartlett went to Pat Parelli's 2002 Savvy Conference in Pagosa Springs, Colorado. She got much more out of this experience than anyone expected!
Pat Parelli became aware that Julie was in the audience. Many people from Pine Dell farm and friends of Pine Dell Farm told Pat about Julie and her mini horse, Joy.
Pat decided that Julie needed a Partnership package. On Sunday afternoon, Pat and Magic presented Julie with a Partnership package. Magic knew that Joy would appreciate a more Savvy partner, so she was all for Julie getting the package.
Magic especially wanted to be in the picture so Joy could see her!
Julie's Savvy Conference Experience
Julie Introduces Herself, "Hmmm. I try to be a positive person and try to always have a smile on my face on the outside, whether I do on the inside. I am 30. I have been disabled all my life.
"I wish I could do the Pagosa trip all over again because it sure was a blast!"
Pat Parelli and Jenny Vaught-Well let’s see. Because of them I went from a spectator to being involved in the horse world. I am more confident around horses and not terrified they will hurt me somehow.
"My goals are for Joy and I to have fun, become partners and hopefully to work without the Parelli halter.
If possibly I would like to get Joy to follow me without the halter on."
My goals aren't complicated, I just want to have fun with Joy. I just want to work on the levels.
Once the weather good again I hope I can do a good enough job to make everyone proud."
"That's my dog, DaisyMae. She goes everywhere with me if at all possible!"
2013 Editor Note: Julie is on Facebook. She likes to have natural horsemanship friends!