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Hepatitis C the Silent Killer

All About Hepatitis C

The People over at HepCnet have decided we should be "Heppo's" instead of "Heppers" They designed my personal little heppo....cute isn't she? To get your own personal little heppo, you must Join HepCnet, its free, its painless, meet some great people, after all, we are all in this together! Even if you don't want a heppo, please visit HepCNet, its a great site!


Our condolences to all those who lost loved ones at the WTC. Our prayers are with you. I think the fireman and rescue workers should win an award for their determination to saves lives while risking their own. I can't help but think of all the blood being donated that maybe now the goverment will see exactly just how many have Hep C


Hepatitis C Alert!

Below is a message board I have created dealing with Hepatitis C which affects for 4 million people in the US alone. For every person who has the Aids Virus, 4 have HCV (hepatitis C virus) I encourage you to visit even if you don't have it, just to be educated on the subject. I found out through donating blood. I had it checked again and tested positive.
It can happen to anyone especially those who have had a blood transfusions.You say you never had a blood transfusion? Well neither have I!! There are many ways its transmitted. Do you remember in elementary school, standing in line for our vaccinations, remember that little air gun?? Do you remember anything ever being cleaned or changed as it traveled from child to child??? Ever been to a Dentist?? Or how about had a manicure? A tattoo? the list goes on and on!
PLEASE!!! Be informed!!!

"According to top U.S. experts, the death toll from hepatitis C is likely to double or triple but doctors now have few weapons to slow it down. ``Currently hepatitis C is responsible for an estimated 8,000 deaths annually (in the United States) and without effective intervention that number is postulated to triple in the next 10-20 years,'' concluded a consensus panel of independent scientists convened by the National Institutes of Health.
The panel strongly recommended that people infected with hepatitis C not drink any alcohol, which can cause more rapid and severe deterioration of the liver.
Even if the epidemic is contained, the death rate will probably continue to rise because an estimated 4 million Americans are already infected. Global estimates range from 120-200 million. About one in five will get cirrhosis of the liver within 20 years that often progresses to fatal liver failure. A smaller number will also develop liver cancer, which is usually fatal.

Hepatitis C affects 4 million Americans, yet more than 3 million of them have not been diagnosed.
Hepatitis C is four times more prevalent than AIDS/HIV.
Every hour, 20 people in the United States are infected with the hepatitis C virus -- that's almost 180,000 per year. Of these, only 25-30 percent are diagnosed. 8,000 - 10,000 people die each year as a direct result of the hepatitis C virus. Without intervention, the death toll is expected to triple by the year 2010.

NOTE: To those of you who have a Hep C site and or to those of you who are creating a Hep C site, you are more than welcome to use any of, or all links I have displayed. The more this information is distributed , the more chances people will have to view it!! ********************************************************************************************************

BLOOD BOOK .COM Great site about Iron and blood, just click on above logo

H.E.A.L.S of North GA. - Hepatitis Education, Awareness, and Liver Support

Our goal at HEALS is to expand awareness about liver health through educational programs, literature, and public speaking. Young people, veterans, minorities, and prison populations are some of the groups we emphasize. By educating the public, we hope to aid in the prevention of hepatitis in all its forms. We encourage hepatitis testing for high risk individuals, and would ultimately like to provide free testing. For those already diagnosed, our goal is support, mentoring programs, and written resources. We need to get the word out on the importance of this neglected health issue

Online Community for Hepatitis Patients, Support Groups, and Healthcare Professionals These people are great!!! They have online nurses that will actually call you at home. I sent in a email and heard from them within 2 days. They can also give you information for those of us who do not have medical insurance!


1.Daily update of Number of people infected
2. Hepatitis Central this is an excellent site!!
3.The Hepatitis Study Center four stars here!
4. Hepatitis C Foundation..................................
5.Canada Hep. C Awareness Program> Another excellent site.

If I had to rate all the sites above I would probably give them all 4 stars, but then grading is based on what you are searching for and the value on information on that site. It will differ for everyone.

Chronic Hepatitis C Statistics-vs-AIDS Statistics This will blow your mind!!!
Ask Emailiss-Hetpatitis C Info and Support--A monthly Online Magazine! A MUST!!


Please take the time to check out these sites. If you don't know anyone with Hepatitis you probably will soon!!! GET INFORMED!!!!

NEW (posted May - August 2004)

Boost Immune System - Health Information and more.

Hep C Film
Hep C documentary film to air fall of 2004.

The Ideal Study


Heres just a few more links :

A Newcomers Guide to Internet Resources for Information about Hepatitis C

Objective Medicine
Natural Approaches to Healing Hepatitis C. A Wealth of Information on Hep C Alternatives

Singles Mingle

Brain Fog What is it???
What is it ??? Why do I have it?? Can I treat it and or reverse it? For those of you suffering from "brainfog" , this is an excellent site!

Alternative Health Break-Throughs!

Alternative Hope For Hepatitis C
For those of us taking the the herbal route you may find this Site very exciting.this is a very personal decision, one that took me about 10 minutes to make. Not really just kidding! I tossed it around for days, combo treatment???? ...herbs??? Back and forth like a yoyo!!!I decided I do not want to pay a fortune for something that may or may not work and make me feel like I'd been hit by a Mac truck or worse. Please check this site! Thanks Diana!!

This is something I take every day with out fail. I have read documents where people with Hep C have been completely Cured.!!! Its like everything.. works for some not for others, just like the drug combo. Only I am not sick on this, Nor have I had any illness at all since I started taking it ...not even a cold!! One bottle costs $40.00 which will last me about 2 months, well worth it! It is totally irrational to me to take drugs that will make me depressed and deathly ill in its process to possibly cure me. Please if you're interested contact me at Better yet .. As of July 2001, I just found it for sale on EBay It costs the same as it does in the health food store. This particular brand of silver is 5 times stronger than anything else on the market and as far as I know is distibuted only in Florida.

Top Health Conditions and Diseases Digestive Disorders Liver-Hep

Liver Transplant Homepage

Hepatitis C Information and Support

No insurance? Click here to find help!
A huge list with addresses, telephone numbers of companies and organizations who will help uninsured people

U.S. Support Groups

Excellent List of support groups across american including addresses and phone numbers

Evaluating Blood results

Hep C Latest News and Research

Laboratory Tests in Liver Diseases by Howard J Worman.M.D.

Hepatitis Central's Viral Load Chart - conversion chart

Click on "What is Viral Load" for really good explanation of the different ways that labs report viral load. God Bless Vicki Shaw for this site. thank-you!

CBC Blood Chemistry Definitions

Grading and Scoring Systems for Liver Biopsies

Hepatic Activity Index(biopsy results)

The Hepatitis Place: Liver Histology Numerer Scoring(biopsy results interpretation) NEW!

The Hepatitis Place: Knodell Histological Activity IndexNEW!

Childs-Hugh Grading System for Cirrhosis


General Hep C Information

Hepatitis C: An Epidemic for Anyone(C Everett Koop Sponsored

Description and History of Hepatitis C from Dr. Howar Worman of Columbia University

HepNet - The Hepatitis Information Network

Hepatitis Central

Hepatitis Foundation International

Natural History of Acute HCV Infection from Johns Hopkins

Center For Disease Control's Hepatitis Branch web site

Bennett Cecil MD, INC's website

Louisville KY based gastroenterologist/hepatologist NEW! Absolutely fantastic list of Internet Resources

Ask Emaliss - Hepatitis C Info and Support Hep

Hepatitis C United Resource Exchange-Canadian based organization for education, support and research

Official Information from FDA on Rebetron

Information about how HCV is transmitted

Information on Sexual transmission of HCV>

Diseases and Symptoms Associated with HCV

Information about Hepatitis C and Diabetes

Hepatitis C Forum

Award winning site from Germany

Great Site! HUGE list of Hep C related sites and medical related sites AND alternative medicine sites


Hep C Awareness Events and Happenings

Hepatitis Foundation International's Regional Awareness Meetings Page

GDS Awareness Pin NEW!


Scientific Journals and Research On Line

Hepatology Journal

Information for the scientifically inclined Caution do not read when brain fog is present!

Current Papers in Liver Disease annotated by Dr. Howard Worman of Columbia University

The Gastroenterology and Liver Diseases Forum at Henry Ford Health System

You can post a question here and a gastroenterologist will post a response

Links to Hepatitis C Journals on the Web from HepCURE

Medical Journals with WebSites that are searchable

Investigational Drugs Quarterly's Health Care Links-Medical Related Search Engines


free screening service for medical literature

National Library of Medicine's
search service to access the 9 million citations in MEDLINE and Pre-MEDLINE
(links to participating on-line journals), and other related databases

Search the AMA Web site NEW!

Doctor's Guide to Medical News NEW!


Transplant Information

TransWeb: All about Transplantation

UNOS United Network for Organ Sharing Web Site

Donation Statistical information about survival rates for each transplant center in the United States. Very interesting site

Guide to Surviving Transplantation

(published by two doctors affiliated with the St Joseph's Health Centre in London, Canada)

CenterSpan web site
< center>Comprehensive source of transplant information, it features information from the transplant news network.

American Share Foundation

The web's largest transplant community relate site

Mayo Clinic

liver transplant web site has information about survival rates through 1997

Understanding Tissue Typing from the University of Michigan's Transplant Center


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