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Everything about Hepatitis C

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I have dedicated this page to Hepatitis-C. for anyone that has it or even wants to know
about it, theres alot of very useful information here. For every person who has AIDS/HIV
400 million people have Hep-C. There is no cure!!

The risk factors for Hepatitis C include:

-- blood transfusion or organ transplant prior to 1992, before an effective test for HCV was available
-- intravenous drug use, even once
-- intra-nasal drug use
-- service in the health care industry
-- military service
-- blood contact by sharing toothbrushes, razors, nail clippers, earrings,etc
-- direct or indirect contact with infected blood
-- long-term hemodialysis

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Hep C The Silent Killer

there are some extremely good links here for dealing with Social Security, Suport, how to obtain free meds from pharmacutical companies, 2 pages of links to help you find what you're looking for.

"The Queen's HomePage"

This I threw together out of frustration when I first went online trying to find
information. Hopefully it will help other Newbies!!

Feb.2007 I just had another blood test and I am Hep free!! Praise God because it's He who has healed me

Please click on the breast cancer link below, By doing so it gives one free mammogram at no cost to you but a click. thanks

The Breast Cancer Site

"In Memory Of My Husband"

I knelt to pray, but not for long I had too much to do.
Must hurry off and get to work, for bills would soon be due.
And so I said a hurried prayer, jumped up from off my knees,
my christian duties now were done , my soul could be at ease.

Althrough the day I had no time, to speak a word of cheer,
no time to speak of Christ to friends, they'd laugh at me I feared.
No time, no time , so much to do, that was my constant cry,
no time to give to those in need, at last was time to die.

And when before the Lord I came, I stood with downcast eyes;
within His hands He held a book-- "Your name I cannot find.
I once was going to write it down, But never found the time."

Author Unknown

My Testimony


Mamma Mo's Moorea

I lived for 15 years in French Polynesia on the island of Moorea..
This is my story.(under construction!!!)

Homesick for Moorea Or just the Tahitian islands cook up something special
for your friends or yourself. Out just in time for the Holidays.

"Mamma Mo's Tahitian Treasured Recipes"


"Mo and Dotty's Christmas Links"

Another site put together with the help of my friend Dotty. Tons of
Christmas Links! this is up all year round. If you find any dud links please report them to me.



Two pages filled with everything about and for Angels

Do you ever shop online? Are you tired of searching ? Well here's
shopping made easy with the largest yellow pages on the net.

William Jennings Bryan wrote this about miracles:

"Some skeptics say, 'Oh, the miracles. I can't accept miracles.' One may drop a brown seed in the black soil and up comes a green shoot. You let it grow and by and by you pull up its root and find it red. You cut the root and it has a white heart. Can anyone tell how this comes about--how brown cast into black results in green and then red and white? Yet you eat your radish without troubling your mind over miracles. Men are not distressed by miracles in the dining room--they reserve them all for religion!"

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