Everything about Hepatitis C
for Hep site
This I threw together out of frustration when I first went online trying to find
information. Hopefully it will help other Newbies!!
Althrough the day I had no time, to speak a word of cheer,
no time to speak of Christ to friends, they'd laugh at me I feared.
No time, no time , so much to do, that was my constant cry,
no time to give to those in need, at last was time to die.
And when before the Lord I came, I stood with downcast eyes;
within His hands He held a book-- "Your name I cannot find.
I once was going to write it down, But never found the time."
I lived for 15 years in French Polynesia on the island of Moorea..
This is my story.(under construction!!!)
"Mamma Mo's Tahitian Treasured Recipes"
"Mo and Dotty's Christmas Links"
Another site put together with the help of my friend Dotty. Tons of
Christmas Links! this
is up all year round. If you find any dud links please report them to me.
Two pages filled with everything about and for Angels
"Some skeptics say, 'Oh, the miracles. I can't accept miracles.' One may drop a brown seed in the black soil and up comes a green shoot. You let it grow and by and by you pull up its root and find it red. You cut the root and it has a white heart. Can anyone tell how this comes about--how brown cast into black results in green and then red and white? Yet you eat your radish without troubling your mind over miracles. Men are not distressed by miracles in the dining room--they reserve them all for religion!"
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