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Gods and Goddess

Gods and Goddesses

Aegir- Germanic god stormy seas 
Aglaia- Greek goddess splendor, one of the Graces 
Alecto -Greek goddess unceasing anger, one of the Erinyes/Furies 
Alpheus -Greek god rivers 
Amon-Ra Egyptian god father of the gods 
Amphitrite- Greek goddess sea 
Anubis- Egyptian god the dead 
Aphrodite- Greek goddess love, beauty 
Apollo- Greek god sun, prophecy, music, sports, truth 
Ares- Greek god war 
Artemis- Greek goddess moon, childbirth, nature, harvest, hunt 
Asclepius- Greek god medicine 
Ashtoreth- Phoenician goddess love, fruitfulness 
Astarte- Greek/Roman goddess love, fruitfulness 
Athena- Greek goddess industry, arts, wisdom, war 
Atropos- Greek goddess cut thread of life, one of the Fates 
Bacchus- Roman god wine, vegetation 
Balder/Baldur- Norse god light, joy 
Bellona- Roman goddess war 
Boreas- Greek god north wind 
Calliope- Greek goddess epic poetry, one of the Muses 
Cernunnos: Celtic God. The Horned God, God of Nature. God of the Underworld.
 Virility, fertility, animals, physical love, nature, woodlands, wealth, and warriors. 
Cephissus- Greek god rivers 
Ceres- Roman goddess agriculture 
Clio- Greek goddess history, one of the Muses 
Clotho- Greek goddess spun thread of life, one of the Fates 
Coatlicue- Aztec goddess earth 
Cronus- Greek god ruler of the universe 
Cupid- Roman god love 
Cybele- Roman goddess nature, fertility, Great Mother of the Gods 
Dagon- Philistine/Middle Eastern god fertility 
Demeter- Greek goddess earth, agriculture 
Diana- Roman goddess moon, hunt 
Dionysus- Greek god wine, vegetation 
Eileithyia- Greek goddess childbirth 
Enyo- Greek goddess war 
Eos- Greek goddess dawn 
Erato- Greek goddess love poetry, one of the Muses 
Eris- Greek goddess strife 
Eros- Greek god love 
Euphrosyne- Greek goddess mirth, one of the Graces 
Euterpe- Greek goddess lyric poetry, one of the Muses 
Faunus- Roman god fields, shepherds 
Flora- Roman goddess flowers, springtime 
Fortuna -Roman goddess chance, good luck 
Frey/Freyr- Norse god fruitfulness, prosperity, peace, sunlight, rain 
Freya/Freyja- Norse goddess love, fertility, beauty, battle, death 
Frigg/Frigga- Norse goddess sky, married love, housewives, queen of the gods 
Gaea/Ge- Greek goddess Mother Earth 
Hades- Greek god underworld 
Hathor- Egyptian goddess sky, fertility, marriage, love, beauty, queen of heaven 
Hebe- Greek goddess youth, cupbearer to the gods 
Hecate -Greek goddess darkness, crossroads 
Hel -Norse goddess underworld, the dead 
Helios- Greek god sun 
Hephaestus- Greek god fire, metalwork 
Hera- Greek goddess marriage, jealousy, queen of the gods 
Hermes- Greek god commerce, messenger of gods 
Hestia- Greek goddess hearth 
Hoder- Norse god darkness 
Horus- Egyptian god sky, light, goodness 
Huitzilopochtli Aztec god sun, war 
Hypnos- Greek god sleep 
Inachus- Greek god rivers 
Iris- Greek goddess rainbow 
Ishtar- Assyrian goddess hunting, war 
Ishtar- of Akkad Babylonian god morning star 
Ishtar- of Erech Babylonian goddess evening star, love, fertility, queen of heaven 
Isis- Egyptian goddess nature, fertility, motherhood 
Janus- Roman god doors, gateways, beginnings 
Jord- Norse goddess earth 
Juno- Roman goddess marriage, childbirth, protection of women, queen of the gods 
Jupiter/Jove- Roman god sky, rain, thunder, lightning, justice 
Keb- Egyptian god Earth 
Lachesis- Greek goddess lifespan, destiny, one of the Fates 
Marduk -Babylonian god thunderstorms, light, life, destiny, supreme god 
Mars- Roman god war 
Megaera- Greek goddess jealousy, one of the Erinyes/Furies 
Melpomene- Greek goddess tragedy, one of the Muses 
Mercury- Roman god commerce, messenger of the gods 
Minerva- Roman goddess handicrafts 
Mithras- Persian god sun 
Mnemosyne- Greek goddess memory 
Morpheus- Greek god dreams 
Nebo- Babylonian god wisdom 
Nemesis- Greek goddess divine justice, vengeance 
Neptune- Roman god sea 
Nereus- Greek god sea 
Nike- Greek goddess victory 
Njord- Norse god fertility 
Notus- Greek god south wind 
Nut- Egyptian goddess sky 
Odin- Norse god war, wisdom, poetry, magic, king of the gods 
Osiris- Egyptian god underworld 
Pan- Greek god fields, shepherds, woods, fertility 
Peneus- Greek god rivers 
Persephone- Greek goddess the dead, fertility of earth 
Phorcys- Greek god sea 
Pluto- Roman god the dead 
Polyhymnia- Greek goddess sacred poetry, one of the Muses 
Pontus- Greek god sea 
Poseidon- Greek god sea 
Priapus- Greek god fertility, gardens, herds 
Proserpine- Roman goddess the dead, fertility of earth 
Ptah- Egyptian god metalwork, art, healing, creation, beginnings 
Quetzalcoatl- Aztec/Toltec god soil fertility, morning/evening star, death, resurrection 
Quirinus- Roman god war 
Saturn- Roman god agriculture 
Selene- Greek goddess moon 
Serapis- Greek/Egyptian god fertility, medicine, the dead 
Silvanus- Roman god forests, uncultivated fields, cattle, flocks 
Somnus- Roman god sleep 
Tammuz/Dumuzi- Assyrian/Babylonian/Sumerian god animal/plant fertility 
Tellus/Terra Mater- Roman goddess earth, fertility 
Terpsichore Greek goddess choral songs, dance, one of the Muses 
Tezcatlipoca- Aztec/Toltec god night sky, young men, destruction, slaves 
Thalia- Greek goddess comedy, one of the Muses; good cheer, one of the Graces 
Themis- Greek goddess divine justice, law 
Thor Norse god thunder 
Tisiphone- Greek goddess avenger of murder, one of the Erinyes/Furies 
Urania- Greek goddess astronomy, one of the Muses 
Uranus- Greek god Father Heaven 
Venus- Roman goddess gardens, love, fortune, victory, chastity 
Vesta- Roman goddess hearth 
Vulcan- Roman god fire, metalwork 
Zephyrus- Greek god west wind 
Zeus- Greek god sky, rain, clouds, lightning, father of the gods 

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