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Pulaski County Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Team

MISSION STATEMENT: Pulaski County Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Team, is a Not for Profit, Volunteer Public Service Organization, consisting of licensed Amateur Radio Operators living/working within Pulaski County who have voluntarily registered their qualifications and equipment to provide the communications needs in time of emergencies as well as for Public Service events. Pulaski County Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Team is dedicated to serving ALL of the communities within the county, working hand in hand with Local, and State & Federal governments, as well as with, Missouri State Emergency Management Agency, American Red Cross, Salvation Army, National Weather Service - Springfield, Missouri (SKYWARN Program) and other non-profit, community-service organizations. We are compliant with the National Incident Management System, Presidential Directive for Volunteer Service agencies. WE are always looking for NEW Members!

Links, Training

American Radio Relay League, Amateur Radio Emergency Services
Federal Emergency Management Agency Homestudy Courses
Missouri Amateur Radio Emergency Services
American Radio Relay League ( Missouri Section )
Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio Network
AA9PW Amateur Exam practice pages
National Skywarn Homepage
The Disaster Centers Missouri Page
QRZ Callsign Lookup
Amateur Radio Emergency Services Field Resources Manual
IS-100.C: Introduction to the Incident Command System, ICS 100
IS-200.C Basic Incident Command System for Initial Response
IS-700.B: An Introduction to the National Incident Management System
IS-800.C: National Response Framework, an Introduction
Online Skywarn Training Online
Auxiliary Communications Field Operations Guide
National Interoperability Field Operations Guide
Public Service Communications Manual
Emergency Communications(ECom) Study Guide by Pat Lambert, W0IPL
