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Picture Gallery

Some of the pages below will take a while to load, please be patient, it is worth the wait! Wanted: Your Faith photos! Especially Soul2Soul Tour photos are wanted...send them in to Bringing Out The Faith to be included on Bringing Out The Faith. You will be given *FULL* credit for all photos. ***Note: All pictures on this website are for personal use only and can not be re-distributed in any way. If you would like to use them on your website or in any other way please e-mail me. IF ANY OF THESE PHOTOS BELONG TO YOU AND YOU DO NOT WANT THEM SEEN HERE, E-MAIL ME AND THEY WILL BE REMOVED IMMEDIATELY. THANK YOU.

Media Pictures:

Album Pictures:

TV Shows/Magazines:

Award Shows:

Video Pictures:

Miscellaneous Pictures:

Concert Pictures:


Soul2Soul Tour:

First Leg:

Second Leg:

Third Leg:

Jamborree In The Hills / Fan Fair / Swampstock:

New Year's Eve:

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