The Haygood Family
Hi, this is Whitney. At my school, Hickory Hills Middle School, we were given an assignment to pick a topic and come up with twenty questions and answers about my selected topic. I chose to use the Haygood's as my topic for the assignment.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025
Questions & Answers:
Q1: Who are the Haygoods?
A1: The Haygoods are a family of seven brothers, and one sister that perform in Branson, Missouri.
Q2: Where are the Haygoods originally from?
A2: The Haygoods are originally from Boerne, Texas (about 30 miles SW of San Antonio.)
Q3: What are the names and ages of the Haygoods?
A3: The Haygoods are:

Timothy Britten (25)

Patrick Dunn (22)

Dominic James (20)

Shawn Paul (18)

Michael Anthony (17)

Matthew Christian (15)

Catherine Francis (11)

Aaron Simon (9)
Q4: What are the Haygoods parents names?
A4: Jim & Marie Haygood.
Q5: Are the Haygoods parents musically talented?
A5: No, they are not.
Q6: Where do the Haygoods perform at?
A6: Now the Haygoods perform at the Music City Centre at 1835 W. Highway 76 in Branson, Missouri.
Q7: Where did the Haygoods perform before they started at the MCC?
A7: The Haygoods performed at Silver Dollar City for nine years before moving to the MCC.
Q8: How many instruments do the Haygoods play?
A8: At the show it says that they can play 20 different instruments. Every one of them can play the violin.
Q9: When did they first start playing the violin?
A9: Timothy, the oldest, started violin lessons when he was just five years old after seeing a man play a violin on Sesame Street. The rest of the guys followed in his footsteps throughout the years.
Q10: Are any of the Haygoods married?
A10: Yes, the oldest Haygood, Timothy, is married.
Q11: When the Haygoods move to Missouri from Texas?
A11: June 1, 1993.

Q12: Where do the Haygoods go to school?
A12: Since performing takes up most of their time, the Haygoods have pretty much been homeschooled their entire lives.
Q13: According to the Haygoods, what are the three most important things in their lives?
A13: Faith, Family, and Freedom.
Q14: Who would be considered the 'lead singer' of the group?
A14: For the most part the lead singer is Dominic, but Michael sings almost as much as Dominic.

Q15: When did I (Whitney) first meet the Haygoods?
A15: That would be, August 23, 2000. The Haygoods were performing at the Opera House Theatre at SDC. I (as well as my entire family) have actually known them for about a year and a half.)
Q16: How many days a week do the Haygoods perform?
A16: The Haygoods peform on Mondays-Saturdays. They have showtimes at 3 & 8 on Tuesdays-Thursdays and Saturdays, and then at 8Pm on Mondays and Fridays. The shows run about two hours.
Q17: What kind of music do the Haygoods play?
A17: Just about anything! :) They play and sing gospel, country, pop, oldies, bluegrass, swing...and more!
Q18: What else can the Haygoods do besides sing and play instruments in their show?
A18: They dance...tap dance, acrobats, act crazy, sometimes they dress up in silly costumes, they make you laugh and will leave you amazed!

Q19: What type of people is their show targeted at?
A19: Mostly single girls ages 12-25. Old people love their show as well because they have watched them grow up since 1993.
Q20: Why do I think you should take a trip to Branson to see the Haygoods?
A20: I think that you should consider seeing the Haygoods show because they are fun, funny, very energetic and talented, and they are very friendly and love doing what they do. (Not to mention that the boys are cute!)
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