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NOTE: All of the following pictures are the property of MIDNITE. None of the images or text on these pages may be utilized in any way, shape or form without her prior written permission.

On Friday the 13th in October of 2000, the 30th Anniversary of the MGM motion picture House of Dark Shadows was celebrated at the Vista Theatre in Los Feliz, California. A few hundred fans were present to witness the event. Music composer Robert Cobert was on hand to sign copies of the House of Dark Shadows/Night of Dark Shadows soundtrack CD. Placing their signatures in cement in the forecourt of the theater were, from the movie, Louis Edmonds, Dennis Patrick, Kathryn Leigh Scott, Roger Davis, Jerry Lacy, and John Karlen. Also present were David Selby and Lara Parker. All were introduced by Mr. SciFi himself, Forrest J. Ackerman. The SciFi channel was on hand to film the event.

An auction of Dark Shadows memorabilia was held for the waiting crowd. David Selby kindly donated autographed sheet music and the record “I Wanna Dance For You”. Other items included lunch with John Karlen, a HODS poster, and the book “My Scrapbook Memories of Dark Shadows.” Proceeds from the auction and the event itself benefited the Women’s Care Cottage (818-753-1127), a marvelous L.A.-based organization that assists homeless women and their children to successfully find their way back into society.

Fans received a souvenir program booklet, and once inside, were treated to a screening of Dark Shadows episode #1024, which originally aired May 28, 1970, its original commercials intact. In this ep, Maggie and Elizabeth wear the same dresses worn to the costume ball in HODS. There was also a commercial for All My Children, plus the ad for the Miss American Vampire Contest that ran in theaters and the NODS trailer. The various DS stars in attendance, seated around the center of theater, were introduced once again. Dan Curtis, the movie’s producer and director, was unable to attend due to a flu bug. Jim Pierson gave his apologies for him and passed along the comment that he cherishes all his memories of DS and of making his first movie, and he misses everyone.

The unspooling of HODS followed-- it was loud, but clear and enjoyable. In the theater lobby, mugs commemorating the event were on sale. An autograph session topped off the evening.

I hope you enjoy the photos!

Music composer Robert Cobert.

The Marquee outside the Vista Theatre in LA.

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