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Emil Lassen
14 MAR 1823-30 JAN 1908

Obit, Prospect News dated 6 FEB 1908: "Died last Thursday evening at 7 p.m.: Esquire Emil Eutychius Lassen, one of county's pioneer settlers and most respected citizens. Lived in Jordan Township near Carter County line - died of infirmities of age. Born Copenhagen, Denmark 14 MAR 1823 - came to county @ 1860 from California where he had met late Smith Jordan. Reared as a Lutheran but joined ME Church 1870 - was class leader, SS superintendent at Macedonia for many years. Taught several terms of school, served as Deputy Circuit Clerk under A. J. McCollum for several years - appointed by county court as JP in 1877 - re-elected since. Married a sister of Smith Jordan - survived by widow, 2 sons, 3 daughters and many friends. Funeral held at Macedonia Church by Rev. England Saturday afternoon - burial in church yard." (Submitted by Peggy Brooks Cannady)

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