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My Favorite Things About Angelfire

The Eight Sabbats and Esbats

The four Sabbats(the major Sabbats): Samhain, Imbolc, Beltane, Lughnasadh The four Esbats(the lesser Sabbats): Yule, Ostara, Litha, and Mabon

Samhain (Witch’s New Years) October 31st- We say farewell to the God as he passes on to the Summerland (heaven) waiting for his Yule rebirth. This is a time when it is believed that the "wall" that separates this world and the spirit world is at its weakest point, allowing a opportunity for some to communicated with the dead. It is also believed that, of the spirits who just couldn't "let go", finally move on to the Summerland, where they remain till deciding to reincarnate back into this world.

Yule (Christian’s Christmas) Winter Solstice (Around December 21st)- The God is reborn of the Goddess and begins his new life. This is a time for Witches to share gifts, decorate the Yule tree, light the Yule log, and celebrate the joy of the Sun (the God) being reborn.

Imbolc (Groundhog Day to some) Feb 2nd- This marks the day that the Goddess has now recovered from giving birth to the God at Yule. This is the time of new beginnings. Plants begin to sprout, and dedicants are traditionally initiated into the coven (or self-initiations can be at this time too).

Ostara (Christian’s Easter) Spring Equinox (around March 21st)- First day of spring. Days and nights are now equal in length, as the Goddess "jumps out of bed" and the God is growing into a mature being. This is a good time to tend to your magickal garden, or cast spells, as this is the time for both beginnings and action.

Beltane April 30th- The God has finally reached manhood and falls in love with the Goddess. They unite and she becomes pregnant of him (this is by no means incest... this is strictly symbolism of the wheel's cycle, of birth, death, and rebirth.) Fertility rituals and spells are performed at this time.

Litha or Midsummer Summer Solstice (around June 21st)- This is when Nature is most abundant. Litha is the perfect time to do rituals for love, healing, fertility, as well as any spell workings. Lughnasadh August 1st- This is the time when the first harvest is ready. The God is now slowly dying, which saddens the Goddess. But she is also overjoyed, as she is pregnant with him also. Lughnasadh is a time to remember that nothing really ever stays the same... Everything has it's own cycle, constantly evolving.

Mabon Autumn Equinox (around September 21st)- This marks the last day of harvest. Nature is now preparing herself for the cold winter ahead. The God prepares for his death, but is also preparing for his rebirth.

As you see the Christian religion has borrowed many ideas from their pagan predicesors.