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Canton in the City

Discount/Donations Coupon

To receive DONATIONS, ANY charity may register by contacting CANTON IN THE CITY and provide their legal name, address, contact person, telephone number and tax identification number. There is no limit as to the number of charities you may register and no limit as to the amount of donations made! A mandatory code number will be assigned each Charity. Please place that code number on the attached DONATION COUPON, photocopy and distribute COMPLETED COUPONS to shoppers throughout your organization (i.e., place of worship, medical charities, schools, PTA, PTO, friends, family, neighbors, co-workers, etc.).

Please distribute as many completed coupons as you wish to receive in donations! Upon show admission, present the COMPLETED DONATION COUPON, pay the $3 adult admission (Students age 12-18 cost $1 / Children to age 11 are admitted FREE) and your Charity will receive a $1 DONATION per shopper, per show paid by CANTON IN THE CITY!

Permission is granted to your organization to create your own flyer using the attached DONATION coupon, so long as the coupon is reproduced verbatim!

view the printable version of this coupon

This page is copyright © 2003-2004 | Canton in the City | Design by Brittany Bradford