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~*A flower without a stem is beauty waiting to die, a life without love is a tear waiting to cry*~
- ~*hOmE*~ - ~*gAlLeRy*~ - ~*lInKaGe*~ - ~*pRoFiLe*~ - ~*eMaIl pLeAsE*~ - ~*dIaRy*~ - ~*mY fAn FiCtIoN*~ - ~*fAsHiOn sTaTeMeNTs*~ -

Random Quote:
"WelCoMe tO tHe CarRiBeaN lOvE"-Johnny Depp, Pirattes of the Carrabean"
Welcome to Glittering Fire!

Hey! My name is Reid but my friends call me Reedals Peedals. It took me forever to make this website because I've only been doing html for like a year... well, actually thats a long time but computer lingo is weird...s: Drop me off and email! Oh and tell me if you can read this font or not..its kind of random...