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Drug Induced Literature

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The first book in this page that i will cover is Naked Lunch by William S. Buroughs.

Published in Paris in 1959, The Naked Lunch used unconventional writing techniques to depict an underground world fighting a technological society that was self destructing. It was both praised as literary genius and dismissed as indecipherable garbage because Mr. Burroughs wrote it without standard narrative prose, used abrupt transitions, placed the chapters in random order and wrote in a stream-of-consciousness style. The book also was the subject of a precedent-setting obscenity trial because of its violence and explicit sex. Publishers eventually won an appeal in Boston, and the book was published in the United States in 1962.

Naked Lunch (its U.S. title) prompted Norman Mailer to say Mr. Burroughs was possibly the most talented writer in America and made him famous as a spokesman for the Beat generation.

Mr. Burroughs continued his unconventional style in subsequent books, including The Soft Machine (1961), The Ticket That Exploded (1962), and Nova Express (1964). Naked Lunch, written while Burroughs was living in Morocco, was published in 1959 to great acclaim and great controversy. It was banned in the United States until 1962, when it won a landmark censorship case in the Supreme Court. In it, Burroughs explored such touchy subjects as drug addiction, homosexuality, and death. And he did it in a disjointed, episodic style that reminded some of hallucinations and others of Impressionist art.

The next author of drug induced literature that i will disscus is Timothy Leary.
The book "The Politics of Ectsasy" is disscused as follows:
This popular book is about the social and political implications of psychedelic drugs. It spans Leary's work from Harvard to San Francisco, and includes a wide array of essays ranging from the scientific to the metaphysical.

The next book by Tim disscused, "Flashbacks", is as follows:
This is Leary's definitive autobiography, and his most popular book. It is a good ride through the life and times of Leary through the 60s and 70s, as well as complete information about his entire life, from birth up until 1983 (when the book was written).