"I don't mind, honestly."
"It's fine, I'll take a taxi."
"I'm only going to be another 20 minutes, Orlando."
"Don't be stupid. It's out of your way; I need to get home and lie down anyway."
Orlando lifted his bag from the floor and slung it over his shoulder. Johnny was unable to further his protest; one of the make-up artists was trying to get him to sit still so she could get the rest of his make-up off properly.
"I'll see you tomorrow."
Orlando waved a goodbye before heading out the door. He wasn't lying; he was shattered. It had been one of those long, hot, repetitive days that never seemed to end. Arriving late to set this morning hadn't made him the most popular person either. It wasn't his fault the taxi firm had messed up. He had known there and then that it was going to be one of those days. And now, as he hauled his ass into the back of a taxi, he just wanted to get home, go to sleep and forget about it.
Pity his driver wouldn't let him. The man barely stopped talking to draw breath the entire half hour journey. It wouldn't have been half an hour had the driver been paying attention, but he was far too wrapped up in his conversation with Orlando to notice several of the turns they were meant to take. At least he was willing to admit his mistake and not charge Orlando the full fare, for which Orlando was most grateful.
Climbing the steps to his front door seemed like such an effort for his tired and weary body. Reaching for his key, he found his pocket empty. He tried his other pocket, nothing. Shit. Dropping his bag to the ground, he searched through it, emptying the contents onto the ground. Phone, address book, tissues, pen - everything except his house key. His search became more frantic as he found various items he didn't even know where in there, but not his key.
"Looking for these?"
Startled, Orlando fell from his knees onto his side. In the dim streetlight, he saw Johnny standing at the bottom of the steps, grinning at the mess and the state of Orlando. In his right hand he held a collection of keyrings that looked incredibly familiar.
"You left them in the make-up trailer."
Johnny casually stepped over Orlando's mess, opening the front door as Orlando shoved everything into his bag. When he finally gathered everything together and made his way into his home, he found the lamps in the living room on, the kitchen light on, Johnny hoking through the fridge. Orlando hadn't the energy or the heart to tell him he was going straight to bed, so instead he flopped onto the sofa and stared at the blank TV screen.
His eyelids became heavy very quickly now that he had stopped running around; he vaguely heard Johnny say something, but before he could form a response in his head, he was unconscious.
It was the warm, rough feeling moving across his forehead that stirred his sleep. He moved slightly, suddenly aware of another presence close on the sofa beside him. The room was silent, there were no noises even coming from the street outside. The same warm touch that had been on his forehead now moved through his long hair; he could feel someone toying with the ends. Forcing his eyes open, the first thing he noticed was how dark the room was; the kitchen light had been switched off, as had most of the lamps, save for one at the end of the sofa. Turning to his other side, he was greeted by a warm smile; Johnny sat beside him, one arm around the back of the sofa, toying with Orlando's hair. Orlando wasn't sure whether or not Johnny had turned the lights off to give a mysterious air to the situation - it wasn't like he needed to work on being mysterious, he definitely had that mastered. But shadow and mystery clouded his face as he stared into Orlando's dark eyes. Moving his hand further down, he firmly rubbed the back of Orlando's neck, still keeping his eyes fixed on him. Orlando didn't know whether to jump for joy with excitement, or fall asleep again as the hand massaging his neck was doing too good a job in relaxing him. As his eyes sagged closed again, he remembered having his tattoo carefully examined, Johnny's fascination with his scar, his own lack of ability to…well…do anything but stand there. This time, he told himself, if anything happened, he wouldn't be caught unaware or off guard. He hoped.
"You didn't have to stay."
"Did I have to go?"
Shit. Already he was beaten, taken aback by a simple question. Johnny, for being such a quiet person normally, could be as forward as he bloody well liked when it suited him. And apparently now it suited him. He slid closer to Orlando so their legs were touching, not breaking their intense, dark gaze. Orlando was frozen to the spot, completely incapable of moving himself, should he want to. Which he didn't. He merely sat and watched as Johnny stared right into his eyes, as if asking for permission, waiting to be accepted, but Orlando could only blink back at him. Drowsiness, nerves, fear; all were beginning to make his body tremble. He needed to do something, anything. Speak; but what would he say? Make a move; but what would he do? As his mind was contemplating every option, movement beside him as Johnny shifted made his thoughts screech to a halt. Was he getting up? Leaving?
Orlando could only watch, breath caught in his throat, as Johnny brought both his hands to rest on either side of Orlando's neck, bringing his leg across Orlando so that he straddled him on the sofa. Bending down ever so slowly, Johnny kissed the firm skin beneath Orlando's ear; the shock finally reminding Orlando that breathing was actually a necessity. He sighed heavily as Johnny licked below his ear, occasionally nipping the skin between his teeth. Tentatively, Orlando brought his hands up, initially resting them on Johnny's knees, then sliding further up his legs. To Orlando's surprise, Johnny pulled back from him, stared down at him, almost surprised. Shadow covered one side of his face, making it difficult for Orlando to see what he was thinking. It had taken all the courage Orlando could muster to actually do something this time, and now his nerves were taking over again. Adrenaline rushed through him as if a dam had burst as Johnny leaned in to press his lips against Orlando's.
Had he not already been sitting down, Orlando would've collapsed. His grip on Johnny's thighs unintentionally increased as his lips parted. A quiet moan broke the silence of the darkened room; Orlando presumed it was from him, though he wasn't really sure any more. As their tongues cautiously met for the first time, all thought went from Orlando's mind...all thoughts except those of Johnny. Those first few moments, a tentative exploration, were slow, curious, inquisitive. The taste of cigarettes lingered in Johnny's mouth, but Orlando didn't care. He searched deeper, further, becoming lost in the taste and touch of Johnny. Orlando still felt weary, weak from tiredness and the assault on his body.
Shifting on Orlando's knee, Johnny caused the slightest of friction on Orlando's now-aching groin. Orlando, now gripping Johnny's sides, moaned into their kiss. His arms reached further around Johnny's back, pulling him closer, hoping for more contact. Reluctantly, Johnny broke their kiss, both men left panting for breath.
"You know...early start tomorrow..."
Orlando couldn't have cared less as he watched Johnny lick his lips. He pulled Johnny close for another quick kiss.
"I don't want to be your excuse for being late."
A cheeky grin, a quick wink. Orlando couldn't have wanted Johnny any more than he did right now. But the man was talking sense; thank goodness one of them was. Reality crept slowly into the darkened room as Orlando felt sleep taking over again. Johnny kissed Orlando's forehead, before slowly, agonisingly, sliding from Orlando's lap. Orlando, exhausted, flustered, still shocked, remained on the sofa, where he would probably end up spending the night. Johnny flashed a bright smile at Orlando, before making his way to the door.
Rolling his head towards the door, Orlando watched Johnny put his jacket back on.
"You're leaving?"
It was a stupid question, of course he bloody was. Orlando wasn't sure why he said it, he just didn't want this night to end. Such a shitty day, but what a fantastic ending.
"You're right."
Johnny made his way back to the sofa; he stopped at the table where the single lit lamp stood and picked up his keys and wallet.
"Not without my effects."