Title : Sleep It Off
Author : Finduilas
Rating : PG-13
Pairing : Johnny / Orlando
Disclaimer : None of it ever happened.
Feedback : To evil_hand1@yahoo.com

"Now that was a scene well done," Johnny said, Captain Jack Sparrow still in his blood as he swayed along the deck of the Dauntless.

Orlando beamed proudly, sheathing his sword again.

"Guys, I wanna do this one one more time," Gore called out from behind the monitor.

Orlando tried to stifle a chuckle as he saw Johnny's face fall.

"Johnny, can you do it a little less as if you're counting the steps when you come down?" Gore asked, already on his way off the ship, then called over his shoulder, "Hold on, I'll be right back!"

"Now that is outrageous," Johnny muttered to himself, then gave Orlando a fierce look to wipe that grin off his face.

"I didn't think you were counting the steps," Orlando said quickly, trying to look as innocent as he could.

"We can't all be as elegant as a nancing Elf, now can we?" Johnny spoke but it was Jack's voice that seeped through.

"I'm a blacksmith," Orlando reminded him.

Johnny let his gun swirl in his hand and said, "You'll always be an Elf."

"Right," Orlando said curt, looking out over the water, less amused than before.

Johnny frowned but before he could say something, Gore came running up the ship, with all the enthusiasm of... well, Gore Verbinski.

"Orlando, I really liked your 'Ay Avast!', so keep that one up, okay?" he pointed at the young Brit before telling everybody to resume their positions.

As Johnny and Orlando ran up the stairs again, Johnny shot him a questioning look but Orlando merely answered with a quick smile. The smile disappeared as fast as it came and Johnny couldn't help but wonder if that was really because the scene was about to start again.


"I'm sorry."

Orlando spun around, surprised at hearing Johnny's voice for the first time today, instead of Jack's.

"What for?" he asked, turning back to the revised pages of the script he just received.

"Not sure," Johnny said, as remained standing in the doorway of Orlando's trailer, "But somehow I feel like I should apologize."

"Don't be ridiculous, Johnny," Orlando smiled as he threw his script on his make-up table.

"It's the Elf-thing, isn't it?"Johnny's voice sounded so nonchalant, so... Johnny.

"Johnny, really, there's nothing..." Orlando started sighing, but Johnny cut him off, finally stepping into the trailer.

The door slammed shut with a huge bang that startled Orlando as Johnny said, "You're not gonna be stuck in the world of Tolkien forever."

"Yes I am," Orlando sighed, "It's never gonna be over."

"You want it to be over?" Johnny raised an eyebrow.

"No," Orlando answered quickly, confusing himself.

"You don't know what you want," Johnny said, and there surfaced Jack again, in that little manner in which he pointed at Orlando, and that slight accent in his voice.

"Stop that!" Orlando sighed irritated.

"What?" Johnny asked calmly, not acknowledging the fact that Orlando had raised his voice.

"That," Orlando gestured with his hands, "You're not Jack Sparrow."

"No, I'm not," Johnny said firmly, "And you're not Legolas."

Orlando ran his fingers through his long hair.

"You're afraid you're never gonna leave the Elf behind," Johnny stated.

"I can't," Orlando answered.

"Of course not," Johnny said and Orlando was utterly confused again. "Not yet. You're still in pick-ups, and doing premieres. But once that's over it'll all be behind you."

"Thanks for stating the obvious," Orlando muttered.

"We're just actors, Orlando," Johnny's gaze pierced through Orlando, "Nothing more and nothing less. We're not here to save the world. We're. Just. Actors. It doesn't matter that Hollywood thinks we're Gods."

Orlando snorted at that.

"Don't laugh," Johnny warned him with a smile, "You'd be surprised how many people put us on a pedestal."

"But that doesn't matter, yeah?" Orlando finished with a sad smile.

"It doesn't," Johnny answered, biting his lip for a fraction of a second before continuing, "What do you remember from 'Lord of the Rings'? Not how you played the Elf and how women adored you. But the kid, Elijah? And Mortensen. And what's their name... Dominic. And Bill. So who cares if people identify you with the Elf? That'll pass soon enough. Within no time you'll be the pirate, and the romantic lead, and God knows what else you're gonna be. And in the end they won't even remember what you did in the beginning. You're so young, Orlando. You shouldn't worry about all of it. Because it's not what this is about. This... movieworld. It's about enjoying it. And about the friends you make. 'cause that's what lasts."

"Are you saying me you're still friends with everybody you worked with?" Orlando asked incredulous.

"God, of course not," Johnny swirled his head dramatically, "There are people who's names I can't even remember."

Orlando snorted while Johnny muttered, walking across the trailer, "I'm not good with names apparently."

"See," Orlando accused, but with a smile this time, "You're doing it again."

"Doing what?"

"Being Jack." Orlando stated.

Johnny looked at Orlando for a second and then smiled. "That'll pass. This..." he gestured between himself and Orlando. "..won't."

"Who says you won't forget my name in a couple of years?" Orlando raised an eyebrow.

"Because it's you," Johnny simply stated.

Orlando looked at him, not sure he understood it all. So he simply shrugged and smiled. But that wasn't enough for Johnny. He took a step closer to the other man and repeated, "It's you."

Orlando frowned, looking up at the strong man in front of him. Johnny always looked more impressive up close, Orlando thought.

"You worry too much about it all, Orlando," Johnny said, "There's no need for that. This isn't a matter of importance. The journalists, the people... they annoy you for a second, but when you go home... it's all forgotten. And you know who you are. And you know what's important."

"And what if I don't?" Orlando asked, his voice small in the big trailer.

Johnny's hands found their way to either side of Orlando's face. The younger man swallowed at the rough skin carefully placed on his.

"But you do. Because you're that kind of person," Johnny said, more quietly than before.

"How do you know?" Orlando was almost afraid to speak.

"Give me some credit, Orlando," Johnny whispered, "I know you better than you think."

And then the hands disappeared again and Johnny took a small step back. Orlando let out a quick breath of air, then snorted as he shook his head.

"For a second there I thought you were gonna kiss me."

He amazed himself that he said that without blushing.

"No," Johnny said quietly as he made his way back to the door, "That's not who I am."

A small smile appeared on Orlando's face as he looked at the floor, cocking his head. "Just a lady's man, huh?"

Johnny stopped before walking out the door and turned around.

"No," he said, eyes locked with Orlando's, "Not somebody that takes advantage of people in a vulnerable state."

Orlando swallowed again, lost for words as he looked at the man now walking out of his trailer.

"Sleep it off. You'll be just fine, Orlando." he said softly and then the door closed behind him.
