"Sorry mate!"
"Are you ok?"
"Yeah yeah, yeah, good as gold."
Johnny gently inspected Orlando's wrist before accepting that he hadn't hurt him badly. Orlando flashed a quick smile to Johnny, then to the crew, most of which hadn't even noticed the accident. Well, that's a bit of an exaggeration. An over-enthusiastic Orlando had been hit during an intense sword fight with Johnny; it probably wouldn't be more than a scratch, but Orlando didn't mind Johnny checking, just to be sure.
"Honestly, I'm fine."
"Yeah, but we may as well break for lunch."
Orlando watched as the crew headed in the general direction of the makeshift canteen, leaving their various cameras, lights and other equipment where they were. Abandoning his sword on a box nearby, Orlando followed the rest, a small cloud of dust kicking up as he walked across the sandy floor.
Orlando let his body fall into the nearest chair, his arms draped over the sides, his head falling back, eyes too tired to keep open. As he shut out the bright lights of the room, he felt his muscles throbbing with pain; they had spent the entire day rehearsing and filming a fight scene between himself and Johnny, which had almost drained him. He could still hear the clanging of swords, still see the dust clouds they had created, still feel the heat of the room under the lights. Except there was a cool breeze now, drifting slowly past him. Before he was fully aware of it, the cool relief had gone again. I need a drink. He'd been thirsty most of the day; despite the glasses and bottles of water and juice that he had consumed, it just hadn't been enough. Now the thought of having to move to soothe his dry throat was more of an annoyance than relief.
As he gathered the strength to move from his surprisingly comfortable position, he felt something brush against his arm. Forcing his head forward and his eyes open, he found a hand gently tugging at the cuff of his shirt, pulling it slightly further up his arm. Orlando watched, fascinated, as a dirt-covered finger traced the red mark on his arm. He found it hard to keep his arm still, which was odd, as five minutes ago he could barely move any part of his body. Back and forth across the red skin, rough fingers almost teasing him. Dark eyes moved closer to inspect the damaged arm, warm breath now flowing over the injury, causing a tremor through Orlando's aching body. Those dark eyes stared up at Orlando.
"Just checking."
That voice, surprisingly soft, surprisingly soothing. From the day he had met him, Orlando had been surprised at just how quiet Johnny was. Sure, when he was Captain Jack Sparrow, he knew exactly how loud he needed to be, how outgoing and forward he had to be. But Johnny Depp was completely different; Orlando couldn't pinpoint what intrigued him so much about his co-star, he was definitely attracted to him, had been for a long time, but there was something else. Whether it was this unknown quality, the rough finger continuing its path across his arm, or those soulful eyes looking up at him, something was making his heart quicken its pace. Johnny returned to inspecting Orlando's arm. Taking a deep breath, Orlando gathered his coherent thoughts before speaking.
Those eyes returned to watch Orlando's face.
"It's fine. My arm. It's fine. My arm's fine."
Orlando was surprised at how rushed his speech was, at how nervous he now found himself. He swallowed as Johnny pulled his sleeve down again, standing up beside him.
Orlando sat, wide-eyed, as Johnny trailed his fingers up his arm, over the material of his shirt.
Disappearing behind him, Orlando felt Johnny's hands gather his long hair behind him, before resting on his weary shoulders. Orlando's breathing shortened as Johnny started to slowly rub his shoulders, firmly, almost roughly. But to Orlando it is sheer heaven as he let himself relax in Johnny's hands.
He may have been sitting there for no more than 30 seconds, or as long as a day, he just didn't want the moment to end. When Johnny spoke softly, brushing his lips against Orlando's ear, Orlando could have melted.
"You should go home. Lie down."
Fingers slid seductively from Orlando's shoulders as Johnny turned to go. That cool breeze briefly surrounded Orlando again. He blinked once, twice. His body felt as weak as it had done before...before Johnny has sent his thoughts into a whirlwind. Sighing, he tried to gather his thoughts. A hopeless task, for the moment anyway. It took Orlando another ten minutes before he could lift his weary and confused body from that chair.
"Hey Orli!"
"Good morning."
Orlando gave and received all the usual pleasantries that the makeup trailer brought. Glancing around, he found no evidence of Johnny; his quiet relief surprised him. He had decided not to say anything about yesterday's activities, for it was more than likely that he had taken it the wrong way. Sitting down in his usual makeup chair, he tried to sound as casual as possible.
"Johnny been in yet?"
Even before the words left his mouth, he knew it didn't sound right, but fuck it, there was bugger all he could do now.
"Been and gone. Had an early start this morning."
Orlando sat impatiently tapping his fingers on the arm of the chair as the makeup artist applied various shades and colours to his face. After almost half an hour of preening, Orlando almost sprung out of his chair when he was told he could go. He wasn't sure why, but he just wanted to see Johnny. He had to see him.
Orlando quickly made his way to the set, a different one from yesterday; they had got all the shots of the fight scene they wanted for now, so they were now filming in what was to be the streets. Orlando made his way through what seemed like hundreds of extras, before finally tracking Johnny down.
"Well hello."
The comment took Orlando by surprise by its normality.
Johnny threw what Orlando believed to be a cheeky grin, before his attention was distracted by one of the costume workers making some final adjustments. Orlando glanced down at his own costume; he remember thinking how ridiculous it had looked when he first saw it, when he first put it on. He never said anything to the costume designer, but Dom and Elijah had had a good laugh when they had visited. He'd grown to like it, like it a lot. It definitely went down well with the ladies, and a few of the men too. Keira had teased him on several occasions about showing himself off, but it was all in good humour.
Vaguely hearing his name, he glanced up, finding Johnny staring at him again. Well, not exactly staring at him, more like staring at what Keira had deemed "Orlando's Ever-Plunging Neckline". Johnny raised his gaze to meet Orlando's, smiling sweetly at his co-star.
"So are you?"
The confused look on Orlando's face was obviously funny, as Johnny's smile grew wider, an almost innocent look easing its way onto his face.
Orlando looked at the people around him for help; none of them were paying attention to the conversation, makes a fucking change.
"Ah right, oh yeah, I'll be there."
A quick wink edged with black eyeliner and Johnny was away to prepare for the scene.
Excuse me?! What the fuck?! Orlando stared after Johnny, watching him take his position, running through a few pieces with the extras. Orlando shook his head, a feeble attempt to clear his head, before making his way over to the set.
"I may have deserved that."
"Thank God."
Johnny straightens up, rolling his neck from side to side.
"You ok?"
"If I have to do this scene again, I'm likely to break my neck."
"That's great guys. That should do for the day. Are you both coming tonight?"
"Right, about eight then?"
Jerry turned to his assistant, leaving Johnny and Orlando to make their way back to remove their pirate garb and return to the real world.
They walked in silence at first, Orlando slightly behind Johnny, watching him rubbing his neck, turning his head from one side to another. Watching long, dark hair moving across Johnny's back as he moved his head. Watching as he slowly rolled his head back slightly, slowly. Orlando quickened his pace so he was walking beside Johnny.
"Still sore?"
"Hmm? Yeah, a bit."
Orlando's heart started to race as the words, want me to make it better, crossed his mind. As he tried to find something less "I want to shag you", he felt a tug on his foot; before he knew it, he had tripped over a wayward cable.
He managed to save himself from total humiliation by not falling on his face, but he still felt stupid. He tried to smile, but the grin on Johnny's face made him feel that little bit worse. How was he going to spend the entire night with him?
They both stopped walking, Johnny ceasing his neck rub and turning to Orlando.
"I forgot to get directions."
Orlando turned to go back when he felt a warm hand firm on his arm.
"I can give you a lift."
Orlando glanced between the ringed hand on his arm and the dark eyes watching him.
"Wouldn't want to trouble you..."
"No trouble at all, Orlando."
If the way he had slowly said his name in that delectable voice hadn't persuaded him, the smile he was now receiving would have nailed it.
"If you don't mind?"
"I don't."
A quick squeeze on Orlando's arm, and Johnny was back on track, heading off to get changed. Orlando glanced down to where Johnny's hand had been only seconds before. He could still feel the warm pressure on his arm; subconsciously he locked away that memory to keep it safe, so he could relive it again some day.
"Glad you could make it."
Hugs. Lots of hugs. Orlando and Johnny stepped inside the hall, Jerry taking their jackets and abandoning them with the already mounting pile. They followed him along the hall, into the large dining room. The table was set for over a dozen of the cast and crew, most of who had already arrived, or so it seemed.
"Just waiting for Keira, says she's stuck in traffic."
Johnny made his way to the crowd, taking a seat at the opposite side of the table. Orlando found himself talking to one of the lighting crew, a close friend of Jerry's apparently. It was that mindless conversation that you can never remember if anyone asks you later, and Orlando found himself glancing across the room at Johnny what seemed like every few seconds. Johnny seemed to be enjoying himself, deep in conversation with Geoffrey, not paying any attention to Orlando. That's fine. Doesn't matter anyway.
It was about fifteen minutes later that Keira arrived. Orlando was greeted with the usual hug and kiss on the cheek, which was gratefully received and returned. When she slipped from his arms past him to someone else, he risked a glance at Johnny; it looked like he was still deep in conversation with Geoffrey, but a quick glance and a raised eyebrow told Orlando otherwise.
The evening passed uneventfully. Orlando partook in more mindless conversations, listened to stories told by his much more experienced colleagues, but more than anything, kept an eye on Johnny. He was probably the most intriguing individual, save for Viggo, that Orlando had ever met. He couldn't help but watch every movement, listen to every word.
Once everyone had finished, the random milling about and being sociable phase began. He was asked so many questions about Lord of the Rings, the filming, the guys he was working with. As the evening wore on into the very late hours of the night, Keira got him so into a rather long story about a trip Dom, Lij, Billy and him had taken that he even managed to put Johnny to the back of his mind. It wasn't until he needed to refill his glass that he realised he had lost track of Johnny. Standing in the kitchen, trying to look as casual as possible, he scanned the room once, twice; his third reconnaissance did not go unnoticed, as Jerry came into the kitchen.
"Looking for someone in particular?"
"Just wondering where Johnny got to."
Orlando was sure his heart skipped a beat at Jerry's last comment. Orlando gripped his glass tighter as he faced Jerry.
"Excuse me?"
His attempts to hide the nervous tone in his voice succeeded fairly well, despite his nerves causing a minor earthquake throughout his body.
Words flew through Orlando's mind like Concorde, but putting them into sentences was becoming tougher than nuclear physics.
"I uh...he...Johnny...he's driving."
Orlando tried to avert Jerry's attention by coughing, but Orli was sure Jerry knew something, or suspected something at least. He had to come up with something fast.
"Johnny's driving, just wanted to make sure my lift hadn't gone without me."
Play it cool, he'll never know.
"Ah right."
Jerry nodded, took a swig of his drink and as he headed back to the crowd, he nodded in the direction of the back door.
"Having a smoke."
Suddenly Orlando felt the urge for a cigarette. He'd been good for over a year, thanks to not-so-gentle persuasion from the hobbits, Dom in particular. Waiting until Jerry was out of sight, Orlando abandoned his glass and headed out to the back garden.
The cold air hit him hard as he stepped outside. Closing the door behind him, he wished he had brought his jacket with him. The garden was dimly lit by light coming from the windows, and Orlando could just about make out the figure leaning against the wall at the opposite end of the house. Walking slowly and carefully, he made his way along the wall, trying not to trip over anything. As he neared the figure, he knew by the long hair and jacket that it was Johnny, who obviously had more sense than Orlando when he had decided to come outside for a smoke.
Well this is a fucking fantastic conversation, must remember this one. Orlando tried to make it look like he was admiring the garden, but the truth was that he could barely see two feet beyond his own, never mind the garden. Shoving his hands in his pockets, he tried to quell the shiver starting in his spine. It was then he realised that his plan to come outside for a social cigarette was about to fall flat on its face; it had been at least six months since he'd bought a packet of cigarettes, and now that he thought about it, he couldn't even remember where he'd left his lighter. And now Johnny was staring at him, waiting for him to say something, at least meet his gaze.
"Was it that bad?"
The question shocked Orlando, shifted his gaze from what was probably an old hedge to Johnny.
"Was the company so bad that you'd rather come and stand outside in the cold with me?"
A smile and a quiet laugh accompanied the question, Johnny returning the cigarette to his lips while he waiting for an answer.
"Just needed some air."
The two men stood in silence, both now leaning against the brick wall of the house. Hundreds of stars twinkled in the dark sky above them, the large, bright moon standing amongst them. Orlando became mesmerised by the sheer number of them, their arrangement in the night sky. He was only vaguely aware of movement beside him. In the corner of his eye, he saw Johnny drop his cigarette to the ground, stubbing it out with his foot.
He snapped out of his daze to find Johnny standing much closer to him, inches away from him.
"You okay?"
Orlando could have melted at the look of concern on Johnny's face.
"Let me know when you want a lift home, yeah?"
Had Orlando not been leaning against the wall, Johnny's hand on his arm would have completely floored him. The smile that followed as Johnny walked back inside left a warm feeling throughout Orlando. Leaning his head back against the wall, Orlando sighed, breathing deeply, still reeling from that touch, such a simple thing, but it felt wonderful. The warm feeling didn't last long against the cool night air, Orlando's skin covering quickly in goosebumps. Rubbing his bare arms, he wandered back inside, stifling a yawn. The fresh air was allowing tiredness to catch up with Orlando.
Stepping inside, he noticed the room considerably emptier than before. At least half the people had left, including Keira. Johnny sat by the table with Jerry; he glanced at his watch as Orlando walked past.
"It's almost 1am, do you want to go yet?"
Orlando stopped mid-step, turning back to face them. A quick glance at his own watch confirmed the time; another yawn, this time escaping, not-so-subtly hinted that maybe they should leave.
"If you want."
They said their goodbyes to Jerry and the remaining guests, lifted their jackets and left the house. Stepping into the cold air again, Orlando hugged his jacket close around him as they walked down the path to Johnny's car. Orlando gave in to another yawn as he got into the car.
"I thought you young guys were meant to have stamina."
Orlando watched Johnny put the key in the ignition, starting the car.
"I do. Just had a long week."
Orlando leaned his head against the window, cool against his skin. As they pulled away from the house, Johnny asked a question that brought Orlando back from his weary state of mind to being fully alert, although he tried not to show it.
"Do you want to stay at mine tonight?"
Glancing across, he tried to read the expression on Johnny's face, but the dark of the night kept it hidden.
"I mean, it's another half hour to your apartment. Why bother driving that distance when mine's ten minutes drive?"
When Orlando tried to speak, he found his mouth had gone dry.
"Sure. If you don't mind."
"Why would I?"
Orlando wanted to answer that, he really did. Instead he muttered a "thanks" and leant his head back against the window, closing his eyes to the night outside. He may have looked peacefully asleep, but his mind was buzzing; why had Johnny offered for him to stay? Was it an honest offer? Or was there something else to it? Despite the confusion in his mind, sleep took him, if only briefly.
It was when the car stopped that Orlando stirred from his sleep. He didn't want to move, to open his eyes; the work and strain of the week was finally catching up on him, leaving him exhausted.
Orlando contemplated moving as he heard the deep voice.
Just before Orlando moved, he felt a hand on his arm, shaking him ever so gently. Although the thoughts of moving still wandered, lost, around his mind, almost all ability to move suddenly swept out of him.
That deep voice closer to him. His breath held in his lungs as he felt a rough finger running slowly across his cheek, meeting the remaining fingers under his chin while a thumb explored his cheek. Warm breath in his ear, with a soft whisper;
Forcefully controlling his urges, he pretended to stir from his sleep, Johnny sitting back in his seat.
"We're here."
Getting out of the car, Orlando stretched before pulling his jacket around him again. The cold air was wakening him again as followed Johnny into the building. They stood silently in the lift going up to Johnny's second floor apartment; they walked in silence to the end of the corridor. Opening the door, Johnny let Orlando in first, following close behind, flipping the lights on.
The main room of the apartment was slightly larger than Orlando's, much tidier. He figured the view from the large window would be good during the day.
"Have a seat, Orlando."
Johnny had abandoned his jacket by the door, and was closing the curtains, then headed for what Orlando presumed was the bedroom. Orlando took his jacket off and set it beside Johnny's, making his way to the sofa. Kicking his shoes off, Orlando dropped his body onto the sofa. His legs immediately felt weak, from tiredness, and from what had just happened in the car. Rearranging the cushions, he lay down, and began wondering if it had just been a dream, he had been asleep after all. Closing his eyes, thinking about it over and over, he convinced himself it hadn't happened. He vaguely heard a voice calling to him from the kitchen before sleep took him again.
Warmth. Stroking. Moist. Rough skin. Orlando's mind was dragged out of its rest and forced to put the pieces of the puzzle together. Warm breath from someone sitting close, very close. That same person who was stroking his face, his neck. Moist lips placing a delicate kiss on his forehead. Rough skin on a hand that was running down his arm. His heart quickly began racing, his breathing short, his eyes slowly opening. Johnny was kneeling beside the sofa, one arm resting on it, the other exploring Orlando, wandering curiously over his skin. It was only when those dark eyes met Orlando's that Johnny stopped. They sat in silence, staring at each other, frozen in the moment, eyes searching, hoping for an answer to the situation. The silence seemed to continue forever; what Orlando would've given for it to be over.
His voice was stuck somewhere in his throat. Swallowing didn't help. He lost all control over his breathing as Johnny brought his hand to Orlando's face, his thumb gliding across Orlando's face. Orlando found himself biting his lip as Johnny crept towards him, still staring deep into his eyes. That first touch of Johnny's lips against his took his breath away, sent heat flowing throughout his body. Lips automatically separating, he felt Johnny's tongue against his, tentatively at first. That same rough hand which had been stroking his face slid behind his head, pulling them closer together. It was then that Orlando found some feeling in his body, found he could actually move. Reaching up to Johnny, he pulled a few long strands of hair behind him, losing his hand amongst the dark hair, gripping tighter as their kiss intensified. A quiet moan escaped Orlando as their tongues continued to war, explore, devour.
Aware of those warm, rough hands sliding down his neck, Orlando could feel a deep heat pooling in his groin; he had wanted this for so long, but he did not realise until this moment how much he had wanted it. His pulse raced as Johnny tugged firmly at the front his shirt, reluctantly ending their kiss. Staring at each other, slightly panting, Johnny stood up, taking Orlando's hands and pulling him from the sofa. A brief kiss before Johnny walked in the direction of the bedroom, Orlando following, still clinging to Johnny's hand.
As Orlando stepped into the room, he found himself more nervous than ever. His legs were weak, his heart racing, his erection growing. The moonlit room provided what seemed like a perfect setting, beautifully lighting Johnny's face, highlighting unique features. Orlando hadn't time to take in any more of his surroundings before he was pulled against Johnny, another searing kiss that would leave him breathless. Orlando took a few small steps as he felt himself being pulled backwards, collapsing on top of Johnny on the bed. He wasn't sure how, but in a matter of seconds, Johnny was on top of him. Gently biting down on Orlando's lower lip, Johnny ended their kiss, straddling Orlando on the moonlit bed. Leaning low enough so his long hair trailed Orlando's body, Johnny slowly undid the buttons on his shirt, sliding the sides apart.
Taking his time, enjoying every second, every inch, Johnny slowly worked his tongue across Orlando's chest; licking ,sucking the tanned skin, gently tugging on hardening nipples. Orlando gripped the sheets tightly as Johnny made his way down Orlando's body, teasing him with his slow pace. The kiss which claimed him took him by surprise; Johnny, almost devouring him, swiftly undid the buttons on Orlando's jeans. Before he could return to remove them, Orlando tugged insistently at his shirt, which was quickly removed and discarded. Slipping out of his own jeans before quickly removing Orlando's, Johnny kneeled on the bed beside Orlando's feet, staring at the beautiful, moonlit body lying before him, for him.
Holding his gaze, Johnny slowly fingered his way up Orlando's leg, his thigh; as the back of his hand brushed Orlando's hard cock, Orlando had to bite down hard on his lip, use all his energy to not throw himself atop Johnny. Orlando watched as Johnny slid both his hands along Orlando's legs, gently easing them apart. Clenching his fists tightly into the sheets, Orlando could not contain a moan as Johnny ran his finger along the length of Orlando's cock. Heat continued to pool as Johnny pressed his lips against the head, the tip of his tongue flicking across it.
The heat engulfing Orlando's cock was tremendous as Johnny relentlessly began sucking, lapping, licking Orlando, holding his thighs firmly. Orlando writhed under Johnny's influence, his heels digging into the bed. Orlando was left gasping for breath as the heat retreated, his knuckles white, his fingers sore. Orlando barely saw Johnny moving beside him through half-closed eyes, reaching for something on the bedside table.
Orlando opened his eyes only seconds before he felt cool fingers against him, gently probing. That annoying lump in Orlando's throat appeared again as he watched Johnny watching him, waiting for him to tell him it was ok, that everything was alright. A slow nod, and Johnny slowly slid a finger in, Orlando throwing his head back into a pillow and letting out a loud sigh.
Orlando forced himself to meet Johnny's expectant gaze, trying to reassure him that he was fine. His nerves were still there, the lump in his throat was still there, but he wanted this, badly.
As gently as he could, Johnny inserted another cool finger, Orlando biting down hard on his lip, clenching the sheets as tightly as he possibly could. Johnny began stroking him, trying to relax him, but it only made Orlando more and more like a spring, waiting to be released.
It was about the only word Orlando could form coherently, but it was enough to get his lover's attention. Even if it wasn't how he had planned.
"Orlando, I'm sorry."
"You should've told me to..."
Using every ounce of energy left in his body, Orlando hauled himself upright, grabbing Johnny, pulling him into a deep kiss. One hand deep in the thick, dark hair, Orlando searched blindly for the tube Johnny had earlier retrieved. Squeezing its contents onto his free hand, he took hold of Johnny's cock, taking him by surprise.
"Johnny, shut up."
Orlando rubbed the length in his hand, slowly at first, his lips making their own discovery of Johnny's neck and chest. Orlando felt Johnny's hands clench in his long hair, encouraging him, not that he needed it any more. Everything that had plagued him before vanished as Orlando devoured the luxurious body above him.
Warm hands now pried him from his treasure, easing him away and back onto the bed. Lying on top of that silk body, Johnny, kissing Orlando softly, slid himself ever so slowly inside him. Orlando's hands once again found home in Johnny's hair, gripping tightly as his lover slid inside him. Pausing momentarily to catch a quick, reassuring glance, Johnny began slowly rocking, somehow reaching deeper and deeper each time. Orlando gripped tighter and tighter, his orgasm nearing rapidly as Johnny hit that sweet spot each and every time. Reaching between them, Johnny took hold of Orlando, vigorously stroking him as that pool of heat which had been forming overflowed. It was only seconds later that Johnny's orgasm took hold of him. They held each other tight until they had both settled, Johnny easing himself from Orlando to lie beside him. Orlando rolled onto his side, his leg falling between Johnny's, his arm draped across his chest, his head resting on Johnny's shoulder. Orlando watched Johnny's chest rising and falling as he breathed, taking in the moonlit beauty before him. Closing his eyes as he felt Johnny kiss his forehead, stroke his hair, Orlando drifted off to sleep, the image of moonlit Johnny caressing his thoughts.