Title : Untitled
Authors : Finduilas
Rating : PG
Pairing : Johnny / Orlando
Disclaimer : None of it ever happened.
Feedback : To evil_hand1@yahoo.com

"What are you smiling about?"

Johnny grinned even before he knew why Orlando had that silly smile plastered all over his face. Not answering, Orlando leaned down, lips brushing against Johnny's, tongue searching acceptance. But before Johnny could respond to the kiss properly, the other man pulled back again, an even bigger grin on his face. Johnny put his arms around Orlando's waist, pulling him down on his lap, nearly spilling his cup of coffee. Pushing the cup a bit further away on the table, Johnny repeated his question.

"I have something for you," Orlando answered, arms already around his neck, fingers ruffling through long strands of hair. The smooching sound of a big sloppy kiss filled Johnny's ears, following by a wet tongue.

Not being able to suppress a giggle, Johnny let Orlando have his way with his ear. Biting, nibbling and licking until Orlando eventually started giggling himself.

"So what have you got for me?" Johnny asked, pulling back his head so he could look into Orlando's eyes.

"There were two girls this morning, who recognized me on the street," Orlando started, fingers absently brushing Johnny's hair behind his ear.

"Were they pretty?" Johnny raised his eyebrows in what was supposed to be in a jealous manner.

"They were like fourteen or something," Orlando answered indignant.

"Well, maybe you've got a fetish, really old guys and very young girls," Johnny smiled, wrapping his arms a little closer around Orlando's waist before getting slapped on the arm.

"Perv!" Orlando laughed, then added a little more serious, "And you're not old."

"Yeah," Johnny snorted.

"You're brisk," Orlando's eyes lit up as he said this and he kissed the other man again. Long, lazy, and oh so sweet.

Breaking away, Johnny smiled, "So am I ever gonna find out what it is that you have for me?"

Orlando fished in his pocket. "These two girls..." Fumble. "...gave me..." he jubilantly fished out two bracelets. "...this."

Orlando grinned as Johnny stared at the two bracelets. Pink. Purple. Blue. Yellow. Little plastic hearts all the way 'round.

"Cute, right?" Orlando said, holding up the little bracelets.

"They gave you this?" Johnny asked.

"Yep. They each wore one, but they loved me so much I got them as a pressie."

Johnny couldn't help but kiss Orlando for his silly enthusiasm over two little girls' hearts-bracelets. Returning the kiss, Orlando grabbed Johnny's arm, sliding the two elastic bracelets over his wrist.

"You can have them," Orlando whispered against Johnny's lips.

Johnny looked down at the flashy colors encircling his wrist. "This is what little girls give their little boyfriends," he stated.

"It's also what feisty young actors give their very old sugardaddies," Orlando answered smug.

"You're insane, you know that?" Johnny laughed, turning around his wrist, only to find the same bright colors there again.

"Yes," Orlando answered stern, "But you're not supposed to take them off."

"I have a photoshoot this afternoon," Johnny raised his eyebrows.

"Keep them on..." Orlando said, swinging his leg around so he came to straddle the older man, lips finding Johnny's neck, "...and I'll make it worth your while this evening."
