Orlando's been watching Johnny all day. He always watches Johnny, but today he really watched him. He watched Johnny swat away the makeup artists touching up his face at lunchtime, before submitting resignedly to their ministrations. He watched Johnny pace through his routine again and again even though it was faultless the first time. He watched Johnny shrug out of costume, sliding off Jack Sparrow at the same time and gradually becoming Johnny once more. He watched Johnny's dismissive wave of acquiescence when Geoffrey and Jack invited him out for a drink and then later watched Johnny swagger into the bar in a perfect parody of himself as Jack Sparrow.
Now he watches Johnny as he swallows, gasping at the burning in his throat before slamming the glass back onto the table. He watches Johnny peer at the clock, rub a hand over his face and head for the door.
He follows Johnny, heart in his mouth because this is what he has been watching for all this time. When they are alone, Orlando can't remember the words, but Johnny's smile is all he needs and he bends to kiss him.
Johnny pulls away, although still holding Orlando's shoulder for support. Orlando's heart plummets through the air and dashes itself to pieces on the jagged rocks below. Johnny is still shaking his head and he leans close, his breath heavy in Orlando's ear as he whispers, "Too much alcohol."
He looks up at Orlando significantly, but Orlando doesn't understand because he hasn't been drinking, not even for courage.
"Me," Johnny slurs. "I've had too much." Orlando sighs in agreement and helps Johnny towards the waiting car. As the door shuts he hears Johnny's final explanation, "I don't want it to be the alcohol. When I kiss you I want to mean it."