Title : Yallume
Author : Finduilas
Rating : NC-17
Pairing : Johnny / Orlando
Disclaimer : None of it ever happened.
Feedback : To evil_hand1@yahoo.com

Orlando closed his eyes and tried to count the number of raindrops that fell on his face. He felt the fabric of his shirt slowly starting to stick to his body. With one deep breath the smell of fresh rain after days of drought filled his lungs. Orlando loved first rain. It made him feel young. It made him feel alive. Though he could never really explain why. It was new and refreshing and he if he could, he would bottle the scent and smell it whenever he felt down.

He threw his head back, welcoming the not-so-cold water on his face. He'd lost count. Wet trails ran over his neck, into his shirt, over his chest. Behind closed eyes he could follow their path over his body. With one hand and one movement he brushed the hair out of his face. A thick drop passed behind his ear. He sighed content, enjoying what he knew would be the last minutes before the cold set in. A smile crept over his face and he wasn't sure if it was because of the familiar sensations washing over him, or because he sensed Johnny's presence.

Raindrops rolled over closed eyelids as he softly said, not wanting to disturb the rain, "Don't you just love this?"

The answer came from right where he expected it to be, a few feet behind him. Johnny smiled confused, watching the last spots on the pirate's shirt turn darker, and said: "Sometimes I wonder if you ever leave the Elf behind."

Orlando finally opened his eyes again, whispering, "Not if I don't have to..."

A slight shiver rushed through Orlando's body. He turned towards his co-star and smiled: "I'm done here."

Johnny shook his head in amusement and offered, "My place is closer. Get dry in there before you catch a cold."


A few moments later they were inside. Johnny shrugged off his raincoat.

"Aren't you freezing?" he asked the dripping pirate.

Orlando simply smiled and said, "I love rain."

"Yeah, I can see that," Johnny smiled, nodding his head towards a door, "The shower's that way. I'll give you some dry clothes."

"You do that often?" Johnny shouted at Orlando in the shower, "Stand in the rain until you're soaking wet?"

Orlando grinned, yet again welcoming water over his face, but grateful that this time it warmed him up.

"I used to do it with Viggo in New Zealand," Orlando shouted back, smiling inwardly at the memories of Viggo pulling him out into the new rain, forcing him to really experience the feeling.

"Is there anything you didn't do with Viggo?" Johnny snorted loud enough to Orlando to hear him.

"Jealous?" Orlando grinned, then wondered if the lack of answer was because Johnny hadn't heard him.

With a towel around his waist he left the bathroom. Johnny pointed him towards his bedroom and said, "Just take the clothes you need. Skim through the cupboards, I'm sure you'll find something. You want some coffee?"

Orlando shook his head and disappeared into Johnny's bedroom. He pulled off the towel and dried his hair, silently cursing the long, slightly curled, wet locks.

"Are you sick and tired of this long hair too?" he shouted out.

Johnny shrugged, then realized the other couldn't see him and said, "Doesn't bother me that much."

Orlando put on a pair of jeans he found in Johnny's closet, before spotting a shirt that was hanging over a chair. Orlando let the fabric slide through his fingers before bringing it up to his nose and smelling it. It had a familiar Johnny-scent. Orlando had grown to like that scent. He bit his lip for a second, lost in thoughts, before putting on the shirt. He looked down at himself, dressed in Johnny's clothes.

He combed his hair, threw the towel in laundry basket and joined the other man in the living room. The carpet was soft under his bare feet. It was one of those things Orlando could enjoy. He loved walking around barefoot after taking a shower. 'Stupid,' Elijah had said, 'Because you're getting them dirty again.' But it was one of Orlando's little quirks and he didn't mind dirty feet.

"You could've taken a clean shirt," Johnny said when he saw that the young man had taken a used one.

"Wanted to spare you more laundry."

Johnny didn't see through Orlando's lie. In New Zealand Orlando always borrowed used shirts. He loved the feeling of someone else's property on his body. He loved the manly smell of Viggo's shirt. The cigarettes in Lij's, although he didn't always fit in them. The spicy perfume of Dom. The clean smell on Billy's shirts. Sean Bean's were probably his favorite, and impossible to describe. And he started to love Johnny's as well. Orlando liked to walk around, feeling the presence of his friends on his body. And while hearing this thought in his head, he wondered suddenly when Johnny had become his friend.

When Orlando took this job, he was excited about working with the famous Johnny Depp. Excited in a different way than he was when he got the Lord of the Rings-job. Because everything was different here. He was different. He had more experience. Not only with acting, but with life. New Zealand changed everything. And now that he was here, working with Johnny... he felt that the 'new him' fit here better than the old.

After New Zealand Orlando had a feeling that because a movie-set would never feel the way it did in New Zealand, it could only be less fun. He felt that Lord of the Rings was the top, so everything from thereon would be... disappointing. But then he got to work with Johnny, and Orlando learned that different didn't necessarily mean less. Johnny wasn't Viggo, or Sean, or Elijah. Johnny was just Johnny. The Johnny Depp. But being star struck passed pretty quickly when he started to like Johnny for who he really was. Like? Love? Orlando knew he was walking a fine line.


"I don't believe you," Johnny laughed.

"I'm telling you, it's true. I thought I was being kidnapped or something. They just dragged me out of bed, in the middle of the night," Orlando continued his story, "I thought I was gonna have a heart attack or something!"

"But you did know it was them, right?" Johnny smiled.

"Yeah, once I saw it was them, I was like 'oh great, a practical joke'," Orlando couldn't help but smile a little, "But your initial thought is panic."

Johnny shook his head laughing, picked up his beer and said, "I can believe that. Must've hurt like hell too."

"You have no idea," Orlando answered, laying back in the couch.

"Another beer?" Johnny asked when he saw Orlando's empty bottle.

The Elf nodded gratefully and Johnny disappeared in the kitchen. Orlando caught himself stretching out so he could take a glimpse of Johnny by the fridge. The older man tucked his hair behind his ear as he crouched to take another beer.

"Nice friends you have," Johnny quipped when he returned.

Orlando took the bottle and said, "Don't go dissin' my friends."

Johnny laughed, "Don't try the street-talk, Orlando, it doesn't suit you."

Orlando just giggled and brought the beer up to his lips. Johnny leaned back on the couch, closing his eyes as he let a long sigh escape him.

"Tired?" Orlando asked, starting to feel the hard working schedule as well.

"'s okay," he answered, "I'm nothing if not used to it by now. How are you coping with everything anyway? Cause you're it now."

"Yeah, they say I'm the new Johnny Depp," Orlando quipped.

"Really?" Johnny raised an eyebrow.

"Nah," Orlando admitted, "They compared me with Leonardo DiCaprio."

"Not bad," Johnny smiled.

"I'd rather be the new Johnny Depp though," the Elf blinked.

"That's how it goes these days," Johnny sighed dramatically," A new young stud enters Hollywood and it's 'bye bye Johnny'."

"Don't worry," Orlando reassured, "You're not being replaced that easily."

"I'll drink to that!" Johnny smiled and downed the rest of his beer.

Orlando studied Johnny for a second and said, "Young stud, huh?"

Johnny looked down at his beer, "I didn't say I meant you."

When he looked up to find Orlando staring at him, he blinked.

"I'll go get some more beers," Johnny said quickly and disappeared in the kitchen again.

"Are you hungry? Do you want something to eat?" he called out, crouching in front of the fridge again.

His heart jumped as he stood up and turned around, finding himself eye to eye with Orlando.

"No," Orlando said quietly, taking the two bottles out of Johnny's hands," And I don't think we need these anymore either."

He put the beers on the counter behind Johnny, practically pinning the older man between him and the fridge.

"What do you mean?" Johnny swallowed hard.

"There's something I've been wanting to say..." Orlando said, locking his gaze with Johnny's.

"What's that?" Johnny's hands gripped the counter behind him as he slowly got used to Orlando's proximity.

"Lle naa vanima*," he smiled, enjoying the feel of the Elvish language on his tongue again, and enjoying the confused expression on Johnny's face.

"What does it mean?" Johnny asked, refusing to break his stare with Orlando.

He was slowly but surely beginning to pick up on this game.

"Why don't you guess?" Orlando teased.

"I wouldn't know where to begin," Johnny's smile was warm and inviting, and the nerves that Orlando had been battling with, despite his cocky exterior, slowly faded away.

"It's Elvish..." Orlando offered smiling.

Johnny snorted, "I guessed that much."

Orlando felt his heart beat heavily in his chest at the sight of Johnny's now open and relaxed smile. Just the right encouragement he needed to slip his hand round Johnny's waist and hook his fingers in the belt loop. Orlando waited, waited to see if Johnny would pull away, to see if he had gone too far. But Johnny didn't pull away. Johnny smiled and let himself get pulled a little closer to Orlando.

His fingers gripped hard on the edge of the counter when Orlando's lips collided with his. The kiss wasn't rough, but fast and passionate. And Orlando lost himself in it immediately. It had been long since he had kissed somebody and now that he felt Johnny's tongue invade his mouth he realized just how long he'd been craving this. How long he'd been craving Johnny. Because Johnny wasn't just anybody and despite their little joke earlier, Orlando knew that Johnny could never be replaced. And not being star struck anymore didn't mean Orlando didn't know what it was that made Johnny so irresistible. And when Johnny's hands slipped around Orlando's waist, Orlando realized yet again that he wasn't hungry for a kiss, but for Johnny's kiss. For those hands around him. For that mouth on his.

Orlando groaned as he pushed Johnny against the counter, sneaking his leg between Johnny's. The older man broke the kiss, licking his way to Orlando's neck. Both men felt the arousal grow. Orlando reached down to open Johnny's pants but was stopped by a hand closing over his. Johnny's voice was deep and husky when he said, "Don't. I don't need some groupie willing to go down on me the first chance he gets."

Orlando swallowed hard and pulled back, regret seeping through his veins. But Johnny's mouth crushed against his and his hands found their way straight to Orlando's pants.

"This is what I need," Johnny whispered before reaching inside the opened pants and teasingly rubbing over Orlando's hardening cock.

Orlando gasped, trying to find his footing. The grin on the other man's face was nearly enough to get him over the top. Johnny pushed the shirt up, his shirt, and leaned down, his tongue dipping into Orlando's bellybutton. He let it swirl around the tattoo, gently biting the skin. Johnny's hands hooked inside the waistband as he pushed the pants over Orlando's hips.

"Going commando in my pants, Orlando?" Johnny whispered huskily.

All Orlando could manage in response was a breathless chuckle 'cause Johnny chose that moment to suck at the tip of his cock. Orlando closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. Heat engulfed him as Johnny's wet mouth enclosed him.

"Oh shit, John," the younger man hissed, feeling the slick tongue glide over the base. His hands searched for Johnny's hair, tangling his fingers in the long strands. Johnny's nails dug into Orlando's skin as he started a nice rhythm of sucking and licking. His mouth was warm and wet, and any control that Orlando had ever had around Johnny faded in a matter of seconds. Faded like the groans and whimpers leaving Orlando's mouth, coming to rest in Johnny's ears.

Johnny was skilled. Putting pressure on the base with his tongue, slowing down when he felt Orlando close to coming, speeding up again when the time was just right. Orlando threw his head back, trying hard to remember how to breathe. Biting his lips to stop from screaming Johnny's name over and over again, until the words had lost their meaning but everybody in a five mile radius would have heard him cry out.

Lips sliding over the sensitive shaft, exploring the feel, the taste, everything. Johnny made a noise. A satisfied grunt as the taste of Orlando's body washed over his tongue. A grunt that made the Elf's heart skip a beat.

A shiver ran down his spine, telling him he couldn't hold out much longer. And when Orlando tried to push Johnny's head away, and gasped something that was meant as a warning, Johnny ignored it and swallowed eagerly as Orlando spilled hot semen down his throat. His cry drowned out by the rain trickling against the window, and the hard attempts to catch breaths.

Johnny slowly licked him clean, tongue firm against the shaft and lips nipping at the head of the cock. Orlando's breath hitched as he looked down just as Johnny looked up, eyes dark beneath long eyelashes, mouth curled into the smallest of smiles.

Orlando pulled at Johnny's arm, lifting him up before claiming him in a fierce kiss. Johnny slipped his hands under Orlando's shirt, moving smoothly over the skin. Orlando's arms were a tangled mess around Johnny's neck and shoulders, fingers entwined in the long hair.

Johnny pulled back, rubbing his nose slightly against Orlando's, and grinning satisfied as he rested forehead against forehead.

"Bedroom?" he asked, landing a small peck on the lips of the man in his arms.

"Yallume**," Orlando grinned, getting a scowl from Johnny in return.

Orlando leaned in to kiss him but Johnny pulled away, grabbing the surprised man's hand and leading him into the bedroom. Orlando stumbled into him, trying to kiss him again but with one push he was thrown onto the bed. Johnny straddled him, pinning his arms above his head. Orlando's breathing was heavy, and his eyes dark with lust. He groaned as Johnny pushed down his hips, deliberately causing friction.

"My turn..."

Orlando slowly closed his eyes, arching his back, as he felt Johnny's weight land on top of him, lips sucking at his neck. The brief thought of how am I going to explain this to make-up? got pushed out of his head as Johnny pinned his wrists down in one hand, to bring the other up to his mouth. Orlando bit down on the finger, scraping his teeth along the length, his tongue wet and warm around it. Johnny did the same, teeth gently against the skin of Orlando's neck, then sucking again. And then he said it, the words Orlando was dying to hear...

"Lando, let me fuck you..."

And even though it wasn't really a question, Orlando answered anyway.

"God, yes."

Within a matter of seconds all clothes came off. And Johnny was naked on top of Orlando. And both men were hard as rock. Orlando's hands roamed along the skin of Johnny's back, nails scraping as Johnny explored his mouth in a fierce kiss. The finger left Orlando's mouth, making its way down, leaving a wet trail across Orlando's thigh before circling his opening. Orlando nearly bit down on Johnny's lip when the finger pushed through. Johnny's cock was hard against Orlando's hip, craving to be attended to. Luckily it didn't take the Elf very long to reach down wrap his hand around it. Johnny gasped as the hand slowly started stroking. Tongues were battling each other as a second finger entered Orlando. Tight and hot, and Johnny thought he might come right there because the sight of Orlando beneath him was almost too much to take. Johnny kissed his brow, then making his way to Orlando's ear, gently nipping the earlobe. The breaths in Orlando's ear were deep and ragged.

"Gorgeous..." the whisper filled Orlando's ear.

And a third finger was added, causing Orlando to lift his hips and moan, "Now... please."

Johnny's face hovered over his, eyes locked, as he reached over to the nightstand, fumbling with a packet of condoms and a bottle of lube. A whimper escaped Orlando's lips as Johnny pulled his fingers out.

"Now," Orlando repeated needy and the other man obliged as quick as he could.

He bit open the wrapping and rolled the condom over his cock. He lifted Orlando's legs a little as the Elf stroked slick lube over the condom.

"This is gonna hurt," Johnny whispered apologetic, his lips landing on Orlando's.

"I know," he answered, "It's worth it."

Johnny nodded and buried his face in the crook of Orlando's neck as he slowly but steady pushed his cock in. Orlando gasped, his fists clenched in the bed sheets, his eyes squeezed shut. Johnny whispered in a what he hoped would be soothing voice, "It'll be better, Lan."

Orlando nodded, grunting loudly as Johnny pushed in all the way.

"Oh God!" he cried, not sure if it was out of pleasure or pain, clasping his arms around Johnny's neck, pulling him close.

Johnny froze, allowing Orlando to get used to the length filling him.

"Okay?" he asked breathless, trying hard to keep from pushing in.

Orlando nodded, then he caught Johnny's mouth in an intense kiss. Tongues exploring each other's mouth as Johnny carefully moved his hips, working up a rhythm.

The bedroom was lit with the afternoon sun and rain plashed against the window but both men were oblivious to anything other than what was going on in the bed. Johnny lost himself in the kisses and the grunts every time he pushed back into Orlando. Orlando felt like he could disappear into Johnny's touch. Johnny's hand traced down to Orlando's cock, stroking it.

"John," Orlando hissed, "Faster..."

Johnny silenced him, crushing Orlando's mouth with his. Orlando gently bit down on Johnny's lip, his hands in Johnny's hair to keep the strands from falling into his face. Orlando looked at the man on top of him, inside of him, thrusting in, and he felt paralyzed by Johnny's beauty. Orlando wanted to say something, anything, to let Johnny know how amazing his touch was, but coherency was lost on him as Johnny moaned at every deep thrust, and paced up his stroking hand.

Johnny kissed Orlando again, his long hair falling on either side of Orlando's face, forming a perfect curtain for their private kiss.

With another few strokes Johnny took Orlando over the edge. Crying out the other man's name, Orlando came, back arched and eyes shut. He tightened around Johnny's cock, causing him to come only a few seconds after. With one last deep thrust and a loud grunt Johnny reached his orgasm, spilling his seed inside the condom, then collapsed on top of Orlando.

It took them a few minutes to come back down to earth. Orlando gently pushed at Johnny's shoulder.

"John..." he started but Johnny kissed him quickly, before pulling out of him and shifting his weight so he came to lay next to Orlando, giving the boy some breathing room. When Orlando opened his eyes again the condom was already thrown into the bucket not far from the bed. Orlando nuzzled his head in Johnny's hair, trying to catch his breath.

"Wow, Orlando, that was..."

"I know," Orlando grinned, wrapping his arm around Johnny's chest.

"Wow..." the older man smiled again, brushing some hair out of Orlando's face and kissing him softly on his temple.

Orlando sighed contently, his head resting on Johnny's chest, hearing the thuds of his heart simultaneously with the raindrops falling against the window. Johnny was breathing deep, his fingers playing with a lock of Orlando's hair. The younger man took his free hand in his, bringing it up to his mouth, kissing the knuckles, then each fingernail.

"John?" Orlando whispered, lifting his head 'cause he craved to look on those deep eyes again.

"Lando," Johnny smiled through tired eyes.

"Get dressed."

Johnny chuckled and said, "You can't kick me out, Lan, this is my bed."

Orlando chuckled, feeling the energy return to him. He leaned down to drop a small peck on the pirate's lips. The ghost of a kiss.

"I wanna show you something," Orlando whispered, "Get dressed."

Johnny thought this through, but the pleading look on Orlando's face won over the warmness of the bed. Orlando crawled out of his embrace and jumped out of bed. He slid into Johnny's jeans again as the latter grunted before getting up too.

'This had better be good,' he thought, searching for his clothes.

Orlando picked up Johnny's used shirt again and lingered on the smell as he pulled it over his head. He realized that that same smell was now all over him too. Once he was dressed, Orlando took Johnny's hand that was already reached out for him.

"Come on," he said, leading the older man towards the door.

"Orlando, it's raining," Johnny objected.

"I know," he grinned, pulling Johnny out the door. Thick raindrops fell on them as Orlando took them to an open place on the lawn, "We'll take a long hot shower when we're done here."

"You're insane," Johnny smiled.

His hair started to get wet and stick to his face.

"Close your eyes," Orlando said, brushing Johnny's hair back with both his hands. He smiled, getting wet for the third time that day.

"Do you feel it?" he asked Johnny.

"What am I supposed to feel?" Johnny smiled softly. Even behind closed eyes he could imagine the Orlando's grin. The wet hair sticking to his face. The raindrops rolling over his body.

"Shhh," A finger brought up to his mouth. "Just feel the rain..."

Johnny sighed, feeling the fabric of his shirt starting to stick to his body. The smell of rain filled his lungs, and to his surprise he rather enjoyed it. He felt Orlando's hands slip under his shirt and pull him close, whispering, "Do you feel this...?"

Wet lips softly brushed against his, and salty raindrops mixed with Orlando-taste washed over him. Orlando's kiss was new and refreshing, and Johnny couldn't figure out whether it was because of the rain or just Orlando. Orlando kissed him slow and long while water gushed over their faces. Tongues caressing each other, arms holding each other close. And as Orlando poured all his passion in the kiss, Johnny hoped it would rain more often...


* = "You are beautiful."
** = "At last."
