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Korum and Lara's Farewell

Lara stared up at Korum from where she had fallen to the ground. Blood trickled down her body and mixed with the rain, forming small rivers that flowed to the ground. She couldn't feel her leg, and she realized that she wouldn't be able to stand. She was trapped. If Korum attacked her now, there would be no possible way to dodge it. She only hoped he was as injured as she was.

"Don't make me kill you Lara", Korum said. He was holding his chest from where her attack had penetrated his skin. His breath was harsh, abrupt, as if he couldn't take in enough air.

Lara laughed, a cold, bitter sound. "You couldn't kill me, even if you tried, you traitor", she spat.

"You're the traitor!" he growled. "How could you betray me like this? How could you just cold-heartedly attack me, as if it were nothing?"

"You've strayed from our path, Korum. Our destiny. You're trying to destroy what we set out to protect and I won't let you! I'll stop you by any means necessary!"

"Damn the path!" Korum shouted. "Damn the "path of destiny" to Hell. I love you Lara. I thought you loved me as well. Doesn't our love mean more to you than all of this?"

"You can't do this Korum", Lara said." You can't just give up on all that we've accomplished. If you go through with what you're trying to do, there will be no future! You will kill any hope of any peace ever settling over this land."

"I don't care! I'm tired of all this. Of us having to suffer for all these selfish bastards who don't even care about what we're giving up to ensure their safety. I won't stand for it anymore."

"I will stop you."

"How? You can't even walk, can you?"

"Hear this Korum. I will never rest, never die, never leave this earth, until you are put to an end. You will not destroy what we have protected for so long! Do you understand me? You will not win!"

"And you hear this Lara", Korum answered. "I shall never die or leave either, until I accomplish what I have set out to do. You cannot stop me. I love you with all of my soul, but even you will not prevent me from destroying this miserable land. I will kill you."

Korum began to glow with power, as he spoke the words of the ancient fires. "Jigoku ni ne baka…"

"Goodbye Korum", Lara whispered.