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Love weather? Love trivia? This is the site for you! You will find lots of great weather trivia here, including a fun little quiz. Enjoy!





The amount of sunlight reaching the earth's surface is 6,000 times the amount of energy used by all human beings worldwide. The total amount of fossil fuel used by humans since the start of civilization is equivalent to less than 30 days of sunshine.

The summer of 1995 was so hot that at the end of August, methane emitted within big bales of freshly-cut hay in Missouri began spontaneously combusting.

Only two states have record highs no greater than 100 degrees. These are Alaska and Hawaii.

Tree crickets are called the poor man's thermometer because temperature directly affects their rate of activity. Count the number of chirps a cricket makes in 15 seconds, then add 37. The sum will be very close to the outside temperature!

How far away is lightning? During a storm, count the number of seconds between the flash of lightning and the sound of thunder, then divide by two. The answer reveals how many miles away the lightning is.

What causes a red sun? The red or orange color of the rising or setting sun is caused by the increased distance through our atmosphere its rays must pass before reaching our eyes. Our thick impurity-laden lower atmosphere only allows the red tones to pass through it. As the sun rises higher in the sky, its light passes through a shorter distance of thick atmosphere. It loses its redder tone and takes on its characteristic yellow color.  

How fast do raindrops fall? Not including wind-driven rain, raindrops fall between 7 and 18 miles per hour (3 and 8 meters per second) in still air. The range in speed depends on the the size of the raindrop. Air friction breaks up raindrops when they exceed 18 miles per hour. 

Can lightning strike twice in the same place? Yes! The old adage of lightning never striking twice in the same place is totally false. Lightning is not limited to a one-bolt action. Many lightning flashes are of a multiple variety and may strike repeatedly in a few seconds. Up to 22 consecutive lightning strokes have been observed in a multiple flash.



Test your knowledge with these 10 questions. Answers can be found by scrolling down the page.


1) Which is safest during a tornado?
     a) Inside a car
     b) Under an overpass
     c) In a ditch
     d) Under a tree

2) Which kills more people every year?
     a) Lightning
     b) Floods
     c) Tornadoes
     d) Hurricanes

3) Which type of cloud is highest in the atmosphere?
     a) Cirrus
     b) Altostratus
     c) Cumulus
     d) Nimbostratus

4) Which type of cloud is most likely to produce rain?
     a) Cirrus
     b) Altocumulus
     c) Cirrostratus
     d) Cumulus

5) Which type of cloud produces lightning?
     a) Altostratus
     b) Cumulonimbus
     c) Cirrocumulus
     d) Nimbus

6) Which time of day is the best for tornado development?
     a) 6:00am - 10:00am
     b) 8:00pm - midnight
     c) 3:00pm - 6:00pm
     d) Noon - 4:00pm

7) True or false: Tornadoes do not form in temperatures lower than 50 degrees Fahrenheit.

8) True or false: A tornado that forms over water is called a Waterdevil.

9) True or false: Cold air is heavier than warm air.

10) For golf-ball sized hail, a storms updraft must be:
      a) 70 mph
      b) 20 mph
      c) 50 mph
      d) Does not need an updraft.





Answers: C; B; A; D; B; C; False; False; True; A

9 or 10 right - You must be a meteorologist!
7 or 8 right - You know your stuff!
5 or 6 right - Not bad, keep learning!
3 or 4 right - Don't quit your day job!
Less than 3 - Well, anyway...




Here are some sites I enjoy. I hope you enjoy them too!

NOAA Homepage

Anti-Bush T-Shirts - Nothing to do with weather, but I love this site!

Live Weather Images

Daily Kos Political Blog - For those interested in politics, a great site!