The most noticeable feature in Toran is Lake Toran, a saltwater lake connected directly to the ocean through a wide channel to the Northwest. Tall mountains to all directions other than the Northwest, Northeast, and Southeast surround the entire region.
However, the vast Karakas desert and the "badlands" lie Northwest, the great ocean to the Northeast, and the vast Moran Forest to the Southwest, which keeps this region relatively isolated.
The only way to the Toran Republic is a boat from Radat down to Lake Toran. There one must walk to the capital.
Land of Arlus
This is where the capital, Gregminster, is located. This area used to be a part of the Holy Kingdom of Harmonia, and the Holy City of Rupanda was located in this land. This region serves as the center of activity for bureaucracy in Toran, due to it being at a strategically well-protected area and also being close to a major waterway. Mountains on many sides, such as Mt. Seifu and Mt. Tigerwolf, surround the area itself. Military protection is ample with Shasarazade and Kwaba forbidding entry from most other sides. Due to warm currents that come in from the north into Lake Toran, the climate of this area is mild and warm.
Population: 19,000
Industry: Art, ceramics, wine
Shops: Inn, Armorer, Items, Rune Engraver, Trade center
Gregminster is the largest city in Toran. In the same location stood Harmonia's Holy City of Rupanda, but after the rise of the Scarlet Moon Empire, Kranach Rugner renamed it Gregminster. Since then, Gregminster remained to be the political and bureaucratic center of the Scarlet Moon Empire.
Gregminster was actually destroyed during the Succession War (IS 446) by the forces of Geil Rugner, but the "Golden Emperor" Barbarossa Rugner rebuilt the city to new heights. The capital city has been the house of many high officials of the Scarlet Moon Empire. Coupled with the long history of this city, people who live here tend to have certain elitism over the rest of Toran. The bulk of the economy at Gregminster comes from mercantilism, and Gregminster is known mainly for its art and ceramics. This is all due to Barbarossa's policy of protecting and nurturing art and culture. The architecture of the city reflects this, and all houses are built with ivory-colored walls and contrasting red doors.
In the middle of the city stands the "Golden Goddess" statue. The renowned artist, Basil, made this statue. It is said that the statue is a mirror image of Barbarossa's late empress, Claudia.
Political corruption led to the Liberation Movement, and the Scarlet Moon Empire perished after 230 years of prosperity, but Gregminster remains to be the capital city-- now of the Toran Republic.
Population: 7500
Industry: Trade, armor
Lenankamp is a town located south of Gregminster. The Liberation Army's hideout was originally located in Lenankamp. For that reason, imperial soldiers often led raids into houses in Lenankamp in search of traitors. The main street of Lenankamp is always bustling with people, and the only smithy in the Land of Arlus is located here. "Keyaki (Zelkova)" Inn is the most famous inn in Lenankamp. Lenankamp is famous for its circlets, which are sold in the armor shop.
Population: 2700
Industry: None
Rockland is a small village situated to the east of Gregminster. Rockland was one of the worst victims of political corruption during the last days of the Scarlet Moon Empire, but has regained its peace after the empire was toppled. Rockland is famous for its stew. Chinchirorin is also a favorite pastime of Rockland's citizens. The houses in Rockland are, true to its name, made of rocks.
Population: 700
Industry: N/A
A small village located in the plains north of Mt. Tigerwolf. Although located far from civilization, many travelers visit in search of rare plants, water runes, and water rune pieces. For that reason, the inn is bustling with activity. The houses here are sturdy, using stonewalls and an octagonal roof.
Magician's Isle
The Magician's Isle is the residence of the Seer Leknaat. She performs an important function by performing annual "Astrological readings" for the empire. Due to her fear of her sister, Windy, taking advantage of her powers, the island is protected by powerful magic wards. Because of the wards, no one can enter the island unless Leknaat invites them. No one knows if anyone lives here after Leknaat left.
Population: 400
Industry: Fishing
Shops: Inn, Item Shop
Banner is a small fishing hamlet located beside Lake Toran. People wishing to travel on the lake usually come to Banner because the experienced fishermen of the village often let travelers use their boats. The tavern here is teeming with fishermen and the casino in the basement is bustling with activity. The houses here are in the typical Gouran style, but the walls are baked.
Warrior's Village
Population: 3300
Industry: Agriculture
The Warrior's Village was established by Klift the Paladin in IS 20. The villagers all claim to be descendants of Klift, and all men of the village are warriors. Men from this village are well known as furious warriors, and the Scarlet Moon Empire often recruited men from this village. Klift himself is known in history as the only one who fought against Hikusaak of Harmonia to the end, and ultimately defended Lorimar from Harmonia. Out of respect for this heritage, the Scarlet Moon Empire has traditionally allowed the Warrior's Village to rule Lorimar.
Population: 15
Industry: Agriculture
Kalekka was the scene of the tragic "Kalekka Incident," where citizens were slaughtered by Jowston army invaders... or so states the official account. However, the truth is that the citizens were slaughtered by the Scarlet Moon Empire's own soldiers by the strategy of Leon Silverberg. Kalekka's main industry used to be the production of cotton, but all cotton fields were lost after the massacre. The Toran Republic continues to encourage citizens to move to Kalekka, but progress is slow. However, Kalekka has recovered enough to be able to export flour to Ryube.
Dunan River
A River that starts south of Toran, runs through lake Toran, and feeds into Lake Dunan. This river is considered to be an extremely important trade route between Dunan and Toran.
The most noticeable feature in Dunan is Lake Duran, a saltwater lake with its waters feeding in from the eastern mountains. The entire region is surrounded by tall mountains to all directions other than the Northeast, South. However, the vast Karakas desert and the "badlands" lie south, and a huge cliff lines Highland's border with Harmonia, forcing travelers to travel on select pathways that are often infested with bandits.
This place is a lot more hostile with Highland and Matilda to the north.
Population: 25000
Industry: Commerce, trade
Shops: Inn, Appraiser, Blacksmith, Armorer, Item Shop, Rune Engraver
Muse is the largest city among the Jowston Alliance, and is a center of trade. The city existed from before the formation of the Jowston Alliance. Muse beat back attacks led by Maroux Blight of Highland nearly 200 years ago by the bravery of General Jowston. This was the reason for the naming of Jowston Hill and the Jowston Alliance. Since the formation of the Jowston Alliance, the conference hall at the summit of Jowston Hill has been the symbol of unity between the allied city-states.
During the Jowston-Highland war, in the year 434, Jowston Hill was the place of truce between Mayor Darrel and King Agares Blight of Highland. The two nations decided to end the conflict by a duel between their respective heroes, Genkaku and Han Cunningham. Han Cunningham won the duel, which resulted in Kyaro belonging to the Highland Kingdom.
Since then, the office of mayor passed to Darrel’s daughter, Annabelle. However, the Highland Kingdom increased its aggression against Jowston starting around the year 460.
Population: 3500
Industry: Fishing
Shops: Inn, Blacksmith, Item Shop
Coronet is a port city where a lot of goods from the south is brought in for further shipment to the north.
Population: 2500
Industry: N/A
Shops: Inn, Blacksmith, Armorer, Item Shop
Ryube is a small hunting village located towards the eastern edge of the Muse Principality. The village functions as one of the few travel stops for the few travelers that travel between Highland and Dunan through the North Sparrow Pass. A well-known spear master by the name of Tsai is said to live in the forested hills behind Ryube.
The forest adjacent to Ryube is an excellent hunting ground for wild boars, and hunters are often seen in the woods.
Population: 1000
Industry: N/A
Shops: Inn, Appraiser, Item Shop
Toto is a small village that bridges the two regions of Muse Principality. Although the village links two regions, it is considered to have little strategic importance due to the low strategic value of eastern Muse.
Mercenary's Fortress
Viktor built the Mercenary Fortress recently at the request of Annabelle to make sure the eastern portion of Muse Principality was adequately protected from Highland. Here, with the support of money and supplies from the mayors of the city-states, Viktor and Flik lead the mercenaries, keeping constant vigilance.
North Sparrow Pass
The North Sparrow Pass connects eastern Muse to the Kyaro region of Highland. Recently a mist monster plagued the area. Due to the very small amount of security present at both ends of the pass, this is an ideal way for people to enter Highland illegally. However, low security also invites bandits, and many of them prey on unprotected travelers.
White Deer Inn
An inn located between Muse, the Muse-Highland Border, and Toto. It is an ideal location for travelers who are traveling between Highland and Muse. A Sindar Ruin lies behind the inn, where the Sindar's most precious treasure is said to be hidden.
Muse-Highland Checkpoint
An important checkpoint between Highland and Muse. This was the place where many of the battles between Jowston and Highland took place. In the year 432, the forces of Darrel came through this checkpoint, pursuing the defeated army of Robert Blight. Kiba Windamier ambushed Darrel’s forces from the flank and drew him to Fort Retto, which allowed Robert Blight to escape.
Muse-Matilda Checkpoint
The Muse-Matilda Checkpoint was erected shortly after the formation of the Knightdom of Matilda. Security at this checkpoint is known to be very tight due to Matilda's proximity to Highland.
Muse-Greenhill Checkpoint
The Muse-Greenhill Checkpoint is known to be the most lax checkpoint. Due to the fact that Muse and Greenhill have good relations, people rarely require paperwork to cross this checkpoint. However, during times of unrest, even this border would close its gates to all travelers.
The region relies heavily upon the academy, but enrollment has fallen due to recent political tensions between Jowston and Highland. This, coupled with recent droughts has hit the finances of Greenhill Principality very hard, weakening their political influence.
Greenhill borders the Grasslands to a certain degree, and has had small skirmishes with the Karaya clan. Ex-mayor Alec Wisemail and Gorudo of Matilda invited the Karaya Chief Kianu to a peace conference, but instead poisoned him. This weakened the Karaya, but led to the eventual alliance between the Karaya Clan and the Highland Kingdom.
Greenhill's flag depicts the New Leaf Academy emblem.
Population: 12000
Industry: Academics
Shops: Inn, Appraiser, Blacksmith, Armorer, Item Shop, Rune Engraver
Greenhill is most famous for the New Leaf Academy. Many students come not only from Dunan, but also from neighboring countries. The academy is the main source of income for the city, and the headmaster of the academy has traditionally also been the mayor of Greenhill.
Forest Village
Population: 1400
Industry: Agriculture
Shops: Inn, Armorer, Trade Center
The Forest Village lies deep within the forest at the western edge of Greenhill Principality. It is located close to the Grasslands, but not many people take this route to get there. Many griffins live in this area, attacking humans in rare cases.
Erud Forest
A short forest pass that connects Greenhill and Matilda. Despite routine patrols by the Matilda Knights, the pass is infested with hostile bandits.
Southwindow has been at war with Toran quite often, fighting against the Scarlet Moon Empire during and after the Succession War, during the Gate Rune Wars, and against the Toran Republic after the Gate Rune Wars. The causes of these conflicts are largely territorial due to the badlands between Toran and Southwindow being masterless. In the most recent conflict with the Toran Republic, Southwindow fought alongside Tinto, but withdrew from the war, which angered Tinto. This resulted in bitter resentment between the city-states, creating the foundation for the eventual fragmentation and destruction of the Alliance.
Southwindow's flag symbolizes the four rivers that flow into Lake Dunan.
Industry:Tourism, commerce
Shops: Inn, Armorer, Item Shop, Rune Engraver, Trade Center
Southwindow is a fortified city with much history. Having been the capital of the Dunan Monarchy, it is actually the oldest city in Dunan. The city is rich in culture, with many different types of artwork being traded in the market. It is also the first city visited by travelers from Toran, which makes Southwindow one of the busiest cities in Jowston.
Northwind is an abandoned ruin, which used to be a busy town. Having a history of defeating invading Scarlet Moon troops, Northwind was well known for its strong soldiers. However, it became a target of Neclord's bloodlust, reducing the once-affluent town into a massive graveyard.
Shops: Inn, Appraiser, Item Shop, Trade Center
Radat is a town built at the mouth of the Dunan River, which flows into Lake Dunan. This town also serves as an entry-point to Toran for those taking the Banner Pass. Not many travelers go into Muse through Radat.
Population: 7400
Industry: Fishing
Shops: Inn, Blacksmith, Item Shop
Kuskus is a port city located on the southern shores of Lake Dunan. The city has a busy fish market due to the rich fishing grounds to the north of the city. Consequently the port is always filled with fishing vessels. The town also has skilled smiths, and the inn is well known for its dancers.
Due to all the activity, crime has become an issue in the back streets of the city.
Population: 1400
Industry: N/A
Shops: Inn, Item Shop
Banner is a small fishing village located along the Dunan River on the southern fringes of South Window Principality. Its existence is unknown to many, and villagers rarely leave the village.
Banner Pass
A pass that runs through the Banner Forest and Banner Mountains, connecting Dunan and Toran. The pass is known to be infested with bandits.
Rokkaku is a village of ninjas hidden in the Banner Pass. Those who enter the village unwittingly are usually apprehended by patrolling ninjas and cast out.
During the Gate Rune Wars, the armies of Teo McDohl destroyed Rokkaku. However, the village was reconstructed after the creation of the Toran Republic. Rokkaku has since had good relations with Toran, and sends its leaders to Toran to train their troops on a regular basis.
Cave of the Wind
A cave named after powerful winds that blow within. It is said that the winds make it sound like a woman is wailing inside the cave. The cave is host to powerful monsters, including griffins. Despite that fact, children from Southwindow are often seen playing inside the cave.
The depths of the cave are difficult to get to due to the extremely strong winds. However, it is said that carefully guarded secrets lay at the end of the cave.
The Matilda Knights were first created to protect members of the Jowston Alliance. However, they soon became a political force within the alliance and formed their own region in northern Muse, which became known as the Matilda Knightdom. The knightdom has both Highland and the Grasslands as its neighbors, and has engaged in much conflict with both of them throughout its short history. In particular, they used to have routine border skirmishes with Highland.
Under the leadership of Gorudo, Matilda strengthened its voice within the Jowston Alliance.
The region is known to be arid and somewhat colder than Muse. The Matilda flag symbolizes the three colors of the Knights as well as the pen and the sword--symbols of knighthood.
Population: 7400
Industry: Art
Shops: Inn, Appraiser, Armorer, Item Shop, Rune Engraver, Trade Center
Rockaxe is a castle built into a hillside, making it very easy to defend. It is the headquarters for the Matilda Knights, and many knights are seen training in the courtyard every day. The town shows a high level of sophistication due to the knights' taste for fine arts. The trade center is always filled with fine artifacts brought from other countries.
Highway Village
Population: 1400
Industry: Trade
Shops: Inn, Appraiser, Item Shop, Trade Center
A village located on a highway linking Matilda with Muse. This village is a center of trade between the Grasslands, Muse, Rockaxe, and Highland. Due to that fact, the inn is always booked with travelers from various nations, and the trading center is filled with exotic commodities.
Matilda-Highland Border
A small village exists at the border between Matilda and Highland. This village has been taken, retaken, taken, retaken, ad infinitum between Highland and Matilda. The Highland Kingdom had mercenaries stationed in this village when Matilda Knights stormed the village, ending up in much of the village getting burned down.
Mt. Rakutei
Mt. Rakutei is a small mountain, measuring 370 meters in altitude at its summit. The mountain is perpetually surrounded by thick mists, which often confuse and misdirect travelers. It is said that a dragon lives on the mountain, but none actually survive to tell the tale.
Being one of the original members of the Jowston Alliance, Two River is an old city. Originally a part of the Dunan Monarchy, Two River eventually separated to form its own city-state. Originally, only kobolds and humans inhabited Two River, but the Wingers settled into the strip of land between the two branches of Lana River. The Wingers were brought there by the invitation of Genkaku due to Tinto's strip mining destroying their original habitat. The original citizens of Two River look upon the Wingers with suspicion, giving Wingers less voice in politics.
Two River is governed by three different Houses, each represented by the three races. The three houses are in turn represented by the Plenipotentiary, who represents Two River in all Jowston Alliance matters. The kobold side of Two River has always headed the military branch. The Two River flag represents the "unity between the three races."
Two River
Population: 9000
Industry: N/A
Shops: Inn, Armorer, Item Shop, Rune Engraver
The name of the city comes from the fact that this city is built on the two branches of Lana River. The city is divided into three sections--the kobold side, winger side, and human side. Separate branches of the city government govern each section, and the standard of living varies greatly among these three sections.
The kobolds function mainly as a military force, while the wingers are simply stratified and discriminated against due to their short history in Two River and for their strange customs. The human section of the city is well-developed, with the Wakaba-inn being known for its excellent service.
The city has a well-developed sewer system that runs under all sections of the city.
Population: 2000
Industry: N/A
Shops: Inn, Item Shop
Lakewest is a small fishing hamlet located at the western edge of Lake Toran. It is well known for its production of seaweed and various forms of dried fish for export.
Kobold Village (Dunan)
Population: 4000
Industry: N/A
Shops: Inn, Item Shop, Trade Center
A village of kobolds who have decided to live outside Two River. This village supplies hardy warriors in times of need. A forest lies behind the village where unicorns are said to live.
Population: 1000
Industry: N/A
Shops: Inn, Appraiser
A small village that is built at the foot of the Lamp Dragon Mountains. It is known as having a very mild climate, making it an ideal place for summer retreats.
Lana River
A river that flows from Tinto all the way into Lake Dunan. Two River City is built on top of this river.
There is much history in this land, mostly to do with war. Due to its proximity to Harmonia, this piece of land holds great strategic value. This province is neighbored by the Great Sea to the East, and pirates often raid the coast.
Population: 21000
Industry: Trade, art, commerce
It is the capital of the kingdom, and is the largest city in Highland. The city bustles with activity as various artifacts are traded in the markets. L’Renouille is also a major trade center between Harmonia, Grasslands, and Toran due to its location and size.
Population: 7000
Industry: Tourism
Kyaro is a small town located within the mountains south of Highland Kingdom. This town is a popular summer retreat for Highland aristocrats. Due to this fact, Kyaro is a popular destination for tourists.
Rude Forest
A forest that lies north of Kyaro.
Population: 700
Industry: N/A
It is a very secluded village, and news of the outside world rarely gets here, and when it does it is often twisted.
Tenzan Pass
A pass that runs through Mt. Tenzan, which connects Highland to the Kyaro area.
Fort Retto A small fortress located at the Muse-Highland border. This was the place where the "Battle of Fort Retto" took place. Kiba Windamier fought valiantly in this battle and defeated 3000 Jowston troops with only 100 soldiers. That battle made him into a general at the age of 19.
It is virtually no arable land, but generates tremendous income through mining. The Tinto minds also produce extremely rare gemstones called "Water Gems," which are necessary for various magical applications, such as the fabrication of rune crystals.
The Tinto Republic has been in conflict with Grassland tribes many times in the past, and continues its campaign of aggression into the Grasslands.
Population: 8000
Industry: Mining, metal working
Shops: Inn, Blacksmith, Armorer, Item Shop
The capital of the Tinto Republic built right into a cliff. The city is run by the Miner's Guild, and the Guild Master is also the President of the republic. The city produces various rare forms of metals, and has its own population of metal working tradesmen. For that reason Tinto is not only known for mining, but also for high quality weapons and armor.
Population: 4000
Industry: N/A
Shops: Inn, Item Shop, Trade Center
Another mining town inside the Tinto Republic, Crom produces gold by sifting through the Lana River. For that reason, gold is often traded in the trading center.
Population: 1000
Industry: N/A
Shops: Inn
A small village at the foot of Mt. Lampdragon.
Tinto Mines
The Tinto Mines is the source of the massive wealth that the Tinto Republic hoard.
Lamp Dragon Pass
A mountain pass that connects Tinto to Two River. It is the territory of the Lamp Dragon Bandits.
A fort owned by the Lamp Dragon Bandits.
Harmonia is the largest nation in the Suikoden world, not only by size but also by the vastness of its military and political power. Historically it is the oldest known nation in existence, officially created on the year 2 after Hikusaak defeated the Kingdom of Aronia. Hikusaak has been the head of state ever since with the aid of the Circle Rune. Thus, Hikusaak has been ruling Harmonia for the past four and a half centuries, feared by many as "The Absolute One."
However, the weakening of Harmonia's power is evident from the numerous civil uprisings, resulting in the succession of the Scarlet Moon Empire and indirectly causing the independence of the Highland Kingdom. Rumors of Hikusaak’s death have existed for the past two centuries, but "The Temple" has always insisted that he is alive. He has not made any public appearances in the recent times, and regardless of his status, he is a non-player in Harmonian politics.
This has resulted in power shifting towards the aristocrats and political factions forming within the government, namely the Temple Faction and the People's Faction. The Temple Faction is composed of aristocrats who are in support of the priests, and they believe that the status quo must be preserved. The People's Party, on the other hand, seeks equality between all citizen ranks, and to abolish the non-ranked "sub-human" rank used for kobolds and other non-human races.
The priests manipulate the two parties behind the scene, helping one party or the other depending on circumstance. They employ the Howling Voice Guild to carry out assassinations and other acts of espionage to further their agenda. It was through such means that the priests destroyed the Latkje family, a powerful People's Faction aristocratic supporter. However, the Howling Voice Guild also has their own agenda, acting on their own at times to manipulate aristocrats. Due to this fact, priests have become wary of the Howling Voice Guild.
Regardless of all these political in-fighting, Harmonia manages to maintain a powerful military. Each led by a Priest General, the armies of Harmonia are well armed and can be dispatched to remote locations swiftly. This was seen when Priest General Sasarai was sent to aid Luca Blight during the Dunan Unification War. Harmonia has other military forces, such as the Temple Guards composed mainly by sons and daughters of aristocrats, and the Harmonian Southern Fringe Security Force, which patrols and protects Harmonia's border with the Grasslands. Harmonia also employs the help of various mercenary troops, and the combined might of all these forces are said to be in the millions.
A strict hierarchy governs harmonian society, where those born in a certain rank generally stay in that rank for life. Pure Harmonians, such as the aristocrats, are called "First Class Citizens," and enjoy a vast array of privileges not available to the rest. First Class Harmonians always have blonde hair and blue eyes, due to strict marriage practices. "Second Class Citizens" are members of nations who have surrendered to the rule of Harmonia. Second Class Citizens generally enjoy similar privileges as First Class Citizens, but are only rarely members of the aristocracy. "Third Class Citizens" are members of nations who have resisted Harmonian rule, and are treated like slaves. Children of Third Class Citizen families are routinely sent to First Class households as servants. Another unofficial rank is that of "sub-human" which is used against non-human races. They perform various menial tasks and are considered to be disposable property. There are a few exceptions to the above ranks, such as the priests, who exist entirely outside the social structure, and the Howling Voice Guild, who choose their members based on skill rather than social rank.
Although the above information seems to make Harmonia sound extremely strict and almost uninhabitable, Harmonia possesses an extremely sophisticated culture, and many students come from around the world to study at the various academies in Harmonia's capital, Crystal Valley. Crystal Valley is also the location of the "One Temple," which is the largest library known to exist in the world. Many scholars and other seekers of knowledge visit Crystal Valley from afar to visit this institution.
Harmonia is also known to be extremely interested in acquiring True Runes. The purpose for this is unknown, but Harmonian forces in search of True Runes have burned down many villages. With all this information, Harmonia remains to be a nation of great mystery.
Crystal Valley
Crystal Valley is the capital of Harmonia. It is where the "One Temple" is located and where the bulk of Harmonian politics take place. The city is said to be extremely huge--one person described that it would take a horse-drawn wagon two days to get from one side of Crystal Valley to the other side. Crystal Valley is also the location of many academies, including the Soledt Academy of Military Science and schools on rune mastery and phonology.
The city is well protected by the elite Temple Guards, but it was once penetrated by the "Flame Champion," who raided Harmonia. It is said that he sneaked into the "One Temple" and stole the True Fire Rune, but whether that is fact or fiction is in the realm of speculation.
The One Temple
The "One Temple" is a huge library, where it is said most all of the knowledge and wisdom of mankind is stored for all to see. Many scholars dream to visit this megalithic library in search of knowledge.
Soledt Academy of Military Science
A school for military strategists created by Soledt the legendary "blind strategist." Soledt was a Harmonian general who lost his sight due to treachery by a rival. Since then he had to live as a nobody, but one day he heard that the village he grew up in was suffering from the tyranny of his rival. He collected a handful of his servants and traveled to his home village, which was protected by the soldiers of his rival. He used his knowledge of terrain and climate to devise a series of strategies to defeat his rival's forces with a handful of his men and succeeded in defeating him. Since then, Soledt became known as a military strategist, and created an academy to teach military science.
The academy is known as the best institution to study military science, and many students come from abroad to hone their skill. Apple and Klaus Windamier are among the students who have graduated from this academy and later participated in wars as strategists.
A fortress located at the border between Harmonia and the Grasslands. It is also the headquarters for the Harmonian Southern Fringe Security Force. Entry through this fortress is strictly controlled due to Harmonia's dislike of the Grasslands. The Harmonian Southern Fringe Security Force largely acts as special ops units to scout the Grasslands for potential enemies of Harmonia.
The first town revealed within Harmonia besides Crystal Valley. They have prisons, slave-kobolds, and crazy doctors all in one. It seems like it's not really a town, but just a military fortress.
Marid is a small village located beside a mountain in Harmonia. The village is run by an innkeeper, and the people there are generally wary of foreigners. A renegade dragon recently plagued the village, but the dragon threat was removed by a group of travelers.
A small country that was conquered by Harmonia around the year 440. Sanadia resisted Harmonia's aggression, and thus its citizens became third class under Harmonian rule. This resulted in many families being torn apart as servants for first class citizens. Sanadia is currently considered a province within Harmonia, and is run by ex-Sanadian aristocrats who have become Harmonian sympathizers.
"The Tower"
"The Tower" is the coveted headquarters of the Howling Voice Guild. Members of the guild also call it “The garden”. "The Tower" itself is a small fortress with one central tower. Those who live inside the tower are normally not allowed to leave unless they are on a mission. Rations are delivered to "The Tower" by the temple, and no actual crop harvesting takes place within the walls.
Holy City of Rupanda
The old capital of Harmonia, Rupanda was taken over by Kranach Rugner when the Scarlet Moon Empire succeeded from Harmonia. Since then it has been called Gregminster. It is said that the old city included a Sindar ruin, but the ruin has been destroyed during the creation of Gregminster's "Hanging Gardens."
The Grasslands
A vast expanse of grassy plains that extend from the western edge of Jowston and Harmonia all the way to the eastern edges of Zexen. The land is claimed by no single nation, and is instead inhabited by the Six Clans and other groups. It is naturally a haven for bandits and other lawless swashbucklers, and the fact that it is a major trade route makes the bandit trade all the more attractive.
The Grasslands has a legend of the "Flame Champion" (aka Fire Hero), who is said to have led the "Keepers of the Flame" and united the clans to fight against Harmonian aggression around the year 400. It is said that he even stole the True Fire Rune from Crystal Valley, only to disappear from history. Since then, many bandit groups have called themselves "Keepers of the Flame," but they have all turned out to be fakes. Because of this, most people consider the Flame Champion legend a mere fairytale.
The Grasslands has no centralized government, but the Six Clans have a loose alliance based on personal trust between the chiefs. This is somewhat necessary due to constant aggression from the Tinto Republic, the Zexen Federation, and Harmonia.
Camaro is a small nation governed by the Free Knights of Camaro. They have a healthy relationship with the Matilda Knights, and often send their young members to Matilda for extra training. Camaro maintains an interesting position within the Grasslands due to its lack of relations to the Six Clans. Camaro is considered by many to be more "civilized" than the members of the Six Clans.
The Karaya Clan
The Karaya Clan is one of the more combative clans within the Grasslands. They have engaged in numerous conflicts against the Tinto Republic. Their culture is very much nomadic, and some of them are said to be able to communicate with the elements.
Chisaya Clan
The Chisaya Clan is one of the more combative clans within the Six Clans. Not much is known about them, but they are in a close alliance with the Karaya Clan.
Zexen Confederacy
Also known as the Zexen Federation, the Zexen Federation is a group of states ruled by a council/senate. Merchants have great power within the federation, which fosters trade within the nation and encourages trade with foreign countries. Zexen also has a powerful military, with the "highly honorable six knights" at the helm, fighting against the "barbarians" of the Grasslands.
Bine Del Zexse
The Capital of the Zexen Confederacy, this city is a lot more sophisticated than all the other Grassland villages. It is a port city, as it is located on the shores of the ocean. The council rules this city with an iron fist, and the knights of Zexen also live here.
Queendom of Falena
Falena is a nation that is traditionally ruled by a queen. Falena is located far south of Toran, across a vast ocean on a separate landmass. It is said that slavery is prevalent in Falena, and slaves are known to be forced to fight in gladiatorial arenas as entertainment for its citizens. Falena is also known for the Queen's Assassins, which follow their prey til the end of the earth, and also for the Queen's Knights. Georg Prime is known to have been a member of the Queen's Knights, but he is also known to have murdered the Queen. A Sindar ruin exists in this country, and a tribal group exists in the country's north, which worships the "crimson bird."
Nameless Lands
The Nameless Lands is the name given to the nations that lie north of Zexen. Not much is known about this area, other than the fact that Boris Wizen attended an academy there, which suggests that sophisticated civilizations exist in the area.
Village of the Blue Moon
This village was created by Sierra Mikain centuries ago, even before the formation of Harmonia. This village was a haven for those who lost all hope in life. In fact, most of the inhabitants of the village were those who wandered into the forest seeking death. However, those lucky few were graced with the compassion of Sierra and the Blue Moon Rune, living all eternity as vampires. The vampires had their bloodlust under control with the help of the Blue Moon Rune. However, Neclord stole the Blue Moon Rune, leading to the destruction of the Village.
Merely meaning "lands to the south," this doesn't refer to a name of an area or a country, but instead just points to the "far south." Wakaba is said to be from a "community" of this region.
Island Nations
A group of island republics that lie south of the Toran Republic and near the Falena Queendom which is a separate landmass. The people here are said to be great sailors, and voyage far to trade various goods.
Kanakan is a place that exists south of Toran. It is said to be a warm place and is well known for its high quality liquor. Roundier Haia, who is Valeria and Anita's master in Falcon style fencing, resides here. It is also said that a Sindar ruin lies hidden in Kanakan.