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Wahoo! Howdy ho, there, kiddos! I'm here to wreak havoc. Mwuaha. Do you like my little stick man?! XD My friend Jamie sent that to me long long ago. Heehee. Man, now Sayakachan is moving her site to a crappy click-and-stick geocities site like I have, lol. GO TO IT O_O Dead serious. The link is above. Go see the Yu-Gi-Oh! Movie. RIGHT NOW! I made an error404 message for this site... but I dunno how to get it to work, lol. It's great. Hopefully Sayakachan will get off her ass and work on her Sailor Moon fic so we can start the movie. I get to write a part of it! When she puts it up, see if you can find the part I wrote! ^_^ I sent her some cool concept pictures, so maybe she'll make a cool section of her Geocities site devoted to our fanart? Hmmmm... (Yes, 'our'. She IS capable of drawing a picture. I've seen it!) Until then, minna, RE~TA!