

A.K.A.: Gilala, Girara, The X

Height: 50 meters (give or take about 10, not including antennae)

Weight: 15,000 tons (according to video box cover)

Regular Abilities: stomping, slapping, tough skin, can run at over 80 miles an hour

Special Abilities: can absorb energy of all sorts, can shrink into a little glowing spore, can shoot fireballs, can turn into a massive ball of energy that moves around and destroys everything near it

Weaknesses: Guilalium (blocks flow of energy)

Film Appearances: "The X from Outer Space" (1967)

History: A species of kaiju created by the explosions of stars. Made out of a special form of condensed energy. Normally found in little contained spores. An unknown alien race once attaches spores to a space ship from Earth. One spore was carried back and the guilalium was taken off. The spore broke open and Guilala came out and grew to monstrous proportions! Destroyed most of Japan in the search for energy. Lured by powerful nuclear energy to the Mt. Fuji spaceport, but was covered in guilalium. Blocked from the energy all around, Guilala became a spore again, and was sent on a rocket to orbit the sun forever.


Fighting Ability: *****

Like a lot of kaiju, most human defenses just bounce right off of him. However, he seems to be a bit stronger at blocking stuff then most. He once took a direct hit to the head by a kamikaze jet without even flinching! Not only does he have strong defense, but strong offense. His bashing skills are generic, but he does have some originally not generic special moves. He can shoot fireballs out of his mouth, absorb energy to become stronger, and even turn into a ball of energy to move from one place to the other while destroying everything around it! Even though he has strong attacks and a tough hide, he is still very fast! Not only is he agile, but he can run at fast speeds too. As a whole this silly-looking monster is actually one of the most powerful kaiju around!