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Friday the 13th NES Game

Click here to download the Emulator and F13 ROM

Heres a brief explenation of the game. your basicly runnen around Camp Crystal Lake protecting your fellow camp counselors and children from Jason. This game isnt easy. Jason can make quick work of you in seconds. Pick Mark first and light all the fireplaces. ounce u do that you will get a flashlight(wich will show you the way to jason's mother's head) (unlucky for me i just had to go into a cabin with jason in it at the time i went to light the last fireplace*sigh*)

go to one of the cabins near the lake where you will find a torch. that will hurt jason the most. You can do this with every counselor. So if your good enough you can have all your counselors with torches and kick jasons ass in no time. And one more thing.... You have to beat him 3 times.

each time he gets evan more stronger and faster than before. The last time you fight jason he will mostly attack you on the trails and attack the children so its best to move all your counselors near the lake.

You dont really need the flashlight to find the cabin in the Cave. if you can spot the wierd looken rocks push the up key and itl take u up...just keep going on them until u end up in Pamela's cabin(Jasons mom)In there you will have to fight her head. Shes one tough bizniatch if u ask me. If you manage to beat her shel leave behind the next strongest weapon to yours. When you beat jason for the 1st time and go to fight Mrs.Voorhees she will give you a sweater if you beat her. this item will make jason not attack you as much. If you beat her on the 3rd time around with jason she will give you a shoots faster than the torch..but either torch or pitchfork is good they do the same amount of dammage. If you look around in the cabin in the cave there will be weapons scatter about. So go exchange weapons with someone els and go back and pick up whatever goodies r in the cabin. Oh yeah... you need a KEY to open all the cabins in the woods and the one in the cave. If you light all the fireplaces go to the cabins in the woods. You will find a Hatchet and a Machete in them

enjoy!!! oh yeah..if you have questions about the game or emulator just email me or contact me il be happy to help =)