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WeLcOMe To bRatWurST VidEOs......where everything revolves around German hot dogs.

...As soon as we start taking pictures we'll post them.Alright??? Good.

ThE LOw DoWn oN BrAtWuRsT
Bratwurst videos is a "company" where 6 kids take a video camera and get some of the finest sk8 spots in Dearborn and make them even doper with some throwage of some tricks. We got crazy skits.Top of the line ameture sk8rs and music. As soon as we get off our lazy butts and sk8 some more and find an editor it will be out in the skool halls of D.C. high school. So stick around for updates and what-not!

Thanx for waisting your fifteen seconds of time reading what we got to say.

Refer this cite to your friends you hardcore sk8er kids.

ThE BIO hAzArD PaGe Of aLL tHe Sk8rs In ThE ViDeO

the linx

the Monthly Updates

The AdVicE AreA

HoW dO WE GeT ThiS ToTaLLy DoPe ViDeo??? you ask...
As soon as our video comes out it'll say so on this site. When it comes out go up to Ryan, Brian and Aaron in the hallway for a deal. This two hour video will sell for $7. E-mail the name on the bottum of this site saying that you went to this site and recieve a discount for six bucks. Real cheap for two hours.

Now A LiSt oF wHaT hAs GoNE WrONg WhiLe FilMinG!!!
  1. The number one thing is that Aaron and Brian both got "escorted" home in a Belleville squad car by one of Belleville's finest. Which by the way you can find the whole confrontation in the video...
  2. Getting kicked out of almost every place in to that would be decent skateing.
  3. Forgetting to charge the camera for sessions.
  4. Injuries.
  5. Weird people

But despite these problems we are doin very well. All this should equal a very pleasing video. So buy it when it comes out.

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sk8 or die!!!

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