Why did most of Hal Roach's movie shorts make the grade,
to pass the test of time and 'The Newlyweds and Their Baby' didn't?
Well, it certainly wasn't because Sunny's movie shorts weren't
entertaining enough, no, the reason for this is because
the film of those times was very delicate and if it wasn't
contained in an air tight containment then the material
film was made of would decompose
and turn to dust, which was the fate of Sunny McKeen's films.
Hal Roach's films were maintained in
Universal's air tight vaults and periodically update with fresh new film,
whereas 'The Newlyweds & Their Baby' was not updated appropriately,
this was the fate of many great films.
So it would appear that all of 'The Newlyweds & Their Baby'
movie shorts were destroyed by time, nothing left to be enjoyed today,
that is with the exception of...
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