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The Villains' Popularity

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By Marie

An Explaination of The Villains Popularity The Villain, the Disney one in particular is a character who, for all their flaw, seem to come out on top, now more than ever. Perhaps it appeals to our compassion for the loser(let's face it they are always made out to lose)in that we feel sorry for them. Or perhaps something more. Maybe it is for this very flaw that we like them so much.The fact that they hate, lie, manipulate & are less than perfect makes them the more believable character. More approachable, however intimidating. Though they never try to manipulate "US" into liking them. They are who they are bluntly. The only sympathies ever aroused in me by the villain is that they get little to no credit and their song is yet unsung.

They're funny, goal-orienated (when they want something they go out and get it), and true to themselves. They're bad, they're emotional, they're in control, selfish and sharp. And as backwards as it sounds, in my opinion the most honest character in a story. It is that same blunt and jagged honesty that seems to tell the audience that this is who they are intended to identify with. This is who they are to connect with.

Self-centered & driven by malice, they are a powerful force and one to be reckoned with at that. Never are they cyphers. They make things happen, because of them a story takes body & is that much more interesting. And yet again, they don't steal, and they don't beg. No, they find other means, usually by way of their own cunning manipulation, to get what they want. They carry themselves elegantly & with a certain air of pride. They think very highly of themselves (perhaps there is somethings to be learned from these "villains"). They are a very resilient and strong character. they take a punch and get up. For this reason I place my security in villains more than I do most heroes. I have more faith that the villain will return from a death defying scene, than I'd believe a hero, put in similar circumstances, would. (with the exception of Basil, he doesn't know when to quit!)

All of these things are villains allowed to be. And even if they weren't allowed, you know they'd still try it.

The villain is my no means a weak or simple uncomplicated character, make no mistake. All this is not true of all villains, of course, but most and many. You either love them or hate them and sometimes both, but whatever the case, you never have to wonder if the villain is anything less deserving of our attentions and our passions.

I know how funny it must sound, but the villain is my hero. In the very least he or she deserves a fair amount of respect. I know who I'll be rooting for.