If you are having trouble viewing the clip, you can download the needed plug-in here for free.
Ponder This...
Once I wept for I had no shoes.
Then I came upon a
man with no feet.
So I took his shoes. I mean it's not like he really needed them, right?
Hello, my name is Jonathan (better known to myself as Hot Stuff). I am a legend in my own mind, and a sex machine in the minds of others. Be sure to check out the movie sounds page and the interactive reaction poll. There are links to both on the bottom of this page. Also, click on the pictures on this page for some fun sound clips. Feel free to take my polls and sign my guestbook.
A new addition to my site is the poetry page. There is not much there now, but I have high hopes that it will continue to grow. I encourage you to check it out.
Remember: This site goes out to all of us who could have been contenders.
I Am
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Huge Movie Site.
Great Site for
Finding Music for almost any group.
This site belongs to
my friend Brad who is currently in a war of the best web site with...
William- Another
web site creator. Both have guestbooks to sign.
This is Mike's
promising James Bond site.
Feeling Naughty? Take my meaning of
life poll, you wild thing.
Here's another poll. This one asks what you would like to see here. Feel free to add your own suggestions by adding a comment on the view results page.
Click here to take part in an interactive critique of my site.
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