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The Story starts out with an amazing opening sequence with one of the eeriest theme songs I have ever heard. Well anyway, we start out in 1963, town of Haddonfield, where from the point of view of a six year old, we see little Michael Myers murder his sister with a large butcher knife. Later in the year of 1978, Haddonfield has all forgotten about the murder of Judith Myers. Laurie Strode, a bookworm who spends her time babystting, is of course babysitting, with her friend  doing the same across the street. During the day it appears that a man in a white mask is following her, who turns out to be Michael Myers (whom of course escaped from an institution the night before). His Doctor, Sam Loomis is tracking him down, with the help of the police. When three of Laurie's friends who were across the street go missing that night, Laurie of course goes to check out the house across the street. she finds that our friend Michael is waiting for her...


Wow. This is definitely one of my favorite horror flicks of all time. The fact that it was what really started the slasher movie makes it a piece of history in horror. And it just kicks ass like none other. The fact that it was written in 10 days, and filmed in 22, is hard to believe, because this piece of work was so well polished. Many people say that there wasn't enough gore, but who cares, the suspense made up for it. Others say that The Texas Chainsaw Massacre started the slasher film, but I disagree. I think that HALLOWEEN started the slsher film because it was very soon after that Friday the 13th was put into production, and thenafter more slasher films were made. Halloween is a must-see for any horror movie buff, so go out, buy it  or rent it, however you may get it, watch Halloween.





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