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undefined Set Sail on the Ship of Dreams

As of June 13th, 2001, my site will be no longer be updated. Eventually, the site will be deleted by Angelfire, but until then, enjoy. I am sorry to have to close it, but due to some personal reasons have to close it down. I appreciate everyone's encouragement, kind words, visiting my site, suggestions, and also for signing my guestbook. If it weren't for you, my site would not have been around. I will just no longer have the time and access to update and stuff. I have NOT lost my interest in Titanic. That has NOTHING to do with it. I will always be interested in Titanic, both movie and historical. If you could, please remove all of my links from your sites, webrings, etc. I want to thank everyone once again for their support and encouragement. I have had a great time with this site and have learned a lot. ~Webmistress

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