Killer Website Feedback
What do folks have to say about Camp Arawak? Check out this Killer Website Feedback!

Carrie - Webmaster of SLEEPAWAYCAMP.ORG
A small site with a huge sense of humor to it. This webmaster is funny and incorporates humor into the site. Also has some cool things like a memorial to the stars of the trilogy who didn't get to see the year 2000. Promises to get bigger.

Felissa Rose - Angela herself!

Hi! That website is so cool and also very funny! Thank you for letting me in on your Sleepaway Camp website, what a great sense of humor! I truly enjoyed it and look forward to more hilarious links!!! Thank you, Peter! You're awesome! Keep up the great work!!!! Felissa

Send in YOUR Feedback
If you would like to write a review of your own to be posted here in the Feedback section or if
you have any questions, comments, compliments, criticisms, camp-like clipart (we could use some
of that!), or anything else that you would like to share with us please don't hesitate to send it in!