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 S2L Image Averager v1.00

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113 kB  

Developer Still2Life Productions
License Freeware
Platform PC, Windows 95+
Limitations None on purpose
Screenshot Program Interface
Before & After Sony Handycam, average of 10 frames (720x540)
Aiptek PenCam, average of 10 frames (352x288)
Filesize 113 kB (ZIP)
Language used Borland (Inprise) Delphi 3 Standard
Requirements Tested on a 600MHz Celeron, should work on smaller machines
Install method No installation, just copy the .exe file


This program improves the quality of SMA video captures by combining multiple similar frames into one sharp image.

No special installation is required, just download the .zip file and extract the .exe to wherever you want it.


I won't take any responsibility for any kind of damage that this program might cause.
All I can say that it has worked fine on my computer.
Read my general disclaimer for more info.

Brief Usage Instructions:

 1. Shoot your footage with SMA
 - Set the "grab n frames at a time" setting to at least 2
 2. Convert  the .avi to a .bmp sequence with VideoMach
 3. Open image averager and fill the required information
 4. End the directory field with a backslash ('\'). This is the directory where you saved the BMP sequence
 5. Source image prefix: img00.bmp => img
 6. Start from: img00.bmp => 00, img0001.bmp => 0001
 7. Images per frame: This is the number you used in SMA (grab n frames at a time)
 8. Destination Image Prefix: what you want to name your result files. Output => output0001.bmp, output0002.bmp etc.
 9. Total # of frames: How many resulting frames you'll end up with. Check that the "last frame number" equals the last exported BMP file.

A word of warning:

The programs is not at all a finished product, I'm just trying out a function I'm planning to add to my own Video Capture software. The program does not perform any checks, so make sure that you don't give it false parameters.

If you learn to use the program it should help you improve the quality of your movies. It proved to be quite useful when I tried it with footage shot in bad lighting conditions. It did not however improve the images shot in good lighting. Just give it a try and see if it's useful.

Future Improvements:

Version 2 of the program is currently under development. Here are some of the planned improvements:

 - 20 to 25 times faster
 - JPG support
 - Resulting BMP incompatibility problem solved
 - Multiple averaging processes at once
 - Easier to operate in every way