<title>Hot Club §wing Kids Page [A Little Extra Info]</title>
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<h1 align="center">A Little Extra Info</h1>
Hey there all of you. This page is just a little more extra info about the movie, and what Swing was like in the Third Reich. The first two things are from this book I got called "Dictionary of the Third Reich." The third one is something I found out from imdb.com. It's not that big of a thing, but I thought I would put it on just because. Well, enjoy.<p>

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<li>Swing. A banned from of American music which both in the occupied countries (1939- 45) and even in Germany itself had strong resistance connotations.
<li>Swingjugend. A term for what the Party considered 'deviant' youth, usually urban middle-class boys who danced to American-style music. They seem to have been non-political, but they were non-conforming and favoured long hair. In Hamburg in 1940 over 500 of them were found together at a 'swing' festival. They were arrested and accused of degeneracy and jitterbugging.
<li>On location in Prague in near freezing weather, Christian Bale was visited by Steven Spielberg (director of his feature fim debut Empier of the Sun (1987)). Who was in Prague filming Schindler's List (1993).