Insurrection Profiles.
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Profiles of the dead, and the soon to be.

I s a a c
Murdered by his junkie girlfriend, Isaac has been brought back 2 days later,only to lose his sanity at the hands of the Skull Cowboy, and the murder. Isaac is 'kept on' as a crow, a guide to other wandering souls. Isaacs' appearance was more influenced by Ashe than Eric. Other influences are Ripclaw, and Maynard James Keenan.

A n g e l i n a
The usual crow plot (kill the bird, destroy the man) line does not apply here. The enemy Angelina must defeat the most, is herself. An ex-spook, Angelina is mis-labelled as still being one by her paranoid husband, and his associates, and promptly knocked off. Rising 3 years later,at the height of her husbands crime empire, Angelina suffers from memory loss and psycopathic tendencies, sometimes, taking it out on the wrong person. Visually Influenced by Sofia Shinas.

E d
The significant other, so to speak, Ed started out as a junkie himself, moving up in the world with the help of Tony to make a career out of others' pain, Not the great mastermind he appears to be, Ed is at times paranoid and likes to think he is King o' the mountain.

S k u l l C o w b o y
The keeper of souls, SC rules the roost. SC has somewhat of an attitude problem and needs to work on his people skills and his upfrontness. Influencually he was devoid, as there is not a lot of background to go off, This version of SC was arrogant, provoking and at times, heartless. Imagine Ghost Rider with no fire, no bike and less sorrow.

T o n y
The brains behind Ed, Tony is basically the brains and the brawn and uses Ed for a facade. Quick thinking, yet still humanly capable of getting it all very wrong, Tonys' loyalty lies deep within his facade of Ed. Half geek, half mercenary, Tony will use anything to accomplish his goals even if it means the death of half his workforce.