Victoria Screenwriter


Writer's Group
Book Store


Welcome to the Christmas edition of Victoria Screenwriter

Check out this years Victoria Film and Video Festival HERE

Victoria Sceenwriter on new server

V.S. is moving to the @HOME service.

(Dec 19,2000)

Victoiria Independant Film and Video Festival.

Victoria Independant Film and Video Festival is schedualed for February 2 - 11, 2001. V Screenwriter News page.

(Dec 8, 2000)

Screenwriter's group

Tentatively the screenwriter's group will be meeting every other Wednesday in the CineVic Confrence room from 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Due to scheduling problems the start date has been changed. More information will be posted soon. News page.

 (Dec 7,2000)
modified(Dec 19,2000)

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