Nobody Axed You (1996)

Filmed in March of 1996, "Nobody Axed You" tells the story of Curtis Spalding, a man who discovers his wife is having an affair on him with one of his co-workers. Finding his co-worker in his bed (on he and his wife's 10th wedding anniversary, no less), he hacks him to death and disposes of the pieces.
But, a detective and some of his friends are getting suspicious that something is not right. Where is Curtis' wife? Where's Bill?
At the finale, Detective Mueller discovers the murder weapon..and when he tells Curtis that he is the killer, he is answered with the phrase "Nobody Axed You"...and a battle to the death ensues.

Behind the scenes:

"This is one of my favorites." says Scott of this film, his 30th picture. "Tim gave a good performance as Curtis." There is also dimensionality behind the character, rather than having Arthur play Curtis as a one-note psycho.
"Curtis is pretty normal, but he is a heartbroken man, not only because of his wife's infidelity, but because of her drastic change in appearance, described in the film."
Detective Crispin Mueller, portrayed by Scott, comes across as an intelligent young detective who also relates to the situation that Curtis is going through.
"Mueller just split up with his girlfriend, who was 20 years his senior." laughs Scott. "Been there, done that."


Curtis Spalding: Tim Arthur
Det. Crispin Mueller: Wilbur Scott
Andrew Gallagher: Wilbur Scott
Eleas Bassett: Tim Arthur
Bill Yates: Wilbur Scott
Christopher Walken: Wilbur Scott
The Sportsman: Tim Arthur

Directed by Wilbur Scott
Produced by Wilbur Scott and Tim Arthur
Screenplay by Tim Arthur and Wilbur Scott
Music by I.N. Terlocken, Jr.

Production Company