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MACARTNEY - Lieutenant John Nixon Gooch - 57th Regiment.
Died 7th December 1856, aged 20 years. Born 9th May 1836, in Edinburgh, son of Major J.N. Macartney, of Great Torrington, North Devon. Ensign 11th August 1854. Served at the siege and fall of Sebastopol, and the bombardment and capture of Kinburn. Arrived at Malta 2nd June 1856. Died of bronchitis. Buried in Msida Bastion Cemetery.

MacDONALD - Captain Atholl Whitworth - 42nd Regiment
Died 28th February 1845, aged 30 years. Son of Archibald MacDonald. Buried in Msida Bastion Cemetery.

MacDONALD -  Leading Stoker James - HMS Prince of Wales.
Died 16th August 1907, aged 26 years. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

MacDONALD   John, Leading Seaman, HMS Triumph, aged 29 years.  
Died 31st July 1948. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

MACKAY - Surgeon George Hugh - (Naval Instructor) HMS Odin.
Died 18th August 1849, aged 26 years. Buried in Msida Bastion Cemetery.

MACKINNON - Midshipman Peter - HMS Albemarle.  
Died 31st January 1904, aged 18 years. Son of Duncan and Mackinnon Margaret, of Balinakill. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

MACLEAN - Private W.R.E. - 2nd Bn Gordon Highlanders.
Died 6th December 1901. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

MacPHERSON - Petty Officer 1st Class T. - HMS Vengance. 
Died 21st August 1902. Buried at Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

MAGEE - A. Elec. Albert S. - HMS Chevron. 
Died 6th July 1953. Buried at Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

MAGNESS - Private Frederick - Royal West Kent Regiment.
Died 7th June 1890. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

MAHANAN - Marine Michael - HMS Caradoc.
Drowned near Senglea Point 11th January 1858. Buried Bighi Hospital Cemetery.

MALEY - Mate John - HMS Obion.
Died 11th December 1860, aged 24 years. Buried at St. Lawrence's Cemetery, Vittoriosa.

MALLEN - Gunner J.F. - Royal Marines Artillery (HMS London)
Died 15th February 1903. Buried at Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

MALONE - 2725 Private J. - Lancashire Fusiliers.
Died 28th June 1900. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

MAMO - 11732 Lance-Bombardier Joseph - Royal Malta Artillery.
Died 10th June 1969. Buried at Pembroke Cemetery.

MANDERSTON - 2628 Private Adam - Cameron Highlanders.
Died 12th May 1893. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

MANIFOLD - Petty Officer 2nd Class Albert - HMS Suffolk. 
Died 26th February 1909. Buried at Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

MANNAGH - 6978983 Private Albert Alexander - 2nd Bn Royal Irish Fusiliers.
Died 7th August 1939. Buried at Pembroke Cemetery.

MANNING - Chief-Stoker Frederick - HMS Suffolk.
Died 7th September 1911, aged 36 years. Buried at Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

MANNIX - Sergeant H.W. - 1st South Staffordshire Regiment.
Died 16th September 1882. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

MANOFIELD - Rifleman B. William. - 'D' Company, 1st Bn Kings Royal Rifles.
Died 7th July 1904, aged 21 years 9 months. Buried at Imtarfa Cemetery.

MANSELL - Leading Stoker Robert - HMS Dorsetshire. 
Died 27th May 1935. Buried at Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

MARCHANT - Petty Officer 2nd Class Henry C. - HMS Aboukir
Died 14th September 1907, aged 29 years. Buried at Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

MARKLAND - Private John - 2nd Bn Rifle Brigade.
Died 28th October 1830. Buried in Msida Bastion Cemetery.

MARSDEN - Lieutenant A.D. - HMS Triumph. 
Died 25th October 1948. Buried at Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

MARSH - Private Edward - Royal Army Medical Corps.
Died 20th August 1924. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

MARSH - Stoker 1st Class William A. - HMS Kent. 
Died 27th July 1938. Buried at Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

MARSHALL - Private Thomas - 7th Regiment.
Died 14th July 1829. Buried in Msida Bastion Cemetery.

MARTIN - Commander Ian Henry Forster - Royal Navy.
Died 17th December 1969. Buried at Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

MARTIN - Leading Seaman John - HMS Blenheim. 
Died 1st June 1921. Buried at Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

MARTIN - 2045666 Private John Herbert - 2nd Bn Royal West Kent Regiment. 
Died 26th November 1939. Buried at Pembroke Cemetery.

MARTIN - Major Robert - Royal Artillery.
Died 19th August 1923. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

MASON - AB Arthur J. - HMS Cairo. 
Died 5th January 1930. Buried at Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

MASON - AB Bernard Walter - HMS Sentinel. 
Died 21st May 1952. Buried at Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

MASTERS - Lieutenant-Colonel William (retired) - Royal Engineers.
Born 23rd June 1898. Died 6th March 1971. Buried at Pembroke Cemetery.

MATHEWS - 3578 Private H. - Gloucestershire Regiment.
Died 16th November 1894. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

MATTHEWS - Ord Art Norman - HMS Revenge. 
Died 1st September 1929. Buried at Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

MATTHEWS - Lieutenant A.E.J. - HMS Triumph. 
Died 25th October 1948. Buried at Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

MATTINGLEY - AB W. John - HMS Repulse. 
Died 17th June 1938. Buried at Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

MAXWELL - Stoker George Edward - HMS Cyclops. 
Died 15th December 1932. Buried at Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

MAY - ERA Ronald Frederick - HMS Cumberland. 
Died 15th August 1953. Buried at Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

MAY - Boatswain William T. - HMS Blenheim.
Died 11th June 1921, aged 40 years. Buried at Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

MAYALL - James Frederick - Royal Engineers.
Died 4th July 1884. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

McAULAY - Gunner Neil - Royal Marines Artillery (HMS Prince of Wales)
Died 28th March 1905, aged 39 years. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

McAULEY - Bandsman Bryce J. - Cameron Highlanders.
Died 9th December 1892. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

McBRIDE - Gunner James - Royal Artillery.
Died 16th December 1843. 4th Battery. Buried in Msida Bastion Cemetery.      

McCALLUM - Drummer James - 42nd Regiment.
Died 9th October 1843, aged 40 years. While carrying out a punishment on Private George Green (42nd Regiment) who had been sentenced to 150 lashes, McCullum fell down dead. Served in the Regiment 25 years. His father and mother were killed at the battle of Corunna; an ADC of Sir John Moore found the child alive in the arms of his mother's corpse. He was placed in the Duke of York's institution for orphan children of soldiers, and later joined his fathers' regiment. Buried in Msida Bastion Cemetery.

McCARTHY - Gunner Jeremiah - Royal Artillery.
Died 15th May 1884. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

McCARTHY - 19994 Corporal W.H. - Royal Engineers.
Died 19th March 1892. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

McCLARNON - 7012752 Rifleman James - 2nd Bn Royal Ulster Rifles.
Died in Imtarfa Military Hospital 20th February 1927. Buried at Imtarfa Cemetery.

McCLAY - 8954 Private Robert George - 1st Bn Royal Irish Fusiliers.
Died 10th September 1909. Buried at Pembroke Cemetery.

McCOMB - Corporal James - 5th Regiment.
Died 24th October 1836. Buried in Msida Bastion Cemetery.

McCONNEL - AB Frank - HMS Prince of Wales. 
Died 13th March 1908. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

McDONALD - Sergeant Gordon - Royal Engineers.
Died 21st January 1888. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

McDONALD - S19004796 Corporal Robert - RASC.
Died 6th June 1948, aged 20 years. Buried at Imtarfa Cemetery.

McDONNELL - 22956 Sergeant Bernard James - Royal Air Force.
Died 2nd January 1937. Buried at Imtarfa Cemetery.

McDONNEL - Petty Officer Stoker John - HMS Diligence. 
Died 7th June 1923. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

McFARLANE - Lance-Sergeant Andrew - Black Watch.
Died 13th October 1876. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

McFARLANE - Private James - 70th Regiment.
Died 3rd December 1836. Son of James McFarlane, of Glasgow. Buried in Msida Bastion Cemetery.

McGRATH - Ropemaker Matthew - HMS Marlborough.
Died 31st August 1850. Buried at St. Lawrence's Cemetery, Vittoriosa.

McHARDIE - 4156443 LAC James Graham - Royal Air Force.
Died 20th April 1956, aged 20 years. Buried at Imtarfa Cemetery.

McINTOSH - Sergeant George - 71st Highland Light Infantry.
Died 21st February 1878. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

McINTYRE - Private Peter - 42nd Regiment.
Died 30th January 1844, aged 26 years. Accidentally killed whilst exercising a horse. Buried in Msida Bastion Cemetery.

McKAY - Private Alexander - 42nd Regiment.
Died 31st October 1832, aged 25 years. Born in Lanarkshire, Scotland. Buried in Msida Bastion Cemetery.

McKAY - 1923587 Corporal J.J. - Royal Air Force.
Died in air crash 18th February 1956, aged 21 years. Buried at Imtarfa Cemetery. (see Allberry)

McKECHNIE - Piper John - Black Watch.
Died 19th July 1889. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

McLAUGHLIN - Lance-Corporal James - Royal West Kent Regiment.
Died 8th October 1890. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

McMORICE - ERA James - HMS Gloucester. 
Died 19th September 1913. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

McNAMARA - OS W.- HMS Hermione. 
Died 21st November 1904. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

McPHAIL - 2818 Private Robert - Cameron Highlanders.
Died 27th November 1893. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

McQUEEN - Captain Thomas Richard - Royal Artillery.
Died at St.Elmo of cholera, 9th August 1850, aged 27 years. Buried in Msida Bastion Cemetery.

MEAD - Leading Seaman F.A. - HMS Cynthia. 
Died 7th April 1904. Buried at Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

MEFFEN - Private Harry E. - Royal Marines Light Infantry (HMS Duncan)
Suicide by shooting on board ship, 2nd July 1909. Buried at Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

MEHIGAN - Sick Bay Attendant Laurence Sidney - Royal Naval Hospital Bighi.
Died 13th October 1931. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

MEIN - Colonel John Alexander - 74th Regiment.
Died 5th November 1841. Ensign 14th November 1799. Colonel 28th June 1838. Served East Indies November 1799 to February 1806, (at Assaye, Argaum and Gawelghur). Also in Spain 1810-12, (battle of Busaco, siege of Badajoz). Buried in Msida Bastion Cemetery.

MELLING - OS Joseph - HMS Montagu. 
Died 14th November 1904, aged 19 years. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

MENZIES - AB Charles A. - HMS Saintes. 
Died 11th June 1954. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

MERCER - 10725 Private John - 1st Bn Argyle and Sutherland Highlanders. 
Died 11th March 1910, aged 20 years. Buried at Pembroke Cemetery.

MERCHANT - Chief-Stoker David - HMS Medea. 
Died 11th August 1911, aged 38 years. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

MERRICK - Stoker Edward - HMS Victorious. 
Died 2nd June 1902, aged 23 years. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

MERRILLS - Captain George Edward - Royal Artillery.
Died 23rd May 1929. Buried at Imtarfa Cemetery.

MERRYLEES - Corporal Samuel - Royal Artillery.
Died 22nd December 1883. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

MESSENGER - Private S. - Army Hospital Corps.
Died 15th March  1891. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

MILBURN - M0578726 WO Harry - Royal Air Force.
Died 27th December 1975 . Buried at Imtarfa Cemetery.

MILES - Petty Officer Raymond Edward - HMS Miner. 
Died 15th May 1958. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

MILLAR - 4129461 LAC D. - Royal Air Force, aged 22 years.
Died in air crash 18th February 1956. Buried at Imtarfa Cemetery. (see Allberry)

MILLER - Lieutenant Archibald Robert - 14th Light Dragoons.
Died en route from England to Bombay 19th November 1841, aged 23 years. Buried in Msida Bastion Cemetery.

MILLER - 57875 Private J. - 1st Bn Loyal North Lancashire Regiment. 
Died 18th August 1920, aged 27 years. Son of Isabella Miller, of Sowerby Bridge, Yorkshire. Buried at Imtarfa Cemetery.  

MILLER - Private James - Black Watch.
Died 6th July 1887. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

MILLER - 1794 Private James - Black Watch.
Died 18th December 1888. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

MILLER - Sergeant John - HMS Expedition.
Died of fever 4th August 1802. Buried at Quarantine Bastion Cemetery, Floriana.

MILLER - Major William - Royal Marine Artillery.
Born in Plymouth, Devon. Joined the RMA 1st January 1864. Retired as Major on 21st July 1879. Lived in Malta. Died 14th October 1883, aged 37 years. Buried at Ta Braxia Cemetery.

MILLS - Private F. - Royal Warwickshire Regiment.
Died 31st July 1896. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

MILLS - AC1 Henry Frank - HMS Hermes. 
Died 24th April 1926. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

MILLS - Quartermaster Thomas - 88th Regiment.
Died 3rd January 1844. Buried in Msida Bastion Cemetery.

MILWARD - Commander Anthony William - HMS Hydra.
Died 20th February 1840. Buried in Msida Bastion Cemetery.

MISEROY - Lieutenant Ferris Blundle - Royal Air Force.
Died 10th March 1925. Buried at Imtarfa Cemetery. (served as RFC Scout Pilot in WWI)

MITCHELL - AB T. - HMS Bulwark. 
Died 27th May 1902. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

MITCHELL - Ship's Corporal A. - HMS Illustrious. 
Died 30th May 1903, aged 27 years. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

MITCHELL - Chief Petty Officer Blacksmith George - HMS Jamaica.
Died 29th June 1955. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

MITCHELL - Gunner J. - Royal Artillery.
Died 17th July 1890. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

MITCHELL - OS Robert Morrison - HMS Devonshire. 
Died 11th August 1937. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

MITCHELL - 7854 Acting Corporal S. - 'D' Compny, 1st Bn Rifle Brigade.
Accidentally killed at Mellieha 30th March 1905, aged 26 years. Buried at Imtarfa Cemetery.

MIZZI - 10248 Gunner John - 2 HAA Regiment, Royal Malta Artillery.
Died 3rd January 1955, aged 39 years. Buried at Pembroke Cemetery.

MOBBS - J91196 OS William Edwin - HMS Benbow. 
Died 12th June 1919. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

MOGG - Marine Reuben - HMS Hercules.
Killed by a fall at Valletta Bastion 30th December 1869. Buried at Bighi Hospital Cemetery.

MOLESWORTH - Lieutenant James - 7th Regiment.
Died 5th October 1854, of an illness, contracted at Varna. Buried in Msida Bastion Cemetery.

MOLLOY - AB Edward - HMS Hibernia. 
Died 20th January 1913. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

MONDAY - AB J. - HMS Formidable. 
Died 22nd July 1904. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

MONTGOMERY - 14161340 Lance-Corporal R.G. - Royal Military Police.
Died 15th June 1948. Buried at Imtarfa Cemetery.

MOON - Private Joseph - Royal West Kent Regiment.
Died 24th August 1889. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

MOORE - Pilot-Officer Kenneth Maddison - Royal Air Force.
Died 5th April 1956, aged 21 years. Buried at Imtarfa Cemetery.

MOORE - Gunner L. - Royal Marines Artillery (HMS Vengence) 
Died 5th April 1903. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

MORAN - Sick Bay Attendant Anthony - HMS Cumberland. 
Died 22nd May 1954. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

MORGAN - QuarterMaster-Sergeant Edmund Morse - Royal Engineers.
Died 29th December 1884. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

MORGAN - CMX768994 Stores Chief Petty Officer Herbert James - HMS St.Angelo.
Died 19th August 1947, aged 47 years. Son of Daniel and Jessie Morgan, of Lower Sydenham, London. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

MORGAN - John - 28th Regiment.
Died 27th October 1840, aged 56 years. Buried in Msida Bastion Cemetery.

MORGAN - LFX593072 Air Mech John Conn - HMS Goldfinch.
Died 5th April 1946, aged 20 years, son of Nicol and Jessie Morgan, of Inverkeithing, Fife. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

MORLEY - 4800927 Private Henry - 2nd Bn Lincolnshire Regiment.
Died 8th June 1936. Buried at Imtarfa Cemetery.

MORRIS - 17974 Corporal David - Royal Engineers.
Died 15th December 1892. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

MORRIS - 6540 Private F. - Worcestershire Regiment.
Died 11th December 1907. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

MORRIS - Sergeant George Rice - Royal Artillery.
Died 25th April 1888. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

MORRIS - 1813101 Sergeant Wilfred - Royal Air Force.
Died 31st December 1952, aged 36 years. Buried at Imtarfa Cemetery.

MORRISON - Sergeant David - 42nd Regiment.
Died 26th April 1844. Son of David Morrison, Stirling, Scotland. Buried in Msida Bastion Cemetery.

MORTON - Private Jesse - 7th Regiment.
Died 11th January 1836. Buried in Msida Bastion Cemetery.

MOSLEY - NA2 John - HMS Victorious. 
Died 7th June 1967. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

MOSS - 4265752 SAC John - Royal Air Force.
Died 11th October 1965. Buried at Imtarfa Cemetery.

MOUNSHER - Purser James - HMS Vanguard.
Died 6th March 1843, aged 72 years. Buried in Msida Bastion Cemetery.

MULLINS - 1191325 Corporal Harold Christopher - Royal Air Force.
Died 21st December 1955. Buried at Pembroke Cemetery.

MUNFORD - PKX738119 Leading Stoker Mechanic Roy - HMS Magpie.
Died 9th August 1947, aged 20 years, son of George and Florence Munford, Runcton, Sussex . Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

MUNRO - Sapper William - Royal Engineers.
Died 11th July 1885. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

MURPHY - Private J. - 61st Regiment.
Died 3rd August 1878. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

MURPHY - AB Sydney George - HMS Barham. 
Died 30th March 1939. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

MURRAY - Bombardier John - Royal Artillery.
Died 11th October 1898. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

MURRAY - Colour-Sergeant John Charles Murray - 2nd Bn Northamptonshire Regiment.
Died 2nd October 1913. Buried at Pembroke Cemetery.

MURRAY - Captain Richard - Royal Artillery.
Died 20th December 1829, aged 26 years. 5th Battery. Buried in Msida Bastion Cemetery.

MURRIN - Private D. - 35th Regiment.
Died 9th May 1879. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

MUSCAT - 11507 Bombardier Vincent - Royal Malta Artillery. 
Died 10th May 1965. Buried at Pembroke Cemetery.

MUSTOE - Private Joseph Robert - Gloucestershire Regiment.
Died 14th December 1893. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.


NASON - Sergeant George William Patrick - Royal Marines (HMS Egmont)
Drowned in the sea trying to rescue a Marine who was in difficulties off Ricasoli Rifle Ranges, 26th December 1932, aged 35 years. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

NAVAN - Steward Thomas - HMS Dauntless. 
Died 4th December 1926. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

NEAL - Stoker T.R. - HMS Lofotan. 
Died 30th August 1951. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

NEALE - Petty Officer Stoker Henry - HMS Hampshire.
Died 2nd February 1912, aged 36 years. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

NEIGHBOUR - LAC 3140342 Peter M.R. - Royal Air Force.
Died 10th July 1955, aged 20 years. Buried at Imtarfa Cemetery.

NEILAN - 833548 Gunner John - 13th Anti-Aircraft Battery, Royal Artillery.
Died 11th September 1935. Buried at Pembroke Cemetery.

NELSON - Sergeant Adam - 74th  Highland Regiment.
Died 26th December 1874. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

NELSON - Leading Seaman A.W. - HMS Inflexible. 
Died 21st January 1913. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

NEWBURY - Captain James John, MBE (retired) - 4th Bn Welsh Regiment.
Born 1st August 1904. Died 14th October 1972. Buried at Pembroke Cemetery.

NEWCOMBE - Sergeant-Major G. - Royal Engineers.
Died 7th December 1894. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

NEWIES-  CJX127834 AB John - HMS Phoenicia. 
Died 8th December 1947. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

NEWMAN - AB James Vernon - HMS Eagle. 
Died 27th December 1929. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

NEWMAN - AB John W. - HMS Norfolk. 
Died 18th April 1935. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

NEWSTEAD - Staff-Sergeant Robert - Royal Engineers.
Died 6th August 1877. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

NEWTON - Flying-Officer Robert George - Royal Air Force.
Died 25th March 1969. Buried at Imtarfa Cemetery.

NICHOLLS - Lieutenant-Colonel H.G. - Essex Regiment (Retired).
Died 8th March 1966. Buried at Imtarfa Cemetery. (attached King's Own Malta Regiment)

NICHOLSON - Lieutenant John - HMS Courageous.
Died 25th June 1928. Born 1st May 1901 Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

NICHOLSON - 3186326 Private W. - King's Own Scottish Borderers.
Died 22nd October 1935. Buried at Imtarfa Cemetery.

NICHOLSON - Sapper William - Royal Engineers.
Died 13th May 1889. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.
NICKLIN - OS Leslie John - HMS Queen Elizabeth. 
Died 18th June 1925. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

NOBES - AB George F. - HMS Tomahawk. 
Died 12th June 1921. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

NOLAN - Stoker J. - HMS Lively. 
Died 30th December 1905. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

NORTH - Lance-Corporal H. - King's Royal Rifles.
Died 30th December 1895. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

NORTHY - Ensign Richard Arthur Fortescue - 95th Regiment.
Died 20th December 1829, aged 19 years. Buried in Msida Bastion Cemetery - "This monument was erected by his brother officers as a testimony of esteem. Ingenious, open, free from every guile his generous heart no selfish feeling knew. His mind reflecting in his face, his smile proclaimed him gentle, courteous, candid true. How early loss, how short the warning given, in pride of youth and strength immortal soared. His spotless spirit of his kindred heaven. By none he left excelled, by all deplored."

NORRIS -  202712 Major John W. - REME.
Died 16th May 1950, aged 51 years. Buried at Imtarfa Cemetery.

NOTHDORFT - Sergeant William - 98th Regiment.
Died 1st December 1877. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

NURSE - 4122093 LAC Mervyn J. - Royal Air Force.
Died in air crash 18th February 1956, aged 20 years. Buried at Imtarfa Cemetery. (see Allberry)


O'CALLAGHAN - CRO F.G. - HMS Caradoc. 
Died 9th August 1925. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

O'CONNOR - 14136680 Private John - 2nd Bn Royal Scots.
Died 6th April 1947, aged 23 years. Son of Patrick and Margaret O'Connor, of Maddiston, Stirlingshire. Buried at Imtarfa Cemetery.

O'DRISCOLL - Stoker Denis - HMS Bryony. 
Died 12th June 1933. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

OFFORD - Private Herbert - Royal Marines Light Infantry (HMS Edgar)
Died 7th May 1910, aged 35 years. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

OGDEN - 569730 Flight-Sergeant John Lincoln - Royal Air Force.
Died 17th August 1950. Buried at Imtarfa Cemetery.

O'HARA - Paymaster Lieutenant Bernard Patrick - RNR (HMS Espiegle)
Died 11th October 1919. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

OLIVER - Telegraphist C.L.Dewhurst - HMS Eagle. 
Died 6th May 1925. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

O'NEILL - OS J. - HMS Queen. 
Died 31st August 1905. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

ONSLOW - Private Stanley - 1st Bn Green Howards. 
Died 6th May 1938. Buried at Pembroke Cemetery.

ORANTON - 2865588 Private William Charles Reginald - 1st Bn Gordon Highlanders. 
Died 14th May 1924. Buried at Pembroke Cemetery.

ORR - Private H. James - Royal Marines Light Infantry (HMS Irresistible)
Died of typhoid fever 4th December 1907. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

OSBORNE - OS George William - HMS Implacable.
Died 26th June 1903, aged 20 years. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

OSBORNE- Private Edward - Royal Marines Light Infantry (HMS Leviathan).
Died 12th October 1908, aged 36 years. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

OSLER - Sub-Lieutenant Ian Philip - HMS Triumph.
Died 16th May 1947, aged 24 years, son of John Spence and Edith Ethel Osler, of Oahu, Hawaii. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

O'SULLIVAN - AB Dennis - HMS Loch Eyne. 
Died 21st December 1960. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

OSWALD - OS Wilfred L. - HMS Minerva.
Died 16th September 1910, aged 20 years. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

OVENDEN - Gunner A. - Royal Marine Artillery (HMS Vulcan)
Died 30th December 1904, aged 40 years. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

OWENS - SM Henry Thomas - HMS Sentinel. 
Died 19th May 1953. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.


PADMORE - EA (Air) F.A. - HMS Ocean. 
Died 14th December 1948. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

PAIN - Petty Officer Philip Thomas - HMS Iron Duke. 
Died 29th October 1921. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

PAINE - N7608 Boy A.G. - 1st Bn Suffolk Regiment.
Died of appendicitis 15th June 1909, aged 16 years. Buried at Imtarfa Cemetery.

PAINTIN - AB Leslie A.C. - HMS Douglas. 
Died 29th June 1937. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

PAINTING - Private William - Royal Royal Berkshire Regiment.
Died 11th January 1893. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

PALMER - OS V.M. - HMS Emperor of India. 
Died 9th May 1924. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

PANNELL - AB William P. - HMS London.
Died 9th June 1903, aged 22 years. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

PARIS - PJX129973 CPO Telegraphist Alfred W. - HM Submarine Tantivy.
Died 3rd January 1948, aged 36 years. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

PARK - Private James - 74th Highland Regiment.
Died 8th October 1875. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

PARKER - 4090130 LAC D. - Royal Air Force.
Died in air crash 18th February 1956, aged 21 years. Buried at Imtarfa Cemetery. (see Allberry)

PARKER - OS Norman - HMS Comet. 
Died 21st June 1954. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

PARKISON - 3593000 Private T.E.R. - 2nd Bn The Border Regiment.
Died 3rd February 1927. Buried at Imtarfa Cemetery.
PARRY - ERA Layland G. - HMS Emperor of India. 
Died 18th September 1924. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

PARSONS - Private Henry - 52nd Oxfordshire Light Infantry.
Died 22nd February 1873. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

PATCHELL -  7258572 Lance-Corporal R.J.M. - R.A.M.C.
Died 31st March 1931. Buried at Imtarfa Cemetery.

PATERSON - 2718806 Corporal A.J. - Royal Air Force. 
Died in air crash 18th February 1956, aged 20 years. Buried at Imtarfa Cemetery. (see Allberry)

PATISON - 7793 Sergeant William - 1st Bn Argyle and Sutherland Highlanders. 
Died 18th November 1912, aged 32 years. Buried at Pembroke Cemetery.

PATTERSON - Private William - 42nd Regiment.
Died 29th August 1843. Buried in Msida Bastion Cemetery.

PAUL - 1023102 Sergeant Q.P. - Royal Artillery.
Died 3rd May 1927. Buried at Imtarfa Cemetery.

PAYNE - Sergeant George - 2nd Bn Essex Regiment.
Died 17th November 1888. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

PAYNE - Stoker John Henry - HMS Albatross.
Died 21st May 1910, aged 19 years. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

PAYNE - Petty Officer 1st Class N. - HMS Aboukir. 
Died 18th January 1905. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

PAYNE - Private William - Royal Berkshire Regiment.
Died 24th November 1892. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

PEACOCK - Private W. - Army Hospital Corps.
Died 15th March 1891. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

PEAKALL - Mate John W. - HMS Sampson.  
Died 4th July 1906, aged 43 years. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

PEARCE - Private John - Royal Fusiliers.
Died 24th December 1832, aged 44 years. Buried in Msida Bastion Cemetery.

PEARSON - late Colour-Sergeant Alfred - Royal West Kent Regiment.
Died at Imtarfa 20th August 1937, aged 75 years. Buried at Imtarfa Cemetery.

PEAT - OS Arnold - HMS Centurion. 
Died 2nd May 1923. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

PECK - 821726 Gunner Alfred - Royal Artillery.
Died 6th July 1936. Buried at Imtarfa Cemetery.

PEEL - Chief-ERA William John - HMS Barham. 
Died 16th March 1924. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

PEGG - Sapper J. - Royal Engineers.
Died 30th May 1886. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

PENN - Senior Technical Officer R.J. - Royal Air Force. 
Died 15th February 1935. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

PERING - OS Arthur William - HMS London. 
Died 21st November 1933. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

PERKS - 22893306 Gunner Bernard - Royal Artillery.
Died 15th October 1954. Buried at Imtarfa Cemetery.

PERRY - Marine Cecil James - Royal Marines (HMS Barham) 
Died 24th October 1926, aged 26 years. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

PERRY - 3712 Private J. - East Surrey Regiment.
Died 20th September 1893. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

PERRY-KEENE - Flight-Lieutenant Thomas Henry - Royal Air Force.
Died in a flying accident 21st July 1934, aged 32 years. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

PHILLIPS - Lieutenant - HMS Inconstant.
Died of dysentry 5th November 1841. Buried at Bighi Hospital Cemetery.

PHILLIPS- AB Arthur - HMS Glory. 
Died 13th January 1909. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

PHILLIPS - Sapper Frederick - Royal Engineers.
Died 25th December 1899. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

PHILLIPS - Private Nathaniel - 42nd Regiment.
Died 21st September 1843. Son of William Phillips. Buried in Msida Bastion Cemetery.

PHILLIPS - Midshipman Thomas Caryll Richmond - HMS Royal Sovereign.
Born 24th December 1908. Died 31st July 1927. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

PICKFORD - Private William - Lancashire Fusiliers.
Died 4th May 1905. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

PITHER - Lance-Corporal William Henry - East Surrey Regiment.           
Died 27th June 1893. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

PITMAN - Rifleman E. - Rifle Brigade.
Died 7th May 1906. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

PLATTS - Stoker Leonard Henry - HMS Maidstone.
Died 10th January 1939. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

PLUMPTRE - Lieutenant Montagu Western - HMS Valiant.
Died 24th August 1927, aged 24 years. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

POPE - Marine Archibald F.C. - Royal Marines (HMS Courageous)
Died 20th January 1930. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

POPE - Marine William - HMS Anson.
Died 15th November 1802. Buried at Quarantine Bastion Cemetery, Floriana.

POPPLE - Sergeant E. - Suffolk Regiment.
Died 26th November 1897. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

PORTCH - Corporal Walter G. - Royal Engineers.
Died 14th February 1885. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

PORTELLI - 5618 Lance-Corporal Nazzareno - Malta Fortress Squadron, Royal Engineers.
Killed in an air crash at El Adem, Libya 11th October 1961, aged 28 years. Buried at Pembroke Cemetery.

PORTER - Private Arthur Thomas - Royal Marine Light Infantry (HMS Aboukir)
Died 7th June 1910, aged 25 years. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

PORTER - Marine John - HMS Queen.
Killed during anchor drill (a block struck his head killing him instantly) 27th December 1843. Buried at Bighi Hospital Cemetery.

POSTGATE - Private John - Army Hospital Corps.
Died 15th March 1891. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

POTTINGER - Lieutenant-General Sir Henry, G.C.B.
Died 18th March 1856, aged 66 years. Son of Eldred Curwen Pottinger, of Mt. Pottinger, Ireland and Anne Gordon. Born 3rd October 1789. Went to Bombay in 1801 to study native languages. Ensign 1806. In 1810 he volunteered to explore the territory between India and Persia. He married Susanna Maria Cooke in 1820. Captain 1821. Served in the Maharatta war and was the Collector of Ahmadnagar. Major and Resident at Cutch. Lieutenant-Colonel 1829. Brevet Colonel 1834. 1840, ill health forced him to return to England. Baronet 27th April 1840. 1840 appointed Envoy and plenipotentiary to China, at the outbreak of the Opium War. Helped negotiate the treaty signed 29th August 1842, on board HMS Cornwallis. Made G.C.B. on 2nd December 1842, and on 5th April 1843 was appointed the first British Governor of Hong Kong. Returned to England in 1844 and was made a member of the Privy Council. On 28th September 1846 sent to Africa as the Governor of the Cape of Good Hope, but was only there for a very short time, as he moved to India as Governor of Madras in August 1847. He left India in 1854 and moved to Malta for health reasons. Buried in Msida Bastion Cemetery.

POTTS - Leading Seaman Maurice - HMS Cheviot.
Died 22nd November 1952, aged 30 years. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

POWELL - EA Bernard - HMS Centaur. 
Died 23rd September 1923. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

POWELL - Private Mathew - 73rd Regiment.
Died 4th November 1831. Son of H. Powell, of St.Peters, Roscommon, Ireland. Buried in Msida Bastion Cemetery.

PRAGNELL - AB John E. - HMS Forth. 
Died 10th July 1953. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

PRATCHETT - Corporal B.C. - Royal Air Force.
Died in air crash 18th February 1956, aged 21 years. Buried at Imtarfa Cemetery. (see Allberry)

PRATT - Stoker Frederick - HMS Formidable. 
Died 26th March 1907. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

PRENTICE - 5411 Private - 3rd Bn West Yorkshire Regiment.
Died 22nd May 1901. Buried at Imtarfa Cemetery.

PRICE - AB Albert Victor - HMS Royal Sovereign. 
Died 22nd June 1929. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

PRICE - AB Philip Edgar - HMS Devonshire. 
Died 26th June 1933. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

PRITCHARD - Captain E.F. - HMS Orlando.
HMS Orlando was anchored in Tunis Bay 3rd November 1864. A group of officers and men went onshore for a picnic. Returning to the ship sudden squall overturned the boat. 12 men were drowned. Memorial in Upper Barracca Gardens, Valletta.

PROCTOR - Private Charles - 52nd Oxfordshire Light Infantry.
Died 11th November 1872. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

PROSSER - Marine John - Royal Marines.
Night of 15th February he was involved in a fight with Robert Dewhurst (sailor from HMS Britannia). Died 24th February 1853. On the 19th he was taken to Bighi Naval Hospital where he died. A post mortem revealed a fracture and congealed blood on the brain. Buried at Bighi Hospital Cemetery.

PROUT - 5615338 Sergeant Thomas John - 2nd Bn Devonshire Regiment.
Died 25th July 1939. Buried at Pembroke Cemetery.

PROWSE - Flight-Lieutenant Anthony John - Royal Air Force.
Died 7th January 1969. Buried at Imtarfa Cemetery.

PSAILA - 18133407 Sapper Joseph - Malta Fortress Squadron, Royal Engineers.
Killed in air crash at El Adem, Libya 10th October 1961, aged 29 years. Buried at Pembroke Cemetery.

PUGH - ERA B.N.C - HMS Indomitable. 
Died 4th February 1953. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

PULE - 795914 LAC Laurence - Royal Air Force.
Died 23rd December 1953. Buried at Imtarfa Cemetery.

PUXTY - Marine Thomas R.W. - Royal Marines Commando Brigade.
Died 15th July 1957. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

PYE - LAC M. - Royal Air Force.
Died in air crash 18th February 1956, aged 21 years. Buried at Imtarfa Cemetery. (see Allberry)

PYKE - Lieutenant-Pilot Jeffrie Colinwood - HMS Falcon.
Died 9th June 1960, aged 27 years. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.


QUINN - Coopers Crew J.B. - HMS Bulwark. 
Died 15th July 1903. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

QUINN- PO215839 Marine Augustine W. - Royal Marines (HMS Warspite)
Died 5th June 1929, aged 30 years. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

QUINTON - Stoker H.G. - HMS Ramillies.  
Died 27th May 1902, aged 38 years. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

QUINTON - AB J. - HMS Formidable. 
Died 5th July 1904. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.


RADFORD - Private John - 2nd Bn Devonshire Regiment.
Died 25th October 1910. Buried at Imtarfa Cemetery.

RADMORE - ERA Edwin Charles - HMS Huntley. 
Died 2nd June 1936. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

RAIKES - Private Edward - 61st Regiment.
Died 24th June 1880. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

RAILEY - Private George - 5th Regiment.
Died 23rd February 1829. Buried in Msida Bastion Cemetery.

RAITT - Lieutenant Charles Henry Sidney - 90th Regiment.
Died 28th April 1855, on route to the Crimea. Arrived at Malta from HMS Gibraltar 12th March 1855. Buried in Msida Bastion Cemetery.

RALPH - Stoker Petty Officer 1st Class J.Harry - HMS Angler.
Died 15th August 1909. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

RAMSAY - CH20471 Private Herbert L. - Royal Marines Light Infantry (HMS Caradoc)
Died 17th July 1920. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.
RANDALL - Petty Officer William James - HMS Benbow. 
Died 7th January 1925. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

RANDALL - Quartermaster-Sergeant Charles Henry - Royal Engineers.
Died 10th August 1885. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

RANDALL - Marine Norman Leslie William - Royal Marines (HMS Barham) 
Died 27th August 1926, aged 21 years. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

RAPPE - Sergeant Charles Edward - Royal Marines (HMS Repulse)
Died 11th July 1938. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

RATTLE - 3616 Private Ephraim - 1st Bn Suffolk Regiment.
Died 29th September 1909. Buried at Pembroke Cemetery.

RAWLINSON - Ship's Corporal William - HMS Egmont.
Died 2nd June 1907, aged 38 years. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

RAY - OS Bertram J. - HMS Centurion. 
Died 30th April 1923. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.
RAYMOND - Stoker John - HMS Griffon. 
Accidentally drowned in Lazaretto Harbour 27th June 1902, aged 30 years. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

READ - Stoker G. - HMS Lancaster. 
Died 8th August 1905. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

READ - AB William Charles - HMS Duchess. 
Died 21st June 1954. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

REES - Private Russel - Welsh Regiment.
Died 16th March 1891. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

REES - Aircraftsman R.I. - Royal Air Force. 
Died 15th February 1935. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

REID - Sapper Walter James - Royal Engineers.
Died 11th November 1910. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

RENOUF - Stoker H. - HMS Sirius. 
Died 29th November 1905. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

RENSHAW - 14450719 Sergeant Kenneth - R.A.S.C.
Died 3rd April 1949. Buried at Imtarfa Cemetery.

RICE - Commander William Victor - HMS Endeavour.
Born 7th April 1887. Died at sea.  Died 8th June 1932. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

RICHARDS - Petty Officer Stoker Arthur - Submarine Depot (HMS Egmont)
Died 5th February 1912, aged 28 years. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

RICHARDSON - Captain Murray Laugharne - Royal Marines (HMS St. Angelo)
Died 6th July 1947, aged 28 years. Son of John and Dorothy Richardson, of Ringmore, Devon. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.
RICHARDSON - Private Thomas - 70th Regiment.
Died in 1836, aged 22 years. Buried in Msida Bastion Cemetery.

RICHMOND - Flying-Officer Christopher - Royal Air Force.
Died 22nd October 1956. Buried at Imtarfa Cemetery.    

RIDDELL - Lieutenant Francis R.Chateris - HMS Chrysanthemum.
Died 30th August 1923, aged 30 years. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

RILEY -  PJX151322 Leading Seaman Arthur - HMS Peacock.
Died 14th June 1948, aged 28 years. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

ROACH - AB H.H. - HMS Bulwark. 
Died 5th February 1903. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.    

ROBB - Private Thomas - 42nd Regiment.
Died 29th December 1843. Son of Thomas Robb, of Forfar, Scotland. Buried in Msida Bastion Cemetery.

ROBERTS - Private Arthur - Royal Marine Light Infantry (HMS Lancaster)
Died 9th July 1912. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

ROBERTS - Sick Bay Attendant Edwin W. - HMS Phoenicia. 
Died 10th August 1960. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

ROBERTS - Lieutenant-Commander Peter Harley Haselwood - HMS Royal Sovereign.
Died 1st March 1933. Son of Alice and Dr. Reginald Roberts, of Ventnor, Isle of Wight. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

ROBERTS - 4125466 Corporal T.K. - Royal Air Force.
Died in air crash 18th February 1956, aged 21 years. Buried at Imtarfa Cemetery. (see Allberry)

ROBERTSON - Gunner F.W. - Royal Garrison Artillery.
Died 23rd January 1901. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

ROBINSON - OS Leonard - HMS Marlborough. 
Died 12th May 1922. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

ROBERTSON - Assistant-Commissary General William.
Died on Monday 1st June 1835, aged 55 years. Buried in Msida Bastion Cemetery.

ROBERTSON - 23185032 Gunner William - 80th LAA Regiment, Royal Artillery.
Died 29th October 1956. Buried at Pembroke Cemetery.

ROBINSON - Stoker Henry - HMS Queen Elizabeth. 
Died 18th October 1924. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

ROBINSON - Sergeant R.N. - Lincolnshire Regiment.
Died 9th May 1896. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

ROBINSON - Stoker Thomas William - HMS Venomous. 
Died 10th October 1925. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

RODGER - AB William - HMS Formidable. 
Died 13th December 1907. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

ROE - 23717794 Private Sidney Thomas W. - Duke of Edinburgh's Royal Regiment.
Died 28th July 1963. Buried at Pembroke Cemetery.

ROFFE - Bandsman W.J. - Royal West Kent Regiment.
Died 24th March 1905. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

ROGERS - Private Albert - Royal West Kent Regiment.
Died 16th January 1891. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

ROLLS - AB J. - HMS London. 
Died 2nd March 1904, aged 20 years. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

ROSE - Private G. - Worcestershire Regiment.
Died 22nd July 1897. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

ROSE - Schoolmaster-Sergeant John - 94th Regiment.
Died 9th July 1833. Buried in Msida Bastion Cemetery.

ROSE - 1067H Private W.E. - 2nd Bn Scottish Rifles.
Died 4th June 1914. Buried at Pembroke Cemetery.

ROSOMAN - Lieutenant Charles Robert - HMS Triumph.
Died 22nd July 1947, aged 22 years, son of Eileen and Robert Rosoman. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

ROSS - Stoker Alexander - HMS Barham. 
Died 31st October 1936. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

ROSS - Private Joseph G. - Royal Marine Artillery (HMS Exmouth)
Died 29th January 1904, aged 36 years. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

ROSSER - 3908078 Lance-Corporal Walter Thomas George - 2nd Bn South Wales Borderers. 
Died 28th March 1936, aged 22 years. Buried at Pembroke Cemetery.

ROTTON - Captain John - 36th Regiment.
Died 7th November 1855. Buried in Msida Bastion Cemetery.

ROUD - Private William John - East Surrey Regiment.
Died 25th July 1894. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

ROUSELL - Boy Raymond - HMS Barham. 
Died 2nd January 1925. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

ROWE - 355937 AC1 A. - Royal Air Force.
Died 28th June 1928. Buried at Imtarfa Cemetery.
ROWLANDS - Private Thomas - Royal Fusiliers.
Died 2nd April 1833, aged 27 years. Buried in Msida Bastion Cemetery.

ROWLES - 9965 Corporal H. - King's Royal Rifle Corps.
Died 16th November 1902. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

ROWLEY - LEN Albert George William - HMS Indomitable.
Died 11th Februry 1953. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

ROYSE - Marine William J. - Royal Marines (HMS Malaya) 
Died 5th January 1939. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

RUDD - Private Henry - East Surrey Regiment.
Died 14th August 1894. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

RUNDELL - Steward Boy Percy J. - HMS Implacable. 
Died in Bighi Hospital14th November 1905, aged 17 years. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

RUNICLES - Chief Petty Officer Charles N. - HMS Cornwall.
Died 20th November 1933. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

RUSSELL - Archibald - 42nd Regiment.
Died 13th June 1843. Son of John Russell, of Edinburgh. Buried in Msida Bastion Cemetery.

RUSSELL - Lieutenant Richard Rawlings - 39th Regiment.
Died 14th December 1806, aged 25 years. Buried in Msida Bastion Cemetery.

RUTLEDGE - AB George - HMS Canopus.
Died 15th December 1902, aged 19 years. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

RUTLEDGE - Private William - 2nd Bn Rifle Brigade.
Died 2nd August 1829. Buried in Msida Bastion Cemetery.

RYALL - 6391148 Private E. - Sussex Regiment.
Died 7th March 1922, aged 34 years. Buried at Imtarfa Cemetery.

RYDEN - Corporal R. - Royal Engineers.
Died 28th December 1909. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

RYDER - EA Henry Cecil - HMS Cyclops. 
Died 4th June 1934. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.


SABY - Gunner Albert Edwin - Royal Artillery.
Died 30th March 1927. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

SACKREE - Corporal Henry John - Royal West Kent Regiment.
Died 15th June 1890. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

SAGGERS - Private J.F. - Duke of Wellington's West Riding Regiment.
Died 25th September 1897. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

SALAMONE - Bandsman F. - HMS Vengeance. 
Died 4th June 1903. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

SALTER - Able Seaman William - HMS
Killed 22nd April 1854 at the bombardment of Odessa. Buried at St. Lawrence's Cemetery, Vittoriosa.

SAMMUT - 12179 Lance-Bombardier Carmel - Royal Malta Artillery.
Died 17th February 1959. Buried at Imtarfa Cemetery.

SAMUEL - Chief Petty Officer John - HMS Voyager. 
Died 31st October 1928. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

SANDERSON - Captain John - King's Own Scottish Borderers.
Born 28th June 1908. Accidentally drowned 23rd April 1939. Buried at Imtarfa Cemetery.

SANDFORD - Private Richard - 7th Royal Fusiliers.
Died 21st August 1829, aged 24 years. Buried in Msida Bastion Cemetery.

SANDFORD - 2nd Lieutenant Daniel Sidney - Rifle Brigade.
Died 5th January 1853, aged 21 years. Born 2nd August 1831. Son of Erskine Sandford, Sheriff of Galloway. Buried in Msida Bastion Cemetery.

SANDOW - 6552886 Sergeant Stanley - Royal Air Force.
Died 10th October 1948, aged 43 years. Buried at Imtarfa Cemetery.

SARE - Lieutenant-Commander Edward F. - HMS Phoenicia.
Died 20th November 1960, aged 41 years. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

SARGENT - AB George - HMS Orontes. 
Died 7th May 1910. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

SARRACK - Marine William - HMS Medea.
Killed by a fall at Santa Teresa 17th April 1859, age 37 years. Buried at Bighi Hospital Cemetery.

SATCHELL - Lance-Corporal William - Royal Engineers.
Died 24th November 1898. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

SAUNDERS - Corporal Herbert - Royal Garrison Artillery.
Died 20th December 1910. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

SARGENT - DKX137332 AB Albert Henry - HMS Chivalrous.
Died 31st December 1952, aged 35 years. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

SAUNDERS - Mechanician William - HMS Ceres. 
Died 8th May 1925. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

SAUNTER - Private I. - 35th Royal Sussex Regiment.
Died 9th May 1879. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

SAVAGE - Leading Seaman Robert - HMS Queen Elizabeth
Died 28th April 1929, aged 25 years. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

SCALLY - 6203 Lance-Corporal W. - Lancashire Fusiliers.
Died 27th April 1901. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

SCIBERRAS - 796180 SAC John - Royal Air Force.
Died 10th December 1960. Buried at Imtarfa Cemetery.

SCOTT - 23185317 Corporal A.M. - R.A.M.C.
Died 20th July 1957. Buried at Imtarfa Cemetery.

SCOVELL - Stoker Albert C. - HMS Curacoa. 
Died 26th September 1932. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

SCRIVEN - Petty Officer 2nd Class William James - HMS Prince of Wales. 
Died in an accident 17th January 1906, aged 27 years. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

SEBURY - 8619 Private Henry - Connaught Rangers.
Died 27th June 1907. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

SEFTON - Stoker George - HMS Stag. 
Died 6th September 1906, aged 28 years. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

SENIOR - Staff-Sergeant G. - Com. Transport Corps.
Died 6th June 1883. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

SERVICE - OS John George - HMS Queen Elizabeth. 
Died 15th December 1931. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

SHARLOCK - 25763 Sapper H. - Royal Engineers.
Died 6th April 1899. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

SHARMAN - Chief Petty Officer R.W. - HMS Ocean. 
Died 15th February 1949. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

SHARP - Sergeant J. - Royal Engineers.
Died 1st December  1892. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

SHAW - 5909 Private James - Borderers Regiment.
Died 28th July 1899. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

SHAW - 568145 Flight-Sergeant Leslie - Royal Air Force.
Died 24th April 1958. Buried at Imtarfa Cemetery.

SHATTOCK - Stoker Walter - HMTBO Orwell. 
Drowned in Lazaretto Creek 2nd June 1902, aged 42 years. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

SHAW - 27409 Sergeant Arthur - Royal Engineers.
Died 31st December 1908. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

SHEAN - Private John - Somerset Light Infantry.
Died 1st July 1909. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

SHEPPERD - Stoker 1st Class George H. - HMS Bacchante
Died 9th December 1908, aged 20 years. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

SHERVILL - Quartermaster-Sergeant George W. - Royal Army Ordnance Corps.
Died 1st July 1927. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

SHERWIN - Lieutenant F.L. - Royal Navy, HMS Ocean. 
Died 15th February 1949. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

SHIELDS - Stoker John Edward - HMS Marlborough. 
Died 23rd January 1923. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

SHIPP - Corporal John - Dorset Regiment.
Died 9th January 1924. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

SHIPPARD - Rear-Admiral Alexander - Royal Navy.
Died 4th April 1841, aged 69 years. Born 3rd March 1771. Son of Alexander Shippard (Purser, Royal Navy) and Margaret Shippard. Joined the Navy 1786. Served in the Channel, Newfoundland, the Mediterranean, West Indies and the North Sea. Retired 1813. Buried in Msida Bastion Cemetery.

SHIRLEY - Stoker Gerald Augustus - HMS Clematis. 
Died 15th April 1928. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

SHUTTLE - Chief-Stoker William Frederick - HMS Hermes. 
Died 17th March 1926. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

SIBBLE - Quartermaster William - HMS Vernon.
Died 9th May 1836. Buried in Msida Bastion Cemetery.

SIBLEY - AB Cyril - HMS Resolution. 
Died 13th January 1934. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

SIDNEY - Private H. - Royal Warwickshire Regiment.
Died 18th June 1900. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

SILNECK - Seaman Thomas - HMS Coaster.
Died 3rd November 1840. Killed at the capture of St.Jean D'Acre. Buried in Msida Bastion Cemetery.

SIMM - AB Moses - HMS Adventure. 
Died 14th April 1936. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

SIMMS - Telegraphist Edward - HMS Yarmouth. 
Died 5th July 1913, aged 21 years. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

SIMONS - Leading Stoker James - HMS Resolution. 
Died 6th January 1933. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

SIMMONDS - Sergeant G. - Royal Irish Rifles.
Died 6th June 1898. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

SIMMONS - Rifleman Ernest - King's Royal Rifle Corps.
Died 7th July 1903. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

SIMS - Private Albert - King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry.
Died 7th August 1901. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

SIMPKIN - Private Robert - 2nd Bn Rifle Brigade.
Died 3rd March 1831, aged 26 years. Buried in Msida Bastion Cemetery.

SIMPSON - Lieutenant Gibson William - HMS Medusa.
Died 26th March 1926, aged 45 years. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

SIMPSON - Blacksmith Alfred - HMS Valiant. 
Died 17th May 1926. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

SIMPSON - AB Albert James - HMS Defender. 
Died 4th July 1959. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

SINCLAIR - CJX581566 AB Ian - HMS Phoebe.
Died 12th July 1947, aged 20 years. Son of  John and Tomima Sinclair, of Edinburgh. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

SINGER - Private William - Somerset Light Infantry.
Died 30th November 1908. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

SKELHORN - 7093 Private J. - Lancashire Fusiliers.
Died 8th June 1901. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

SLATER - Leading Seaman John - HMS Orwell.
Died 31st October 1904, aged 31 years. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

SLATTER - Leading Seaman E.J.D. - HMS Forth. 
Died 10th July 1953. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

SLEIGHTHOLM - John E. - Royal Engineers.
Died 14th April 1903. Buried at Imtarfa Cemetery.

SMEDLEY - Stoker John Percy - HMS Bacchante.
Died 29th October 1910, aged 19 years. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

SMITH - 23060700 Private A. - R.A.O.C.
Died 18th February 1956, aged 20 years. Buried at Imtarfa Cemetery.

SMITH - Officers Steward Bertie - HMS Iron Duke. 
Died 24th February 1926. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

SMITH - AB Derek R. - HMS Tyne. 
Died 11th November 1951, aged 20 years. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

SMITH - Major Frederick Cullen - 80th Regiment.
Died on 19th June 1828. Buried in Msida Bastion Cemetery. 

SMITH - Stoker George - HMS Goodhope. 
Died 20th June 1912. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

SMITH - Private George - Welsh Regiment.
Died 7th December 1890. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

SMITH - Lieutenant-Commander John Pulestone de Berniere - HMS Warspite. 
Born in London 2nd November 1895. Died 6th October 1929. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

SMITH - Private Lindsay - Black Watch.
Died 12th June 1878. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

SMITH - Stoker Petty Officer 2nd Class R. - HMS Exmouth.
Died 19th February 1909. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

SMITH - Stoker Sydney I. - HMS Waterhen. 
Died 12th April 1928. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

SMITH - 2527 Private T. - Cameron Highlanders.
Died 26th January 1893. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

SMITH - Private William - Somerset Light Infantry.
Died 9th December 1873. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

SMITH - Lance-Corporal William - Royal Berkshire Regiment.
Died 25th January 1893. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

SMITH - Seaman William - HMS Coaster.
Died 3rd November 1840. Killed at the capture of St. Jean D'Acre. Buried in Msida Bastion Cemetery.

SMITH - Lance-Corporal W.B. - Royal Engineers.
Died 15th September 1898. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

SMITH - Petty Officer W.J. - HMS Iron Duke. 
Died 24th October 1921. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

SMITH - DKX528236 Stoker 1st Class William J. - HMS Providence. 
Died 7th April 1946, aged 21 years. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

SNEDDEN - Coxswain, Petty Officer 1st Class H.F. - HMS Ariel
Died 19th April 1907, aged 31 years. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

SOLLARS - AB Claude Edgar - HMS Bryony. 
Died 29th August 1935. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

SOUTHALL - Stoker Edmund J.F. - HMS Prince of Wales.
Died 17th April 1906, aged 23 years. Killed on duty in the engine room. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

SPAGNOL - AB Paul - HMS Falcon. 
Died 8th June 1958. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

SPARKES - AB Samuel - HMS Myrmidon.
Died 30th October 1904, aged 24 years. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

SPEARING - AB John - HMS Bryony. 
Died 27th August 1932. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

SPENCE - 4010658 Sergeant J.W. - Royal Air Force.
Died in air crash 18th February 1956, aged 29 years. Buried at Imtarfa Cemetery. (see Allberry)

SPENCER - Private F. - Royal Marine Light Infantry (HMS Egmont)
Died 29th June 1904. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

SPENCER - AB Gerald - HMS Wivern. 
Died 14th March 1923. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

SPENCER - Sergeant J.A. - Royal Air Force.
Died in air crash 18th February 1956, aged 31 years. Buried at Imtarfa Cemetery. (see Allberry)

SPENCER - CMX51181 Sick Bay CPO Leslie V.M. - Royal Naval Hospital Bighi.
Died 20th January 1960 aged 45 years. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

SPERRING - Lieutenant-Engineer Charles H. - HMS Active. 
Died 15th November 1937. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

SPINKS - Stoker Petty Officer Thomas - HMS Wren. 
Died 15th November 1924. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

SPITERI - 4329 BQMS Angelo - Royal Malta Artillery.
Died 5th September 1950. Buried at Imtarfa Cemetery.

SPITERI - E063049 Cook Reginald - Royal Navy.
Died 7th May 1972. Buried at Imtarfa Cemetery.

SPRATT - Gunner R. - Royal Artillery.
Died 22nd December 1892. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

SPRING - Lance-Corporal John - Royal Engineers.
Died 5th July 1884. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

SPRY - Staff-Sergeant Alfred James - Royal Engineers.
Died 12th November 1868. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

SQUIRE - Corporal Ashley - Royal Artillery.
Died 10th July 1868. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

STACEY - Bombardier S. Lingford - HMS Swiftsure. 
Died 14th January 1910. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

STAMPF - Petty Officer Charles - HMS Diligence. 
Died 12th June 1923. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery. 

STANHOPE - 3727 Private Thomas - Lincolnshire Regiment.
Died 4th August 1895. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.
STANNARD - Petty Officer Stoker Richard George - HMS Ceres. 
Died 5th June 1929. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

ST. CLAIR-FORD - Commander V.J. - HMS Daring. 
Died 18th August 1952. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

STEADY - 48466 Lance-Sergeant J. - 2nd Bn Essex Regiment.
Died 20th December 1919. Buried at Imtarfa Cemetery.

STEDMAN - Private Reginald Alfred - West Yorkshire Regiment.
Died 25th December 1912. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

STEED -Stoker Christopher D. - HMS Resource. 
Died 7th July 1937. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

STEERS - 6139110 Private Edward - 1st Bn East Surrey Regiment.
Died 12th October 1931. Buried at Pembroke Cemetery.

STEIL - Eng. Lieutenant W.J. - HMS Stag. 
Died 28th April 1907, aged 33 years. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

STEVEN - Corporal W. - Royal Air Force.
Died in air crash 18th February 1956, aged 22 years. Buried at Imtarfa Cemetery. (see Allberry)

STEVENSON - Surgeon-Commander Alec King - HMS Ocean.
Died 16th October 1947, aged 44 years. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

STEWART - Private James - 42nd Regiment.
Died 4th November 1843, aged 37 years. Buried in Msida Bastion Cemetery.

STEWART - AB John - HMS Pegasus. 
Died 13th April 1902, aged 25 years. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

STILGOE - Petty Officer F.R. - HMS Ricasoli. 
Died 26th September 1948. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

STILLSON - Bandsman John - 35th Regiment.
Died 12th November 1879. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

STILON - Surgeon Joseph Maria - late Royal Navy.
Died 3rd April 1848, aged 64 years. Born in Sicily, Dr. Giuseppe Stilon, a former Italian prisoner of war, joined the Royal Navy and served until 1845. Buried in Msida Bastion Cemetery.

STOCK - Corporal Thomas - 73rd Regiment.
Died 11th October 1831, aged 32 years. Buried in Msida Bastion Cemetery.

STOCKER - Rifleman S.P. - Rifle Brigade.
Died 23rd August 1904. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.
STONE - Private J. - 61st Regiment.
Died 5th January 1879. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

STOREY - Marine A. - Royal Marines (HMS Newcastle) 
Died 9th April 1949. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

STORKEY - AB Arthur E.J. - HMS Barham. 
Died 24th February 1926. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

STREFFORD - 4003780 Corporal John Henry Graham - Royal Air Force.
Died 7th December 1955. Buried at Imtarfa Cemetery.

STRIPLIN - Carpenter's Crew Frederick - HMS Hermione.
Died 9th December 1902, aged 21 years. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

STROUD - AB Charles - HMS Inflexible. 
Died 9th February 1913. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

STUART - AB Victor W. - HMS Minerva. 
Died 21st June 1912. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

STUBBS - Sergeant Richard Edward - Royal Engineers.
Died 26th October 1910. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

STURGEON - Private John - 70th Regiment.
Died 3rd October 1836. Buried in Msida Bastion Cemetery.

SWALE - 131122 AC2 E. - 267 Squadron, Royal Air Force.
Died 26th September 1920. Buried at Imtarfa Cemetery.

SULLIVAN - Sapper Jno. - 1st Company, Royal Engineers.
Died 24th December 1860, aged 38 years. Buried in the Capuchin Cemetery, Floriana.

SULTANA - Officers Steward Joseph - HMS Stuart. 
Died 29th November 1928. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

SUTCLIFFE - Stoker Petty Officer Charles George - HMS Witherington. 
Died 30th August 1929. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

SUTHERLAND - Corporal John - 71st Highland Light Infantry.
Died 24th October 1875. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

SUTHERLAND - Flying Officer John Asher - Royal Air Force.
Died 6th June 1936. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.


TABB - 7335 Private Edward - 2nd Bn Devonshire Regiment.
Died 18th January 1912. Buried at Pembroke Cemetery.

TABONE - 5294 Sapper Carmelo - Malta Fortress Squadron, Royal Engineers.
Killed in an air crash at El Adem, Libya 10th October 1961, aged 34 years. Buried at Pembroke Cemetery.

TALBOT - SS102740 Stoker 1st Class Ernest Thomas Sillick - HMS Minerva.
Died 1st June 1919, aged 33 years. Son of Frank and Susan Talbot, of Devonport. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

TALBOT - Private J.H. - Worcestershire Regiment.
Accidentally drowned 17th April 1907, aged 19 years. Buried at Imtarfa Cemetery.

TALBOT - 4401881 Corporal W.G. - Royal Air Force.
Died in air crash 18th February 1956, aged 21 years. Buried at Imtarfa Cemetery. (see Allberry)

TALLOWING - 540010 Corporal Arthur - Royal Air Force.
Died 22nd October 1937. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

TARRANT - 21067527 Signalman Eric - Royal Corps of Signals.
Died 9th October 1949. Buried at Imtarfa Cemetery.

TATLOCK - 637985 LAC James - Royal Air Force.
Died 20th April 1956. Buried at Imtarfa Cemetery.

TAYLOR - AB Anthony - HMS Wolsey. 
Died 21st January 1938. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

TAYLOR - Squadron-Leader J.C.C., MBE - Royal Air Force.
Died July 1967. Buried at Imtarfa Cemetery.

TAYLOR - Private John - 53rd Regiment.
Died 14th March 1835, aged 30 years. Buried in Msida Bastion Cemetery. 

TAYLOR - Private John - Cameron Highlanders.
Died 22nd December 1893. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

TAYLOR - SA(S) Stuart Graham - RN Detachment RAF Hal Far 
Died 6th October 1965. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

THACKER - Private George - Royal Artillery.
Died March 1837. Buried in Msida Bastion Cemetery.

THIRKILL - Private William - King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry.
Died 7th August 1901. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

THOMAS - Flight-Lieutenant Anthony Roger - Royal Air Force.
Died 25th March 1969. Buried at Imtarfa Cemetery.

THOMAS - Ship Art. Benjamin J. - HMS Forth. 
Died 10th July 1953. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

THOMAS - 805446 Corporal David - 10th AA Battery, Royal Artillery.
Accidentally drowned at Tigne 15th February 1936, aged 24 years. Buried at Imtarfa Cemetery.

THOMAS - AB Edwin - HMS Diana. 
Died 21st May 1907. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

THOMAS - 590153S Corporal G. - Royal Air Force.
Died 23rd July 1936. Buried at Imtarfa Cemetery.

THOMAS - Boy H. - HMS Hood. 
Died 4th December 1901. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

THOMAS - Cook Ronald - HMS Cumberland. 
Died 1st August 1954. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

THOMAS - Staff-Sergeant Walter - AOC (attached 4th Bn Rifle Brigade)
Died 13th July 1908. Buried at Pembroke Cemetery.

THOMPSON - AB A. - HMS Irresistible. 
Died 3rd April 1907. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

THOMPSON - Rifleman George J. - King's Royal Rifle Corps.
Died 11th December 1908. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

THOMPSON - Rifleman J. - Rifle Brigade.
Died 3rd December 1905. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

THOMPSON - 2nd Class ERA Stanley Edward - HMS Endeavour.
Died 15th February 1922, aged 31 years. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

THOMPSON - Marine Thomas - HMS Charon.
Died 4th October 1803. Buried at Quarantine Bastion Cemetery, Floriana.

THOMPSON - 3411 Private William - Cameron Highlanders.
Died 1st November 1894. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

THOMPSON - 5608454 CQMS William - 2nd Bn Devonshire Regiment.
Died 24th September 1939. Buried at Pembroke Cemetery.

THOMPSON - Mechanician William H. - HMS Duncan.
Died 8th October 1910, aged 32 years. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

THOMSON - Surgeon John Bathurst - 69th Regiment.
Died of cholera in the Military Hospital, 18th September 1850, aged 36 years. His body was placed on a gun carriage, preceeded by a firing party and bands of the 69th Regiment and Royal Malta Fencibles. It was followed by the Medical staff, officers and men from the 69th Regiment. A monument was erected in Upper Barracca Gardens, Valletta, to his memory. Buried in Msida Bastion Cemetery.

THURLOW - Bandsman B. - Royal Regiment.
Died 21st May 1923. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

TICKLE - Sergeant William - 48th Regiment.
Died 18th November 1870. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

TIDDY - M7505 Cook Richard J. - HMS Clematis
Died 2nd October 1920, aged 23 years. Son of William and Margaret Tiddy, of Camborne, Cornwall. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

TIERNEY - Private Robert - 61st Regiment.
Died 22nd September 1878. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

TILL - Private Ralph - North Staffordshire Regiment.
Died 30th June 1895. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

TILLEY - Marine John - HMS Hector.
Died 10th July 1802. Buried at Quarantine Bastion Cemetery, Floriana.

TIMMS - RM7269 Marine Leslie John - 45 Commando RM.
Served 1948-64. Died 28th December 1997 in Sliema. Buried at Addolorata Cemetery.

TODD - AB Arthur J. - HMS Panther.
Died 14th November 1904, aged 22 years. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

TODD - Gunner Lancaster - Royal Garrison Artillery.
Died 24th September 1902. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

TOMBS - Major-General John - 6th Regiment Bengal Light Cavalry.
Died 30th October 1848, aged 73 years. Served in India for about 50 years. Father of Sir Henry Tombs, born 10th November 1824. Buried in Msida Bastion Cemetery.

TOMPKINS - Private Leonard - 2nd Bn Northamptonshire Regiment.
Died 15th January 1914. Buried at Pembroke Cemetery.

TOOKE - 59490 Donald Peter McLean - Royal Air Force.
Died 28th January 1965. Buried at Pembroke Cemetery.

TOOKE - 6103 Private John - 1st Bn Suffolk Regiment.
Died 9th September 1910. Buried at Pembroke Cemetery.

TORR - Private Robert - 94th Regiment.
Died 15th May 1833, aged 25 years. Buried in Msida Bastion Cemetery.

TOWERS - Private James H. - Worcestershire Regiment.
Died 29th June 1896. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

TOVEY - Ship's Corporal Frank H. - HMS Implacable.
Died 20th August 1907, aged 34 years. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

TOY - 3848502 Private T. - 1st Bn Loyal North Lancs Regiment.
Died 9th October 1920. Buried at Imtarfa Cemetery.

TREDENNICK - Lieutenant G.J. - Royal Marines Light Infantry (HMS Minerva)
Died of enteric fever 1st September 1906. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

TRIMBOY - ERA E. - HMS Forth (HM Submarine Tantivy). 
Died 19th August 1949. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

TUBBY - AB Victor Samuel - HMS Shropshire. 
Died 23rd June 1930. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

TUCK - Lieutenant Leonard Charles - HMS Falcon.
Died 9th March 1955. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

TUCKER - Petty Officer Frank P. - HMS Codrington. 
Died 6th June 1931. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

TULLY - Private Henry - Royal Warwickshire Regiment.
Died 28th March 1900. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

TURNER - Lieutenant Alex Talbot - Royal Marines (HMS Ramillies)
2nd March 1939 HMS Ramillies was preparing to enter Grand Harbour, when one of the davits broke loose and carried Sergeant Young overboard. Lieutenant Turner dived into rough seas in an attempted rescue and was last seen swimming towards Sergeant Young. Both men then disappeared beneath the waves and their bodies were never found. Lieutenant Turner was posthumously awarded the Albert Medal, which was presented to his father Alexander Turner, of Haslemere Surrey.

TURNER - 449275 Lieutenant Daniel Oswald - Royal Corps of Signals.
Died 3rd February 1958. Buried at Imtarfa Cemetery.

TURNER - Private Edwin - Royal Berkshire Regiment.
Died 17th December 1890. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

TURNER - 6955 Private John - 1st Bn Kings Own Regiment.
Accidentally drowned at Ghain Tuffieha 27th April 1903, aged 20 years. Buried at Imtarfa Cemetery.

TURNER - Bugler John H. - Royal Engineers.
Died 15th October 1882. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

TURRELL - AB Arthur Thomas - HMS Cardiff. 
Born 28th May 1907. Died 15th May 1927. Son of John and Agnes Turrell, of Weasenham St. Peter, Norfolk. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

TWOMEY - Sailmaker's Mate David - HMS Terrible.
Died 18th May 1856, aged 32 years. Buried at St. Lawrence's Cemetery, Vittoriosa.

TYSON - Corporal Frederick - Royal Berkshire Regiment.
Died 23rd November 1890. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.


UNSTEAD - Private A. - Royal Marines Light Infantry (HMS Hibernia)
Drowned 23rd August 1903. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

UPCHURCH - AB Sidney - HMS Inflexible. 
Died 23rd January 1913. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

USHER - OS David - HMS Minerva. 
Died 5th December 1924. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

UTTING - SS124832 Stoker 1st Class Frederick J. - HMS Calypso. 
Died 4th February 1921. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.


VALE - Private Joseph - Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry.
Died 13th July 1887. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

VASS-VAUGHAN - Private W. - Army Hospital Corps.
Died 15th March 1891. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

VAUGHAN - AB H.E. - HMS Bulwark. 
Died 27th July 1904. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

VEALE - Leading Seaman J. - HMS Implacable. 
Died 22nd April 1905. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

VERNON - OA1 George - HMS Dunkirk. 
Died 10th December 1960. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

VERNON - Armourer-Sergeant W. Henry - 94th Regiment.
Died 20th July 1834. Buried in Msida Bastion Cemetery.

VIGERS - Sapper George - Royal Engineers.
Died 10th May 1885. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

VINER - Marine William - HMS Hector.
Died 3rd July 1802. Buried at Quarantine Bastion Cemetery, Floriana.

VOCE - Musician John E. - HMS Bacchante.
Died 1st June 1908, aged 19 years. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

VOWLES - Comm.Senior Gunner D.L. - HMS Armada. 
Died 14th September 1950. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.


WABY - Marine Thomas - HMS Blonde.
Died 14th December 1802. Buried at Quarantine Bastion Cemetery, Floriana.

WAKE - Chief-Stoker William C. - HMS Warspite.
Died 23rd May 1928. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

WAKEFIELD - Private William - 7th Regiment.
Died 7th August 1829. Buried in Msida Bastion Cemetery.

WAKEHAM - Sapper James - Royal Engineers.
Died 14th September 1881. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

WALDRON - OS Edward Layland - HMS Emperor of India.
Died 11th October 1924. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

WALKER - Stoker Charles Glasgow - HMS Wolsey. 
Died 8th December 1934. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

WALKER - Steward Ronald J. - HMS Victorious. 
Died 25th December 1958. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery. 

WALLACE - Leading Aircraftsman W. - Royal Air Force. 
Died 15th February 1935. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.            

WALLIS - Corporal John - 5th Regiment.
Died 27th November 1835. Buried in Msida Bastion Cemetery. 

WALSH - Private Thomas - 'B' Company, 28th Regiment.
Drowned 7th November 1872. Buried at St. Lawrence's Cemetery, Vittoriosa.

WALTERS - Midshipman Maurice Howard - HMS Devonshire.
Died 28th January 1934, aged 18 years. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

WALTON - 24020375 Private Alan John - 3rd Parachute Regiment.
Died 22nd January 1969, aged 20 years. Buried at Pembroke Cemetery.

WARD - Stoker 1st Class Arthur - HMS Ajax. 
Died 10th April 1922. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

WARD - Boy W. - 1st Bn King's Shropshire Light Infantry (Band)
Died 30th November 1884. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

WARREN - R296671 Chief Petty Officer John Dennis - Cable Ship Personnel, HMS St. Margaret's. 
Died 20th June 1947, aged 21 years. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

WASTELL - 57724 Corporal John - 1st Bn Loyal North Lancashire Regiment. 
Died 26th July 1920, aged 21 years. Son of Mr E. Wastell, of Preston, Lancashire.  Buried at Imtarfa Cemetery.

WATERS - Leading Cook Albert Bertie - HMS Glory. 
Died 17th November 1953. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

WATKIN - J94909 OS William Robert - HMS Ajax. 
Died 9th October 1920, aged 18 years. Son of George and Louisa Watkin. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

WATKINS - Stoker C. - HMS Egmont. 
Died 2nd July 1905, aged 31 years. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

WATSON - Bandsman James - Black Watch.
Died 13th April 1876. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

WATTS - Lance-Sergeant David - Connaught Rangers.
Died 9th August 1890. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

WATTS - Stoker D.W. - HMS Newcastle. 
Died 20th August 1948. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

WEARING - 4129185 Corporal R.F. - Royal Air Force.
Died in air crash 18th February 1956, aged 20 years. Buried at Imtarfa Cemetery. (see Allberry)

WEAVER - Seaman Frederick - HMS Coaster.
Died 3rd November 1840. Buried in Msida Bastion Cemetery. 

WEBB - Sergeant Harry - Sherwood Foresters Regiment.
Died 8th December 1898. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

WEBB - Gunner R. - Royal Marine Artillery (HMS Queen) 
Died 3rd January 1905. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

WEBBER - 625278 Sergeant William - Royal Air Force.
Died 22nd November 1948. Buried at Imtarfa Cemetery.

WEBSTER - 2867535 Private William - 1st Bn Gordon Highlanders.
Drowned 6th September 1924. Buried at Pembroke Cemetery.

WEDGEWOOD - 7259848 Lance-Corporal John - R.A.M.C.
Died at Imtarfa 29th December 1937. Buried at Imtarfa Cemetery.

WEEKES - Private Ernest - Duke of Wellington's West Riding Regiment.
Died 16th August 1898. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

WEEKS - Marine Reginald James - Royal Marines (HMS Ramillies).
Died in Bighi Hospital 5th June 1928, aged 25 years. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

WEEKS - 3908726 Lance-Corporal William Verdeen - 2nd Bn South Wales Borderers.
Died 13th March 1936, aged 19 years. Buried at Pembroke Cemetery.

WELCH - Gunner William - Royal Artillery.
Died 19th October 1882. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

WELD - Assistant-Surgeon - HMS Queen.
Died 17th March 1844, aged 24 years. Whilst disecting a corpse he cut his finger. The wound became infected, and he died. Buried in Msida Bastion Cemetery.

WELSH - 4091991 LAC W.J. - Royal Air Force.
Died in the air crash 18th February 1956, aged 21 years. Buried at Imtarfa Cemetery. (see Allberry)

WENWOOD - Private John - Borderers.
Died 3rd March 1899. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

WEST - Sapper 1866435 Ernest Arthur - Royal Engineers.
Died 21st July 1939, aged 28 years. Buried at Imtarfa Cemetery.

WEST - 13942 Gunner John Tom Ekin - Royal Marine Artillery (HMS Benbow)
Died 24th September 1920, aged 27 years. Son of William and Mary West, of Upwell, Cambridgeshire. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

WEST - AB Robert Henry - HMS Queen Elizabeth.
Died 13th January 1926. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

WESTBROOK - 6912593 Rifleman George Edward - 2nd Bn Rifle Brigade.
Died 2nd June 1934. Buried at Pembroke Cemetery.

WESTON - Private George - Army Service Corps.
Died  31st January 1910. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

WESTWOOD - AB Benjamin - HMS Lancaster.
Died 22nd July 1910, aged 26 years. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

WEYMAN - Private Edwin G. - Gloucestershire Regiment.
Died 2nd January 1895. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

WHALLEY - 4112 Rifleman R. - King's Royal Rifles.
Died 31st March 1904. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

WHATLEY - Private John - Army Hospital Corps.
Died 20th March 1893. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

WHEALAN - Seaman Martin - HMS Liffey.
Died 29th April 1864, aged 27 years. Buried at St. Lawrence's Cemetery, Vittoriosa.

WHEATMAN - CJX709874 AB Ralph - HMS Statesman.
Died 10th September 1947, aged 21 years. Son of William and Elizabeth Wheatman, of Ryhope, Co. Durham. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

WHIPP - Private William - Royal Berkshire Regiment.
Died 15th January 1893. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

WHITE - Rifleman A. - Somersetshire Light Infantry.
Died 27th June 1909. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

WHITE - Band-Corporal Arthur - Royal Marines (HMS Indefatigable)
Died 5th February 1914, aged 26 years. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

WHITE - Stoker Charles Daniel - HMS Coventry. 
Died 7th November 1930. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

WHITE - Musician Colin Edward - HMS Eagle. 
Died 2nd September 1958. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

WHITE - AB R. - HMS Suffolk. 
Died 11th February 1906. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

WHITE - Lance-Corporal William - Somersetshire Light Infantry.
Died 17th August 1872. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

WHITEAR - Stoker Joseph Henry - HMS Ouse. 
Died 22nd May 1933. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

WHITELOCK - D1938842 Jnr/Tech Robert Brian - Royal Air Force.
Died 26th March 1966, aged 22 years. Buried at Imtarfa Cemetery.

WHITWORTH - Private B. - Duke of Wellington's West Riding Regiment.
Died 15th July 1897. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

WICKENDEN - Acting-Corporl Charles Percival - HMS Devonshire. 
Died 4th September 1929. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

WILKIN - Leading Stoker John - HMS Montrose.
Died 6th April 1924, aged 37 years. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

WILKINS - 8197 Rifleman George Harry - 3rd Bn Kings Royal Rifle Corps.
Died 7th March 1910. Buried at Pembroke Cemetery.

WILKINSON - 6905519 Regimental Sergeant-Major Arthur Edgar - 2nd Bn Rifle Brigade.
Died 28th March 1934. Buried at Pembroke Cemetery.

WILKS - Private William - 'E' Company, 2nd Bn Derbyshire Regiment.
Died 20th April 1900, aged 22 years. Buried at Imtarfa Cemetery.

WILLCOX  - Sergeant Norman R. - HMS St.Angelo. 
Died 25th September 1933. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

WILLEARD - Boy 1st Class Jasper - HMS Bacchante.
Died 22nd May 1903, aged 18 years. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

WILLES - Captain George Wickens - HMS Vanguard.
Died 26th October 1847, aged 63 years. He was a Lieutenant (HMS Active) at the destruction of a Turkish squadron in the Dardanelles in 1807; served on HMS Spartan, in boat actions in the Adriatic, and at the reduction of Zante and neighbouring islands. Promoted after an action in the Bay of Naples. His body was taken from the ship and the coffin was received by a guard of Royal Marines, commanded by Major Ashmore, and the bands of the 54th and 97th Foot. The coffin was carried by the crewmen of the Vanguard. The officers of both the Royal Navy and the Army were in full uniform and it was estimated that 5,000 people attended the funeral. Buried in Msida Bastion Cemetery.

WILLIAM - 1404236 Gunner Charles - Royal Artillery.
Died 6th October 1925. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

WILLIAMS - Private Alfred - Welsh Regiment.
Died 16th June 1892. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

WILLIAMS - AB Arthur - HMS Queen Elizabeth. 
Died 6th February 1925. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

WILLIAMS - Chief Yeoman of Signals A.E. - HMS Falcon.
Died 1st January 1950, aged 32 years. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

WILLIAMS - Sergeant H.B. - Army Service Corps.
Died 18th September 1899. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

WILLIAMS - Stoker James - HMS Otway. 
Died 24th May 1933. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

WILLIAMS - 4125725 LAC Keith E. - Royal Air Force.
Died in air crash 18th February 1956, aged 21 years. Buried at Imtarfa Cemetery. (see Allberry)

WILLIAMS - 4004177 Corporal R. - Royal Air Force.
Died in air crash 18th February 1956, aged 27 years. Buried at Imtarfa Cemetery. (see Allberry)

WILLINGHAM - 146 Rifleman H. - King's Royal Rifles.
Died 14th January 1904. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

WILLIS - Sergeant H.J. - Royal Air Force. 
Died 15th February 1935. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

WILLIS - Leading-Stoker George R. - HMS Childers.
and baby Maureen Willis.  Died 23rd January 1950, aged 23 years. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

WILMAN - Sergeant A. - Duke of Wellington's West Riding Regiment.
Died 19th June 1897. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

WILSON - 2418 Private David - Cameron Highlanders.
Died 2nd November 1892. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

WILSON - LAC J.F. - Royal Air Force.
Died in air crash 18th February 1956, aged 21 years. Buried at Imtarfa Cemetery. (see Allberry)

WILSON - Marine John - HMS Expedition.
Died 14th October 1802. Buried at Quarantine Bastion Cemetery, Floriana.

WILSON - Stoker R. - HMS London. 
Died 11th February 1903. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

WILSON - Flying-Officer Robert McQuinn Alexander - Royal Air Force.
Died 19th February 1959, aged 21 years. Buried at Imtarfa Cemetery.

WILSON - Corporal R.W. - Royal Marines - HMS Bulwark. 
Died 4th July 1904. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

WILSON - 4342403 Private Stanley - 1st Bn Green Howards.
Died 6th May 1938, aged 23 years. Buried at Pembroke Cemetery.

WILSON - AB Thomas F. - HMS Saintes. 
Died 17th August 1951, aged 28 years. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

WILSON - 1614 Private William - East Surrey Regiment.
Died 20th June 1895. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.
WINDIBANK - Stoker Charles - HMS Worsley. 
Died 3rd May 1924, aged 56 years. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

WINSPEAR - Petty Officer Albert William - HMS Revenge. 
Died 27th June 1933. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

WINTER - Stoker Frank - HMS Prince of Wales. 
Died 16th April 1906, aged 24 years. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

WISE - Midshipman David George Hamilton - HMS Barham.
Died 3rd February 1937. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

WITHERS - OS George Raymond - HMS Eagle. 
Died 16th November 1928. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

WOGAN - Aircraftsman L. - Royal Air Force. 
Died 15th February 1935. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

WOLSTENHOLME - 4147765 Flying-Officer Thomas Blakeway - Royal Air Force.
Died 5th April 1957, aged 20 years. Buried at Imtarfa Cemetery.

WONNACOTT - Leading Stoker G.J. - HMS Flying Fish. 
Died 25th January 1905, aged 32 years. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

WOODFIELD - Sick Bay Steward William - HMS Russell.
Died 13th June 1910, aged 34 years. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

WOODHEAD - OS William - HMS Suffolk.
Died in Bighi Hospital 2nd September 1905, aged 19 years. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

WOODHOUSE - Bandsman John - 44th Regiment.
Died 30th November 1849. Buried in Msida Bastion Cemetery. 

WOOF - OS David - HMS Grenville. 
Died 27th October 1967. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

WOOLAWAY - Corporal Ernest - Rifle Brigade.
Died 4th February 1908. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

WOOLGAR - Flying-Officer E.J. - Royal Air Force.
Died 31st October 1951, aged 51 years. Buried at Imtarfa Cemetery.

WOOLNER - Chief-Stoker W. - HMS Desparata. 
Died 24th May 1906. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

WORDLEY - Captain Thomas Edwin - Army Service Corps.
Born 18th October 1862. Died 3rd January 1913. Buried at Pembroke Cemetery.

WORSFOLD - Private William - Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry.
Died 21st June 1887. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

WORTLEY - 4115681 SAC G. - Royal Air Force,, aged 21 years.
Died in air crash 18th February 1956. Buried at Imtarfa Cemetery. (see Allberry)

WRAGGS - Gunner John William - Royal Garrison Artillery.
Died 21st December 1905. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

WRAY - Schoolmaster-Sergeant Charles - 7th Regiment.
Died 11th November 1831, aged 29 years. Born in Cork, Ireland. Buried in Msida Bastion Cemetery. 

WRIGHT - Bandsman Arthur - Highland Light Infantry.
Died 27th November 1895. Buried at Pieta Cemetery.

WRIGHT - Stoker Frederick Charles, , HMS Sandhurst. 
Died 4th March 1932. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

WRIGHT - Commander Warren Stephen - HMS Malaya.
Died 2th June 1926, aged 30 years. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

WULFE - Stoker William - HMS Leviathan.
Died 26th October 1905, aged 26 years. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

WYBOURNE - Richard - Royal Artillery.
Died 2nd November 1836. No.3 Company, 5th Battery, Royal Artillery. Buried in Msida Bastion Cemetery.


YALDEN - Marine Percy William Charles - Royal Marines (HMS Egmont)
Drowned while swimming off Ricasoli Rifle Ranges 26th December 1932, aged 22 years. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

YELLOP - Chief Petty Officer Charles Ernest - HMS Ceres.
Died 6th November 1928. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

YOUNG - PO22052 Sergeant Charles - HMS Ramillies
Drowned 2nd March 1939. (see Lieutenant Turner)

YOUNG - 4130204 AC1 R. - Royal Air Force.
Died in air crash 18th February 1956, aged 20 years. Buried at Imtarfa Cemetery. (see Allberry)

YOUNG - 886925 Gunner T. - 68 HAA Regiment, Royal Artillery.
Died 22nd July 1946. Buried at Imtarfa Cemetery.

YOUNG - X2574 Band Corporal Terence Frederick - Royal Marines (HQ 3rd Commando Brigade) 
Died 19th September 1959, aged 25 years. Buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery.

YUILL - 924646 WOII (CSM) H.A. - REME
Died 9th December 1950, aged 52 years. Buried at Imtarfa Cemetery.