No. 3495 Pte William Ball - killed
at the Battle of Inkermann 5 November 1854
No. 1323 Pte James Benjamin - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1854
No. 3653 Pte John Bannister - killed in the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 2728 Pte Thomas Batford - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1854
No. 1708 Pte James Bostock - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1854
No. 3499 Pte William Bragg - killed at Sebastopol 4 September
No. 2950 Pte Patrick Brennan - killed in the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 2635 Pte Peter Brodie - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1854
No. 2433 Pte James Burnes - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1854
No. 3073 Pte Francis Carroll - killed at Sebastopol 5 September
No. 2441 Pte Matthew Cassidy - killed in the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 1950 Pte Patrick Cavanagh - killed in the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 2804 Pte John Coghlan - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1854
No. 3532 Pte Edward Collins - killed in the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 3634 Pte Michael Conlon - killed at Sebastopol 27 July
No. 3502 Pte John Connolly - killed at Sebastopol 23 April
No. 2139 Pte James Cooper - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1854
No. 3288 Pte David Cox - missing after the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 2214 Pte John Culbert - missing after the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 2247 Pte Patrick Cunningham - killed at Sebastopol
12 March 1855
No. 2254 Pte John Daily - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1854
No. 3408 Pte John Daniels - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1854
No. 1797 Pte Daniel Davies - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1854
No. 3200 Pte Arthur Dawson - killed in the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 3701 Pte Thomas Dodge - killed at Sebastopol 1 September
No. 3586 Pte Thomas Donnolly - missing after the Final
Attack on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 3371 Pte Thomas Donohoe - killed in the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
Pte Daniel Donovan - died of wounds after the First Battle
of Inkermann 26 October 1854
No. 2535 Pte Michael Driscoll - missing after the Final
Attack on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 1908 Colour Sergeant Pater Dungan - killed at Sebastopol
23 August 1855
No. 3607 Pte John Dunne - killed in the Final Attack on
the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 2992 Pte Owen Eddy - killed in the First Attack on
the Redan 18 June 1855
No. 2436 Sergeant John Emerson - killed in the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 3335 Pte Patrick Ennis - missing after the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 1611 Pte Daniel Evans - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1854
No. 2567 Pte Jonathan Evans - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1854
No. 3300 Pte Patrick Falsey - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1854
No. 1477 Pte Robert Farley - killed in the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 3502 Pte Patrick Farrell - missing after the Final
Attack on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 2571 Pte William Finn - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1854
No. 1852 Colour Sergeant L.E. Fitzgerald - killed in the
Final Attack on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 2815 Pte James Fitzgibbons - killed at Sebastopol 9
May 1855
No. 3369 Pte Denis Flinn - killed in the Final Attack on
the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 3450 Pte John Greig - killed in the First Attack on
the Redan 18 June 1855
No. 3366 Pte Thomas Harman - killed at Sebastopol 8 August
No. 1701 Pte Michael Hart - killed in the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 1850 Pte Myles Higgin - missing after the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 2182 Pte Thomas Hodgskins - killed in the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
Pte P. Hoey - killed 18-21 October 1854
Pte John Holmes - killed at the Battle of Alma 20 September
Pte Michael Hughes - killed at the Battle of Alma 20 September
No. 1815 Pte George Jones - killed at Sebastopol 4 September
No. 1981 Corporal Thomas Jones - killed at the Battle of
Inkermann 5 November 1854
No. 2619 Pte Walter Joyce - killed in the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 2984 Pte Patrick Kary - killed at Sebastopol 31 August
No. 2864 Pte John Kean - killed at Sebastopol 23 April
No. 2492 Pte Dennis Keefe - killed at Sebastopol 15 June
No. 2849 Pte Timothy Keefe - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1854
No. 3768 Pte John Keen - missing after the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 2838 Pte Jason Kennedy - died of wounds at Sebastopol
26 April 1855
No. 1095 Pte William Kennedy - killed at the Battle of
Inkermann 5 November 1854
No. 1210 Pte Samuel Langham - missing after the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 2397 Pte Joseph Latty - killed in the Magazine explosion
at the French Siege Train 15 November 1855
No. 2161 Corporal John Lee - killed at Sebastopol 26 May
Pte Joseph Lefevre - killed at the Battle of Alma 20 September
No. 2688 Pte Thomas Lilles - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1854. Grave -
"Sacred to the memory of Private Thomas Lillies 41st
Regt who was killed 5th Novr 1854."
No. 3705 Pte Henry Lawrence - killed in the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 3736 Pte Charles Long - killed in the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 2294 Pte John Macdonald - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1854
No. 2749 Pte John Madigan - killed in the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 2552 Pte Daniel Mahoney - killed in the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 2646 Pte William Maitland - killed at Sebastopol 21
April 1855
No. 2963 Pte William Marsden - killed in the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
Pte John Martin - killed at the First Battle of Inkermann
26 October 1854
No. 3030 Pte Joseph McDonald - killed in the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 3009 Pte William McGoldrick - killed at Sebastopol
18 May 1855
No. 3736 Pte Thomas McMahon - missing after the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 3515 Pte John McReady - killed at Sebastopol 23 August
No. 2964 Pte Patrick Meally - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1854
No. 3659 Pte Thomas Millott - killed in the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 2974 Pte Martin Moran - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1854
No. 3524 Pte William Morrow - killed in the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 1230 Pte John Murphy - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1854
No. 2332 Pte Samuel Murphy - killed in the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 2798 Pte Thomas Murphy - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1854
No. 3425 Pte Henry Neill - missing after the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 3085 Pte Patrick O'Brien - killed at the Battle of
Inkermann 5 November 1854
No. 2434 Pte Martin O'Hallaran - missing after the Final
Attack on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 3412 Pte William Olliver - killed at the Battle of
Inkermann 5 November 1854
No. 2991 Pte Patrick Perry - killed in the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 1239 Pte George Phelps - killed at Sebastopol 7 December
No. 2458 Pte Michael Phillips - killed at the Battle of
Inkermann 5 November 1854
No. 3396 Pte Richard Philpott - killed in the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 3725 Pte Edward Pratley - missing after the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 3699 Pte Alexander Purkins - killed in the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
Pte Samuel Putland - killed at the Battle of Alma 20 September
No. 1890 Pte Richard Reeves - killed in the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 3194 Pte James Regan - killed at Sebastopol 30 July
No. 3235 Pte Bernard Reynolds - killed at Sebastopol 20
March 1855
No. 3625 Pte Patrick Reynolds - killed at Sebastopol 23
August 1855
No. 3038 Pte Timothy Rielly - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1854
No. 1808 Pte William Rigsby - killed at Sebastopol 26 August
No. 3393 Pte Thomas Robinson - killed in the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 3083 Pte James Roe - missing after the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 3438 Pte Robert Scott - killed in the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 2377 Corporal William Shaughnessy - killed at the Battle
of Inkermann 5 November 1854
No. 3401 Corporal Benjamin Sheean - missing after the Final
Attack on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 3606 Pte John Smith - missing after the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 1510 Sergeant Major John Spence - killed at the Battle
of Inkermann 5 November 1854. Grave - "Sacred to the memory of Sergt Major John
Spence 41st Regt who was killed at the Battle of Inkermann
on the 5th Novr 1854. Aged 28 years."
No. 2138 Corporal John Valentine - died of wounds at Sebastopol
2 April 1855
No. 2900 Sergeant John Wall - killed in the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 2023 Seregant Thomas Walsh - killed in the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 2245 Pte William Walsh - killed in the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 3695 Pte William Weeble - killed at Sebastopol 22 June
No. 2693 Sergeant James White - killed at the Battle of
Inkermann 5 November 1854
Pte Thomas Williams - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1854
No. 2120 Pte Griffiths Williams - killed at the Battle
of Inkermann 5 November 1854
No. 3520 Pte John Wilson - killed at Sebastopol 30 July
No. 2272 Pte George Woods - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1854
No. 3198 Pte James Woodward - killed in the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 2774 Pte Alexander Baxter - killed
at Sebastopol 17 July 1855
Pte Neil Campbell - killed at the Battle of Alma 20 September
No. 3137 Pte John Clarke - killed at Sebastopol 16 August
No. 3620 Lance Corporal William Dick - missing at Sebastopol
7 August 1855
Pte Thomas Elliot - died of wounds after the Battle of
Alma 20 September 1854
Pte Richard Fadden - killed at the Battle of Alma 20 September
No. 3389 Pte William Gray - killed at Sebastopol 23 June
No. 3100 Pte Patrick Hanrahan - killed at Sebastopol 19
August 1855
Pte David Hart - killed at the Battle of Alma 20 September
Pte John MacLeod - killed at the Battle of Alma 20 September
No. 3235 Lance Corporal Michael Mahoney - killed at Sebastopol
1 August 1855
Pte Donald McDonald - died of wounds after the Battle of
Alma 20 September 1854
No. 3776 Pte Robert McDonald - killed at Sebastopol 13
August 1855
Pte William McKenzie - killed at the Battle of Alma 20
September 1854
No. 3400 Pte Alexander McLeod - killed at Sebastopol 4
July 1855
No. 3194 Pte John Milne - killed at Sebastopol 11 July
No. 3162 Pte John Muir - killed at Sebastopol 26 July 1855
No. 3462 Pte Daniel Sutherland - killed at Sebastopol 17
July 1855
No. 4043 Pte Jeremiah Ayres - missing
after the First Attack on the Redan 18 June 1855
No. 3391 Pte William Barnes - killed in the First Attack
on the Redan 18 June 1855
No. 3894 Pte John Blaney - missing after the First Attack
on the Redan 18 June 1855
No. 2894 Pte John Bradley - killed in the First Attack
on the Redan 18 June 1855
No. 2655 Pte John Browne - killed in the First Attack on
the Redan 18 June 1855
No. 3030 Corporal Robert Bruce - killed in the First Attack
on the Redan 18 June 1855
No. 4213 Pte Edward Byford - missing after the First Attack
on the Redan 18 June 1855
No. 2535 Pte Matthew Claire - killed at Sebastopol 20 January
No. 4106 Pte Josiah Crawshaw - missing after the First
Attack on the Redan 18 June 1855
No. 3491 Pte James Darby - killed in the First Attack on
the Redan 18 June 1855
No. 2754 Pte John Digby - killed in the First Attack on
the Redan 18 June 1855
No. 4016 Pte James Feagan - killed at Sebastopol 13 August
No. 2592 Pte Benjamin Ford - missing after the First Attack
on the Redan 18 June 1855
No. 3766 Pte George Gleeson - killed in the First Attack
on the Redan 18 June 1855
No. 1978 Pte Thomas Greenfield - killed at Sebastopol 1
February 1855
Pte Thomas Horsfall - killed at the Battle of Alma 20 September
No. 3738 Pte John Kebbe - missing after the First Attack
on the Redan 18 June 1855
Pte Thomas Kennedy - killed 13-17 October 1854
No. 3083 Pte John Knox - killed in the First Attack on
the Redan 18 June 1855
No. 3940 Pte Jeremiah Leary - killed in the First Attack
on the Redan 18 June 1855
No. 2262 Pte M. McNamara - killed at Sebastopol 25 February
Drummer F. Neill - killed 18-21 October 1854
No. 3164 Pte James Patterson - killed at Sebastopol 13
August 1855
Corporal James Pither - killed 13-17 October 1854
No. 4132 Pte Joseph Sergeant - missing after the First
Attack on the Redan 18 June 1855
No. 4123 Pte Alexander Sharpe - killed in the First Attack
on the Redan 18 June 1855
No. 3404 Drummer Joseph Smith - killed in the First Attack
on the Redan 18 June 1855
No. 3815 Pte William Smith - killed in the First Attack
on the Redan 18 June 1855
No. 4048 Pte William Styles - killed in the First Attack
on the Redan 18 June 1855
Pte William Warr - killed 13-17 October 1854
No. 4017 Pte William Wilinshurst - killed in the First
Attack on the Redan 18 June 1855
No. 3263 Pte James Wilson - killed in the First Attack
on the Redan 18 June 1855
No. 2836 Pte Patrick Byrnes - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1854
No. 2960 Pte John Bowell - killed at Sebastopol 5 September
No. 2798 Pte Joshua Carter - killed at Sebastopol 5 September
No. 2381 Pte Thomas Clancy - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1854
No. 3113 Pte. William Cox - wounded
at the battle of Inkerman 5 November 1854. Listed on Cheltenham's
Crimea Memorial.
No. 2918 Pte William Curran - killed at Sebastopol 23 July
No. 2369 Pte Edward Delany - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1854
No. 2867 Pte Joseph Dennison - killed at the Battle of
Inkermann 5 November 1854
No. 2150 Sergeant George Dignam - killed at Sebastopol
4 December 1854
No. 3112 Pte Thomas Flynn - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1854
No. 3200 Pte John Johnson - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1854
No. 2975 Pte Thomas Kelly - killed at Sebastopol 10 January
No. 1803 Pte Francis O'Brien - killed at the Battle of
Inkermann 5 November 1854
No. 2456 Lance Corporal Thomas O'Brien - killed at Sebastopol
5 September 1855
No. 2974 Pte George Robinson - killed at the Battle of
Inkermann 5 November 1854
No. 713 Pte John Sandelands - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1854
No. 1179 Pte Samuel Shipp - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1854
No. 3512 Pte Sampson Small - killed at Sebastopol 16 May
No. 3059 Pte Michael Spencer - killed at Sebastopol 18
April 1855
No. 3383 Pte John Thomas - killed at Sebastopol 17 December
No. 2421 Pte Thomas Tohey - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1854
Corporal Daniel Barber - killed at
the Battle of Alma 20 September 1854
No. 2681 Pte William Bransfield - killed at Sebastopol
3 July 1855
No. 3348 Pte Michael Brennan - killed at Sebastopol 7 December
No. 1417 Pte William Brown - killed in the Assault on the
Quarries 7 June 1855
Pte Daniel Buckley - killed in the Assault on the Quarries
7 June 1855
No. 1909 Pte Frederick Chittock - killed in the Assault
on the Quarries 7 June 1855
No. 2765 Pte John Collins - killed at Sebastopol 26 July
No. 3338 Pte Michael Connors - missing after the Assault
on the Quarries 7 June 1855
No. 1609 Pte Thomas Cooke - killed in the Assault on the
Quarries 7 June 1855
Corporal Henry Crowe - killed at the Battle of Alma 20
September 1854
No. 2847 Pte Michael Cummins - killed in the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 1325 Pte Daniel Davis - killed in the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 2362 Corporal William Dean - killed in the Assault
on the Quarries 7 June 1855
No. 3314 Pte John Dooley - killed at Sebastopol 20 August
No. 3099 Pte William Dowling - killed in the Assault on
the Quarries 7 June 1855
No. 3262 Pte Michael Drennan - killed at Sebastopol 22
March 1855
No. 1816 Pte Patrick Flanagan - killed in the Assault on
the Quarries 7 June 1855
No. 3514 Pte John Fletcher - killed in the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
Pte D. Flynn - killed 18-21 October 1854
No. 3091 Pte John Forsyth - killed at Sebastopol 5 May
No. 3070 Pte Denis Glennon - killed in the Assault on the
Quarries 7 June 1855
No. 1946 Sergeant Joseph Godfrey - killed at Sebastopol
10 February 1855
No. 2932 Pte Eugene Griffin - killed at Sebastopol 5 January
No. 2118 Pte John Haly - killed in the Assault on the Quarries
7 June 1855
No. 1407 Pte William Henry - killed in the Assault on the
Quarries 7 June 1855
Pte T. Hill - killed 18-21 October 1854
No. 3266 Pte Michael Hodgins - killed in the Assault on
the Quarries 7 June 1855
No. 3356 Pte Jeremiah Hogan - missing after the Assault
on the Quarries 7 June 1855
No. 2047 Pte George Hood - killed in the Assault on the
Quarries 7 June 1855
Pte Samuel Huddy - killed at the Battle of Alma 20 September
No. 1887 Pte Peter James - killed at Sebastopol 20 July
No. 2184 Sergeant John Keefe - killed at Sebastopol 12
July 1855. Grave - "Erected
by William & James Weir 47th Regt. to the memory of their
beloved brother Robert who was killed in the Trenches before
Sebastopol on the 12th July 1855. Aged 31 years. Also Sergt. John
Keefe of the same Regt who was killed at the same time
& place."
No. 2785 Pte John Kelly - killed in the Assault on the
Quarries 7 June 1855
No. 3154 Pte Michael Kelly - killed at Sebastopol 20 August
No. 2758 Pte Patrick Kelly - killed in the Assault on the
Quarries 7 June 1855
No. 3063 Pte Stephen Kelly - killed in the Assault on the
Quarries 7 June 1855
Pte C. Kerwan - killed 23 October 1854
Sergeant John Lomax - killed at the Battle of Alma 20 September
Pte John Long - killed in the Assault on the Quarries 7
June 1855
No. 2891 Pte Andrew Lowan - killed at Sebastopol 10 August
No. 3257 Pte Michael Mahar - killed at Sebastopol 27 August
No. 3389 Pte John McDonald - missing after the Assault
on the Quarries 7 June 1855
No. 2498 Sergeant John McGrath - killed in the Assault
on the Quarries 7 June 1855
No. 2538 Sergeant Michael Mullins - killed at Sebastopol
11 June 1855
No. 3048 Pte Hugh Multy - killed at Sebastopol 17 August
No. 2560 Pte John Murphy - killed in the Assault on the
Quarries 7 June 1855
No. 3185 Pte Thomas Murphy - killed at Sebastopol 18 May
No. 3311 Pte Charles Murray - killed in the Assault on
the Quarries 7 June 1855
No. 2026 Pte John Newman - killed at Sebastopol 10 August
No. 2728 Pte John Newton - killed in the Assault on the
Quarries 7 June 1855
No. 3315 Pte Michael Noonan - killed in the Assault on
the Quarries 7 June 1855
No. 2557 Pte John O'Donnell - killed at Sebastopol 21 July
No. 3386 Pte Hugh O'Neil - killed in the Assault on the
Quarries 7 June 1855
No. 2633 Pte Francis Parker - killed at Sebastopol 28 June
Pte Frederick Pittman - killed at the First Battle of Inkermann
26 October 1854
No. 2229 Pte James Preston - killed at Sebastopol 7 July
No. 3182 Pte Thomas Ryan - killed at Sebastopol 25 August
No. 2848 Pte Patrick Shackey - killed in the Assault on
the Quarries 7 June 1855
No. 2285 Pte Thomas H. Spiller - killed at Sebastopol 5
January 1855
No. 1979 Corporal Hugh Sweeney - killed at Sebastopol 28
March 1855
No. 3361 Pte John K. Thompson - killed at Sebastopol 30
May 1855
No. 2234 Lance Corporal Robert Thomson - killed in the
Assault on the Quarries 7 June 1855
No. 1269 Pte Robert Weir - killed at Sebastopol 12 July
1855. Grave - "Erected
by William & James Weir 47th Regt. to the memory of their
beloved brother Robert who was killed in the Trenches before
Sebastopol on the 12th July 1855. Aged 31 years. Also Sergt. John
Keefe of the same Regt who was killed at the same time
& place."
No. 2997 Pte Edward Whealan - killed in the Assault on
the Quarries 7 June 1855
No. 2868 Pte Michael White - killed in the Assault on the
Quarries 7 June 1855
No. 3203 Pte James Hyndman - killed
at Sebastopol 17 July 1855
No. 3276 Pte William McManus - killed at Sebastopol 28
May 1855
No. 2632 Pte Thomas Meakin - killed at Sebastopol 14 July
No. 2968 Pte Thomas Richardson - killed at Sebastopol 28
April 1855
No. 2721 Pte Thomas Ridgeway - killed at Sebastopol 17
July 1855
No. 2908 Pte John Anderson - killed
at the Battle of Inkermann 5 November 1854
No. 3368 Pte Andrew Ash - killed at Sebastopol 5 May 1855
No. 2014 Pte James Atherton - killed at Sebastopol 28 June
No. 3267 Pte William Barrett - killed at Sebastopol 4 September
No. 3555 Pte John Bennett - killed in the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 2894 Pte William Bradley - killed at Sebastopol 19
April 1855
No. 1703 Colour Sergeant Alexander Brown - killed at the
Battle of Inkermann 5 November 1854
No. 2437 Pte John Burke - killed at Sebastopol 28 April
No. 2519 Pte Joseph Burns - killed at Sebastopol 17 June
No. 1961 Pte William Byrne - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1854
No. 2304 Corporal James Campbell - killed at Sebastopol
13 May 1855. Grave - "Sacred
to the memory of Corporal James Campbell 49th Regt who
was killed in the Trenches before Sebastopol May 13th 1855 Aged
23. This monument is erected by some of his comrades in testimony
of their admiration of his bravery as a soldier and of his sincere
and earnest piety as a Christian."
No. 3723 Pte Dennis Cannan -
killed at Sebastopol 29 August 1855
No. 2511 Pte Patrick Carey - killed at Sebastopol 9 June
No. 3275 Pte Michael Carney - killed in the Assault on
the Quarries 7 June 1855
No. 3111 Drummer Andrew Coleman - killed at the Battle
of Inkermann 5 November 1854
No. 3138 Pte James Collins - killed at Sebastopol 27 July
No. 3370 Pte John Connolly - killed at Sebastopol 29 August
No. 3182 Pte John Connors - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1854
No. 1994 Pte Matthew Cooper - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1854
No. 2251 Pte John Corbet - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1854
No. 914 Pte Patrick Creighan - killed at Sebastopol 5 May
No. 2617 Pte Michael Cummings - killed at the Battle of
Inkermann 5 November 1854
No. 2651 Pte John Cushion - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1854
No. 3561 Pte John Day - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1854
No. 2629 Pte Thomas Donaghy - killed at Sebastopol 17 June
No. 3219 Pte John Donovan - killed in the First Attack
on the Redan 18 June 1855
No. 2883 Pte J. Dougherty - killed in the Final Attack
on the Redan 8 September 1855
No. 3103 Pte Michael Dowde - killed at Sebastopol 28 May
No. 1452 Pte Henry East - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1854
No. 2815 Pte James Edwards - killed at Sebastopol 23 December
No. 2674 Pte John Farrel - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1854
No. 3560 Pte Patrick Fogarty - killed at Sebastopol 12
July 1855
No. 2464 Pte Patrick Folan - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1854
No. 3230 Pte William Fortune - killed in the First Attack
on the Redan 18 June 1855
Pte Charles Fraser - killed at the Battle of Alma 20 September
No. 3547 Pte Thomas Godfrey - killed at Sebastopol 21 June
No. 2618 Pte Joshua Graham - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1854
No. 2299 Pte James Gray - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1854
No. 3458 Pte Henry Guest - killed at Sebastopol 7 December
No. 3744 Pte Patrick Halfpenny - killed at Sebastopol 6
July 1855
Pte William Hanley - killed 13-17 October 1854
No. 1409 Pte John Harding - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1854
No. 3025 Sergeant Robert Harding - killed at the Battle
of Inkermann 5 November 1854
No. 1154 Sergeant Henry Headen - killed at Sebastopol 21
April 1855
No. 3626 Pte Michael Healy - killed in the Assault on the
Quarries 7 June 1855
No. 1445 Pte Francis Higgins - killed at the Battle of
Inkermann 5 November 1854
No. 3181 Pte John Hoctor - killed in the Assault on the
Quarries 7 June 1855
No. 3092 Corporal Michael Hogan - killed at the Battle
of Inkermann 5 November 1854
Sergeant John Hayes - killed at the Battle of Alma 20 September
No. 674 Pte John Irwin - killed in the Magazine explosion
at the French Siege Train 15 November 1855
No. 2404 Pte John Jeffrey - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1854
No. 2384 Pte John Kearnan - killed in the Assault on the
Quarries 7 June 1855
No. 3472 Pte Thomas Keeney - killed in the Assault on the
Quarries 7 June 1855
No. 3353 Pte John Kelly - killed at Sebastopol 11 June
No. 3948 Pte Michael Kelly - killed at Sebastopol 24 April
No. 2887 Pte George Kenny - killed in the Assault on the
Quarries 7 June 1855
No. 2201 Corporal William Kent - killed at Sebastopol 5
May 1855
No. 3466 Pte Thomas Keny - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1854
No. 2646 Pte Mathew Keogh - missing after the Assault on
the Quarries 7 June 1855
No. 2458 Pte Thomas Kilkelly - killed at the Battle of
Inkermann 5 November 1854
No. 2941 Pte John Lawler - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1854
No. 2547 Pte Patrick Leary - killed in the Assault on the
Quarries 7 June 1855
No. 3214 Pte John Long - killed in the Assault on the Quarries
7 June 1855
No. 2174 Pte Thomas Lewis - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1854
No. 1604 Pte James McArthur - killed in the Assault on
the Quarries 7 June 1855
No. 3199 Pte Terence McCarthy - killed in the Assault on
the Quarries 7 June 1855
No. 2886 Sergeant Robert McCoy - killed in the Assault
on the Quarries 7 June 1855
No. 2593 Pte Nathaniel McDade - killed at the Battle of
Inkermann 5 November 1854
No. 3571 Pte Michael McGrury - killed at Sebastopol 11
April 1855
No. 3572 Pte David Meldrum - killed in the Assault on the
Quarries 7 June 1855
No. 3178 Pte Michael Micue - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1854
No. 928 Pte William Molloy - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1854
No. 3079 Pte William Moloney - killed at the Battle of
Inkermann 5 November 1854
No. 3456 Lance Sergeant Bernard Moore - killed at Sebastopol
No. 1274 Pte John Morrow - killed at Sebastopol 17 August
No. 2273 Pte Henry Mumford - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1854
No. 3215 Pte John Murphy - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1854
No. 2432 Pte Bartholomew O'Brien - killed at the Battle
of Inkermann 5 November 1854
No. 3518 Pte Michael O'Brien - killed at the Battle of
Inkermann 5 November 1854
No. 3704 Pte Patrick O'Halloran - killed in the Assault
on the Quarries 7 June 1855
No. 3005 Pte Owen O'Neil - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1854
No. 1911 Pte William Palmer - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1854
No. 3332 Pte John Parker - killed in the Assault on the
Quarries 7 June 1855
No. 3515 Corporal Francis Pickards - killed at Sebastopol
30 August 1855
No. 2430 Pte George Radford - killed at Sebastopol 25 August
No. 386 Pte Michael Raidy - killed in the Assault on the
Quarries 7 June 1855
No. 3521 Pte Lawrence Reilly - killed at Sebastopol 9 June
No. 3175 Pte George Robinson - killed at the Battle of
Inkermann 5 November 1854
No. 3285 Lance Corporal James Roughan - killed in the Assault
on the Quarries 7 June 1855
No. 2254 Pte William Sage - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1854
No. 2318 Sergeant David Sharman - killed at Sebastopol
10 January 1855
No. 2634 Pte John Smith - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1854
No. 2688 Lance Corporal William Smith - killed at Sebastopol
19 April 1855
No. 3052 Pte John Somerville - killed at the Battle of
Inkermann 5 November 1854
No. 2476 Pte Moris Spalane - killed in the Assault on the
Quarries 7 June 1855
No. 2496 Sergeant John Sunidge - killed at the Battle of
Inkermann 5 November 1854
Pte George Swayne - killed at the First Battle of Inkermann
26 October 1854
No. 2662 Pte Martin Sweeny - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1854
No. 1905 Pte John Tanner - killed at the Battle of Inkermann
5 November 1854
No. 1741 Pte Thed Tinnicliff - killed at Sebastopol 10
June 1855
No. 3251 Pte Owen White - killed at Sebastopol 3 June 1855
No. 2364 Pte William White - killed at Sebastopol 26 April