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Grade 3 Expectations and Activities

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WIINDMILL PRESS (Canadian publisher of media literacy books and resources)

According to the Ontario Ministry of Education's Elementary Curriculum in Media Education, grade 3 students will:

identify basic elements of text that help convey the message in print and media materials;

use basic media terminology to discuss visual images in print and electronic media;

create simple media works.

Click here for a review and definition of Types of Media Works, Media Techniques, and Purpose of Media Works

Activities for Your Grade 3 Classroom

Of course, these are only ideas, meant to jump start your own concepts which you will infuse into your classroom based on the curriculum you are bringing to third graders. The key for media literacy is not to have a media unit per se, but to use media literacy concepts throughout the school year in language studies.

have students analyze a cereal box; consider the size of the font, the style of the font in different places on the box; consider the colour of the box and the secondary colours on the box; consider the picture on the front of the box and study its effectiveness

write a script for a radio commercial for this cereal

use the video camera and have students be "spokespeople" for the cereal, showing through gestures, facial expressions and tone of voice, the virtues of the cereal

watch a cereal commercial and analyze the "spokesperson" for the cereal (usually comes on at the end); discuss his tone of voice, the speed at which he speaks, his pauses and repetitions

discuss high, flat and low angle shots then show the commercial again, stopping it at select places; ask students to identify the camera angle then say why the ad-makers chose this camera angle (you may get answers like, "to look different, to make it differently")

have students create a comic strip in which they use each of the three camera angles at least once

discuss camera-subject distance shots: close-up, medium and long shot and view the cereal commercial, stopping at select places to identify the different shots

have students create a comic strip using each camera-subject distance shot at least once

bring in some children's magazines and adult magazines and compare the differences, zeroing in on colour, spacing, font styles, pictures, cartoons, etc

create a series of shots with a video camera or still camera and display them in class

choose a theme and have students take a variety of pictures (camera angles and camera-subject distance)

tell a story through pictures, using a variety of angles and camera-subject shots