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Egyptian Mystery School Teachings

I am within a dream, swimming underwater in a huge cavern with an underwater lake. There are ruins and artifacts all around me in the water, as I swim I am looking for something specific...I see a large carved stone structure to my right, and something sparkeling below me, I pick it up, and it's a gold necklace, carved with Sacred symbols and inlaid with stones, then next I find a small gold statuette, and more jewelry, I know these things, somehow, they are familiar to me, brief flashes of holding them, wearing them?...Suddenly a being of light appears in front of me, and I am instantly aware of where I am, hit with a lightening bolt of knowing, I drop all of the items in my sudden realization and suprise, and then start initiating a series of movements, while chanting over and over in reverance, "Akhe-na-ten" as I move toward the rectangular structure, I feel the cells of my body of light spinning faster and faster, I am exploding in light! Then, I start to densify again, pulling out of the lovely liquid, No! I want to stay, Please! But I know I must return and so densify back through the Earth...I awaken with the words of praise of Akhenaten still upon my lips.....

This dream haunted me for a long time, a memory of remembering a memory that was almost/not quite reachable, where was this place I knew so well? Who was Akhenaten? Why did I chant this name? I found some of my answers in the information below, from the Flower of Life site...

"An ancient legend tells of an Egyptian Mystery School whose symbol was the Right Eye of Horus in a Golden Sun Disc. The secret wisdom of this mystery school is known throughout the universe, but was only taught on earth once before, for 17-1/2 years during King Akhenton's 18th Dynasty in Ancient Egypt. As the legend goes earth has been visited by many advanced intelligent life forms for longer than the human mind can comprehend. Still, only during King Akhenaten's 18th dynasty was this information ever taught on earth until recently.

The teaching reveals that Thoth (Egyptian God of Writing) and King Akhenaten (from the mystical time of the 18th Dynasty) helped bring this wisdom to Egypt. Some believe that King Akhenaten and Thoth interfaced with time travelers and organized mystery schools to bring this knowledge into our reality. King Akhenaten is sometimes portrayed as a very powerful but odd-looking being with strange physical features, including an over-sized head and elongated torso.

King Akhenaten

It is interesting to note that 18th Dynasty period art is distinctly different from other Egyptian periods. It is particularly famous for its rendering of many of the priesthood with large headdresses. Some conjecture this was to cover their abnormally large craniums. Legend has it that Master teachers have once again agreed to reveal this ancient wisdom which is known as the Flower of Life. This is a secret geometric code used by several advanced races and space travelers.

The Flower of Life

The code of the FLOWER OF LIFE actually contains all the wisdom found in the universe similar to the genetic code contained within our own DNA. This geometric code goes beyond ordinary forms of teaching and lies beneath the very structure of reality itself. All the harmonics of light, sound and music exist within this geometric structure, which exists as a holographic pattern, defining the shape of both atoms and galaxies alike. This image has been used throughout the world and has been found in all the major religions in all countries. Ancient civilizations knew how to tap into the wisdom that lay hidden within this geometric pattern and, legend has it, that this same knowledge was used earlier by the pyramid builders. This same geometric code contains clues as to how advanced races traveled through time and space.

Abydos Temple

The Flower of Life pattern was considered so sacred to the ancients, that it was kept secret and has only been found in a few known Egyptian sites. The Flower of Life pattern was rediscovered when Seti I was building his Temple of Abydos and uncovered an ancient temple. Seti I decided not to destroy the ancient temple and built Abydos in an L-Shape avoiding the pre-existing temple .

Osirion Temple

The temple that Seti I had uncovered was the Temple of Osirion. Exact patterns of The Flower Of Life, this secret geometric code, can still be found at the temple today. However, tourists traveling to Abydos are not shown the rear of this temple and no clear consensus is given by the Egyptian Government's Department of Antiquites for what these Egyptian Reliefs represent. So far the meaning of this symbol remains a mystery to officials. However, the legend illustrates how, within these walls of one of Egypt's oldest monuments, a very advanced sect is said to have bestowed upon its apprentices the most mystical teaching of all time.

You will now be initiated into the ancient mystery school teachings of the Right Eye of Horus. Here you will be guided through the steps to create this ancient Flower of Life pattern. This pattern is holographic in nature and contains all known knowledge on this dimensional level and beyond. This pattern is comprised of specific angles, three-dimensional solids, patterns and movements -- in fact, all of life itself is found contained within this pattern.

The movements that exist within the Flower of Life pattern have very precise key rotating sequences which, when properly aligned, activate a vehicle surrounding the body, the Merkaba, that legend says enables one to go beyond the laws of physics as we understand them and pass through multi-dimensional space.

In ancient days, initiates began by studying the patterns within the Flower of Life to see reoccurring geometric themes which existed in everything, from the electron orbiting the nucleus of an atom, to the rotation of our Milky Way Galaxy. While the Right Eye of Horus information covered the knowledge aspects of the Universe - the male polarity perspective of life - the Left Eye of Horus training increased the apprentice's intuitive abilities and balanced the emotional/feminine aspect of one's nature. All this gave the initiate the power of great insight and the ability to overcome their fears..."

For further information in this initiation, and wonderful accompanying graphics, please visit the Flower of Life site link back on the Order of Melchizedek Menu page...
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