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My Favourite Recipes

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Rose Spritz
150ml spring water
1/4 cup witch hazel
1/2 tsp vegetable glycerine
10 drops rose geranium
5 drops rosewood
5 drops palmarosa
Mix all ingredients together into a 200mls spray bottle. Shake well before each use. Spray onto face and neck.
Beat the Morning Blues
4 drops geranium
2 drops lavender
4 drops bergamot
for massage - add to 2 tablespoons almond oil
for face spray - add to 50mls of spring water
Afternoon Brain Fatigue
2 tsp sweet almond oil
6 drops rosemary
3 drops lemongrass
2 drops basil
mix all into small bottle and shake well. Place 1 - 2 drops on pulse points of wrist and throat.


4 drops orange
3 drops grapefruit
3 drops lime
1 drop lemongrass
10 drops bergamot

10 drops bergamot
4 drops orange
4 drops ylang ylang
4 drops mandarin

4 drops orange
4 drops ylang ylang
6 drops palmarosa
3 drops geranium

7 drops lavender
3 drops geranium
10 drops bergamot
6 drops rosewood

Friday Night Lift
4 drops lavender
4 drops geranium
2 drops orange

Communication Enhancement
4 drops frankincense
4 drops geranium
4 drops ylang ylang

6 drops frankincense
12 drops rosewood

9 drops lemon
9 drops pine

6 drops ylang ylang
12 drops lavender

Beating Negativity
10 drops juniper
5 drops lime

7 drops rosemary
11 drops marjoram

Receipes for Blends
Bath Salts
450grm rock salts
10 drops jojoba or grapeseed oil
18 drops of oil blend
disolve oil blend in grapeseed oil. Add this mixture drop by drop to the salt stirring constantly. Add 2 tablespoons of salts to bath water while the water is running.

Milk Bath Mix
200grm powdered full cream milk
200grm coarse salt
1 full dropper of oil blend
mix dry ingredients together then add oils a drop at a time stirring continuously. Add 2 tablespoons of mixture to bath while the water is running.

Bath Bombs
1 1/2 cups bicarbonate soda
1 cup citric acid powder
oil blend
1/2 teaspoon sweet almond oil
food colouring
1 large mixing bowl
1 medium mixing bowl
step 1 - to make base mixture
seive together bicarbonate of soda and citric acid powder and mix well.
step 2 - to make liquid mixture
6 drops of oil blend
1/2 teaspoon sweet almond oil
15 drops of food colouring
mix all ingredients together in a small bowl
step 3
1/2 cup of base mixture
liquid mixture
add liquid mixture to base mixture slowly while stirring very quickly so that the mixture doesn't set and start to fizz.
step 4
continue mixing with your fingertips, working the liquid mixture into the base mixture until it starts to come together and stays compressed when squeezed (about 30 seconds).
Step 5
wipe some sweet almond oil around the inside of the mould. This will make sure the bath bomb will slip out easily from the mould. Fill the mould 1/3 at a time with the mixture pressing down firmly as you go. When you reach the top of the mould, neaten the edges, turn the mould over, bang firmly on a flat survace and the bath bomb will slip out.
Step 7
Let the bath bomb set for 24 hours. It is then ready to use. Throw into the bath while the water is still running.

Herbal Bath Bags
1 part ground chamomile
1 part ground lavender
1 part ground calendula
1 part ground valerian
1 part grated vegetable soap
3 parts ground rolled oats
Essential oils
Blend all the herbs together. Put 3 heaped teaspoons in a muslin bag, add 8 drops of EOs and tie the bag up tightly. Hold under the running bath water and wash yourself with the bag.
Variations - can use a variety of herbs for this or change the amounts of the herbs used according to need such as adding linden blossom, angelica, lemon balm etc. Can also add 2 heaped tablespoons of full cream milk powder to the bath water.
Kaolin Scrub/Mask
10gm fullers earth (kaolin)
5gm finely ground oatmeal
5gm finely ground calendula or lavender
2 drops geranium EO
2 drops lavender EO
blend the EOs into the oatmeal and herbs, mixing in thoroughly. Mix in the kaolin. Warm 15mls of distilled water and mix to 10gms of the mix until it forms a paste. Rub on face using small, gentle, circular movements and allow to dry. Rinse off thoroughly with clean water, apply a toner and moisturiser.
Variations - use a warmed floral water/hydrosol (?rose), can use fresh squeezed apple juice - warmed, add 1/4 teaspoon honey to the warmed fluid before mixing to dry ingredients. Other variations include using oatbran, poppyseeds, ground almonds, or herbs such as lemon balm, roses, parsley or dandelion leaves.
Milk Bath
2 parts full cream milk powder
1 part sea salt
1 part epsom salt
blend the dry ingredients together. Put 3 heaped tablespoons of the mix in a container and add 8 drops of EOs a drop at a time blending it in well. Add the contents of the container to the bath water.
Variations - can use either cows milk or goats milk, can use only epsom salts and the milk powder for tired, stressed muscles, can increase the amount of either the milk or salt according to your need, can add another tablespoon of milk to the bath on top of the 3 heaped above to help moisturise dry skin.
Aftershave Blend
all are EOs
4 parts rosewood
4 parts orange
2 parts vanilla
4 parts patchouli
4 parts ylang ylang
2 parts oakmoss
2 parts lavender
4 parts grapefruit
2 parts clovebud
1 part cinnamon leaf
mix all together in a dark glass bottle. Leave for 4 days to blend then add the blend to an aftershave recipe.
Aftershave blend
All ingredients are EOs
4 parts sandalwood
2 parts lemon
2 parts oakmoss
4 parts vanilla
6 parts tangerine
3 parts rosewood
mix all together in a dark glass bottle. Leave for 4 days to blend then add the blend to an aftershave recipe.
Aftershave blend
1 part clary sage
1 part cypress
1 part basil
1 part clove bud
2 parts grapefruit
2 parts bay
2 parts pine needle
mix all together in a dark glass bottle. Leave for 4 days to blend then add the blend to an aftershave recipe.

Uses Of Oils
About Aromatherapy
Blending of Oils
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