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Photos of Denny Laine, Gordon Waller, Plasticwings and all of our special guests at The Wings Of Love Benefit Concert for The Dallas Can Academy.

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The photos on this page were taken by: Sally G. Warren, Rosha Kasravi, and Ashlie Rhey.

Plasticwings concert photo

The Wings Of Love Concert Photos 1
Denny and Gordon, Denny and Scott, Denny, Gordon.
The Wings Of Love Concert Photos 2
Denny and Scott, Denny, Denny, Denny and Steve.
The Wings Of Love Concert Photos 3
Kevin, Tommy, Denny and Steve, Preston, Barry.
The Wings Of Love Concert Photos 4
Don Shannon, Denny and Scott, Steve and Gordon, Steve and Denny and
Rodney and Scott.
The Wings Of Love Concert Photos 5
All the bands join Denny, Gordon, Don Shannon and Plasticwings for the
closing of the concert with "Mull Of Kintyre".
The Wings Of Love Concert Photos 6
Backstage: Denny, Gordon and Denny, Ashlie and Gordon, Barry and Preston
and Denny and Travis.
The Wings Of Love Concert Photos 7
At KZPS radio station: Jim White, Gordon, Denny, Bo Roberts, Ashlie,
Mellisa Collins (Dallas CAN Academy). At rehearsal: Denny, Ashlie.
The Wings Of Love Concert Photos 8
Backstage: Joe Driskell; Driskell Guitars, Sparky Barksdale; Sound.
At rehearsal: Denny, Don Shannon, Steve, Tommy, Preston, Scott.