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My name is Jenni and I am a married mother of 2 boys.Neil and David..

I am 36 years young and a gemini......born in the year of the Tiger!

I have been married for 14 years......he puts up with a lot of nonsence from me ... more so since I found the internet and all the friends I have found on line....

I work as a nursing sister in a ER in a private hospital in Cape Town South Africa.

I also now work at a theme park which opened here in December 1998Ratanga Junction

I am hoping to immigrate to the USA later this year …I have been and written exams in Savannah and am now registered with the New York nursing board. I hope to go for green card interveiw later this year and then move to the USA within a month of that interveiw….I have been recruited by a US based company and they are sponsoring my application..............

I am involved in a lot of *outside * work in the field of emergency medicine and am often found on the side of sports fields working as a medic…I also work at various music concerts the rescent U2 concert was really great.I am also going to begin working as a nurse on set making adverts for TV

My interests include walking in the mountains .....amd reading and listening to music..... I have to admit that there is no one particular group or singer that I listen to and I listen to a large variety of music.....

I have also recently started collecting Fairies mostly the ceramic ones ...they are slowly starting to fill my home .....I also have various Fairy picutres on calenders and writing material!!

I have been * on the net * for over a year now and I have met a great many people in the various chat houses and on ICQ

I used to be found in the International Coffee House on WBS but now you will find my in 30 or 40 Something Terrace or I am to be found on ICQ no :5109426 where you can leave a message for me.I also have AOL IM which is almost always on.

I have made a great number of good friends and have to mention a few......



Things worked out at last I am here.Living in the USA is different from SA and one of the first things I was asked was what is the most different thing here from SA .Well I think its the choises one has .In SA you have to take what you get and not what you want here you have the choise in most things .I also feel free and safe here .

As you may know by now WBS no longer exists in its old format and like most I have migrated to SFWest and the various chat houses there although I do spend a lot of time playing games in IGames if you enjoy cards :crib :or Backgammon its a great place to meet and play

UPDATED : 4 October 1999



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