"Assalamu Alaikum".Welcome to my homepage.
PLEASE CLICK HERE,WAIT TO DOWNLOAD,AND TURN YOUR SPEAKERS ONالرجاء الضغط هنا ثم انتظر لانزال الملف ثم قم بتشغيل سماعات جهازك.
هام جدآ...لمعرفة الفرق بين المسجد الأقصى ومسجد قبة الصخرة...اضغط هنا.
For more important details (in Arabic)
أيضا...ولمزيد من الايضاحات الهامة جدا...اضغط هنا.
هام جدآ...لمعرفة الفرق بين المسجد الأقصى ومسجد قبة الصخرة...اضغط هنا.
هام جدآ...لمعرفة الفرق بين المسجد الأقصى ومسجد قبة الصخرة...اضغط هنا.
Look at the following two old pictuers of Holy Ka3ba in Mecca
"SUBHAN ALLAH"...A tree found in one of Australia's Forests praying in a shape of a muslim praying for Allah in his Ruku3...What's also amazing is ,when some muslims visited that tree they found ,that the tree is directed exactly toword the Qibla (holy Ka3ba)in Mecca...Look at the following 4 pictures of the tree below .
SUBHAN ALLAH AGAIN AND AGAIN. Read below to see some of the Quran Miracles (from Mathematical point of view):
A look at some of the statistical miracles in the Quran. Of which are only
a very small fraction of what this holy book contains to the whole mankind.
Word/Meaning Mentioned in the
Al-Dunya (This world) 115 times
Al-Akhira (The hereafter) 115 .
Al-Mala'ikah (Angles) 88
Al-Shayateen (Satan) 88 .
Al-Hayat (Life) 145
Al-Maout (Death) 145.
Al-Rajul (Man) 24
Al-Mar'ha (Women) 24 .
Al-Shahr (Month) 12.
Al-Yahom (Day) 365 .
Al-bahar (Sea) 32
Al-bar (Land) 13 ;
If we add up the
total words of both
"sea" and "land" we
get 45. Now if we do
a simple
32/45 X 100% =
13/45 X 100% =
Above is what we
know today, the
percentages of Water
(Sea) and Land in
the world. Yet
another miracle in
the Quran.
Now, I would like you to know the difference between Al-Masjid Al-Aqsa building(Al-Aqsa Mosque Building) (the top picture) and Masjid Qubbat Al-Sakhrah building(the Dome of the Rock Mosque)(the bottom picture)
in Jerusalem/State of Palestine.Just click at each of the two pictures below:
Then, please watch
I am a Professor of Applied Mathematics.
I was born in Jordan in 1965.
In 1992,I obtained my Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics from
the University of Illinois at Chicago(UIC)/USA: My favorite University.
,and SAEED
This Brave Cat in the picture below is got to be Palestinian because No Cat in the whole world can confront all these dogs unless this Cat is Palestinian
Research Interest
My Favorite Links
TRANSLATION OF HOLY QURAN IN MOST OF THE WORLD'S LANGUAGES...Click hereترجمة القرآن الكريم بمعظم لغات العالم...اضغط هنا
Arabic Cards, information about the Arab world
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