Want to add a page?
Here's what you have to do:
- If you are not submitting a page of your own, but recommending someone else's
site, send the name of the site and the site address to llafontaine@hotmail.com
If you are submitting your own site:
- Your page has to provide something about Audrey Hepburn to the person viewing other
than a statement saying "Audrey Hepburn is my favorite actress." It can be
a biography, filmography, photogallery, etc.
- Your page may have more than one tribute to another actor or actress, just as long
as there is at least one page devoted to Audrey meeting the above requirements.
However, the page about Audrey is the page that I am going to list in the Index.
- Try to make sure you have no broken images and that all your links work.
- Send the name of the site and the site address to llafontaine@hotmail.com
- You are welcome to place the above graphic somewhere on your web site if you
would like. It is totally optional and if you do choose to do so, I'm not one of
those people who demand it be put on the first screen of your page. Put it anywhere you want,
but I do ask that you don't alter it in anyway. And please upload it to your own server and make sure you
link it back to the Index.
- If your site is in a language other than English, make sure that it can be easily navigated
for people who do not speak your language.
Hope to see your page soon!