Updates have arrived! Again...*L*

Well, things have certainly changed since I last updated This page. *L* See the list and you'll know of some recent ones. *L* I plan on keeping this page for these updates that come along every so often, so that's what I think I'm gonna call this place from now on. *L*
If you made it here...somehow my guest book entries got deleted by GuestWorld. If you would, please sign my book to let me know if anyone visits this old place. *L* Thanks Ever so much! Or you can e-mail me and tell me what needs improvement. *LOL*
*HUGZ* Talk to ya later....
~MM~ aka Caro...
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What has happened lately. *G*
- Wow, way past update time.. Spring has Sprung, Easter is past and they boys are growing like weeds! *L*
- Trey's had a rough year, but hoping he can pull it out this last semester.. PRAY!!! *L*
- Ford is 16 months & growing.. faster than I can handle..he's beautiful tho.. mouth full of teeth (which he uses....points to bruises) and running around Everywhere. Think he'll enjoy the beach? I do. *L*
- Well, not alot else happening.. so far... but things do change.. hmmm.. how about we say No to Toledo? (long story)
Whoops..back to my other page? *L*
Back to the Front Porch...
Email: cferguson@mailcity.com