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 Rwy 13

 Rwy 31



 Rwy 17


























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































  Airports, Crews & Friends





Jorge Newbery Airport view from 3000 ft

23 Oct 02  

Ruiz Gale-Freeland-Bocca- Pita-Greco-Ferrari

 Montevideo City  20 NM out

25 Oct 02



Calafate entering Rwy 25 final




SAEZ - Ezeiza -Ministro Pistarini


09 Nov 02

Reace - Pita - Penayo - Mascambruni - Logiocco

  G.Sosa Hermida   

     Maria del Huerto - at Tucumán


  FO Ejberowics                   

San Carlos de Bariloche - SAZS Rwy 29  ( photo Gustavo Bianchi )


Iguazu - SARI 20 NM South West


Overflying Cataratas del Iguazu




  Enrique Martos during an escape slide demo.




Pluma Roja



 F. Lacabane at SANT



Tomas Vorsic at SLVR



 500ft at SAEZ  Rwy 11 22:30Z                  800ft at SABE Rwy 13 23:45Z



Diego Figueroa - SABE Turning on final  Rwy 31 - Puerto Nuevo


Bird Strikes & engines



 PW JTD 15A  Fan after Bird Strike damage test.


 For each engine certification, an engine must pass two major tests

 related to FOD (Foreign Object Damage).  

 The following is a brief list of tests required.


 1. Bird ingestion test:


   a. 4 2.5lb birds in 1 second, the engine must:

      *  not lose more than 25% of the thrust

      *  be operating for another 20 minutes after the strike

   b. 1 8lb bird, the engine must:

      *  contain any fragments

      *  no excess load

      *  be able to shutdown

      *  not start a fire


 2. Blade-off test:

   the fan case must be able to contain all fragments in a blade-off test.  


Other Bird Strikes effects


FL 100  280kts  






 FO J.M.Alvarez  holding departure at SUMU  for weather

improvement at SAEZ  ( LanChile A320, at the back, with same intention )







Mte Olivia - Ushuaia

Les Eclereurs lighthouse - Ushuaia


 Air Cargo

    TAR YUKON   Miami, June 1975  

    (Thanks to Eddy, from Aviation Photography )



    AER CL44 D4 LV-JSY aprox 1974 ( tks to Marcelo de Gregorio )

    AER CL44 D4  LV JZB landing at KMIA aprox 1974 ( remember that pitch attitude )

    TAR CL 44 D4 LV-JTN  (tks, Marcelo de Gregorio )

    TAR CL 44 D4 LV-JZB ( tks, Marcelo de Gregorio )


    B707 cargo  ( ex Varig ) at SBPA old terminal . Feb 03





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