Greetings ...and Welcome to my Faerie home.Everything you want to know about Faeries.Links to other Faeries as well.Have fun mortals and come visit often..always something new!!
{O'black north wind blowing cold beneath the sky!}
His face and his eyes shine between me and the sun:
If I may not be with him I would rather die.
They tell me I am cursed and I will lose my soul,
{O'red wind shrieking o're the thorn-grown dun!}
But he is my love and I go to him to-night,
Who rides when the thorn glistens white beneath the moon.
He will call my name and lift me near his breast,
{Blow soft O wind 'neath the stars of the south}
I care not for heaven and I fear not hell
If I have but the kisses of his proud red mouth.
Moireen Fox
Faeries disguise thierselves as Toads..If you've ever noticed
when a Toad is about it looks up at you in wonder..In a different way from other critters...
It might even follow you ....Watch carefully next time you see a toad it may be a Faerie in desguise.